Hewlett Packard Enterprise unveils industry’s broadest portfolio of AMD EPYC™ processor-based solutions to power the edge to exascale

HPE’s enhanced portfolio of computing solutions using the new AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series Processor breaks world records with up to 39% better performance and greater energy efficiency to target any workload

HOUSTON, Texas – March 15, 2021– Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (NYSE: HPE) today announ­ced record-brea­king per­for­mance on a wide ran­ge of deman­ding workloads, sur­pas­sing com­pe­ti­tors by up to 39%1 with its new com­pu­ting solu­ti­ons as part of the industry’s broa­dest set of AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor-based offe­rings. By using the new AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series Pro­ces­sor laun­ched today, HPE has secu­red 19 world records in key are­as for opti­mi­zing workload expe­ri­en­ces, inclu­ding achie­ving lea­der­ship posi­ti­ons in vir­tua­liza­ti­on, ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, data­ba­se ana­ly­tic workloads, and Java appli­ca­ti­ons. To date, HPE ser­vers and sys­tems using 2nd and 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors com­bi­ned hold a total of 32 world records.

HPE tack­les deman­ding workloads from the edge to exas­ca­le with new AMD-based solutions

This new port­fo­lio of HPE Pro­Li­ant ser­vers and HPE Apol­lo sys­tems uses the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor to pro­vi­de foun­da­tio­nal com­pu­te plat­forms that deli­ver unmat­ched per­for­mance, secu­ri­ty, auto­ma­ti­on, and remo­te manage­ment capa­bi­li­ties to sup­port a ran­ge of cri­ti­cal workloads that are essen­ti­al to digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on. Addi­tio­nal­ly, HPE is offe­ring the HPE Cray EX super­com­pu­ter, lever­aging the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™, to power high-end super­com­pu­ting needs, such as exas­ca­le-class sys­tems that are up to 10X fas­ter than today’s most powerful super­com­pu­ters. With the enhan­ced port­fo­lio and advance­ments to per­for­mance, HPE is enab­ling orga­niza­ti­ons to seam­less­ly sca­le, mana­ge and speed time-to-value for any expe­ri­ence from the edge to exascale.

Deli­ve­ring trus­ted, next-gene­ra­ti­on com­pu­ting in an as-a-ser­vice experience

Cus­to­mers can easi­ly adopt the­se latest HPE solu­ti­ons using HPE Green­La­ke, an ela­s­tic, pay-per-use, as-a-ser­vice plat­form that can run on-pre­mi­ses, at the edge, or in a colo­ca­ti­on faci­li­ty. HPE Green­La­ke com­bi­nes the sim­pli­ci­ty and agi­li­ty of the cloud with the gover­nan­ce, com­pli­ance, and visi­bi­li­ty that comes with hybrid cloud.

Digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on is res­ha­ping every indus­try, and new digi­tal models are evol­ving to sup­port the gro­wing adop­ti­on of edge, 5G and arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence tech­no­lo­gies as well as adapt to new tech­no­lo­gy demands prompt­ed by COVID-19. HPE is addres­sing the­se dyna­mic mar­ket needs every step of the way with high-per­forming solu­ti­ons that can sca­le, secu­re and effi­ci­ent­ly run workloads to speed time-to-value,” said Neil Mac­Do­nald, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Com­pu­te Busi­ness Group at HPE. “Today, through our long­time col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and joint engi­nee­ring with AMD, we are deli­ve­ring the big­gest and broa­dest port­fo­lio of com­pu­ting solu­ti­ons, using the new 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor, to trans­form infra­struc­tu­re and pro­vi­de the eco­no­mics, agi­li­ty and ease of manage­ment that is cri­ti­cal to tomorrow’s data cen­ter needs.”

HPE achie­ves world records in vir­tua­liza­ti­on, ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, decis­i­on sup­port data­ba­se workloads, and ser­ver-side Java

HPE Pro­Li­ant ser­vers and HPE Apol­lo sys­tems, which offer sca­lable, ver­sa­ti­le, and end-to-end secu­ri­ty capa­bi­li­ties to power any workload, achie­ved lea­der­ship posi­ti­ons and seve­ral world records, based on inde­pen­dent indus­try bench­marks. The results include:


  • Dri­ving ser­ver con­so­li­da­ti­on up and ope­ra­tio­nal cos­ts down with vir­tua­liza­ti­on achie­ved with the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL385 Gen10 Plus v2 ser­ver, pro­vi­ding 39% bet­ter per­for­mance than the pre­vious record hol­der.1
  • Incre­asing per­for­mance and sus­taina­bi­li­ty to redu­ce ope­ra­tio­nal cos­ts with the HPE Apol­lo 2000Gen10 Plus sys­tem with HPE Pro­Li­ant XL225n Gen10 Plus ser­ver deli­ve­ring 18 world records and up to 54% hig­her ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy than other 4‑node sys­tems.2 
  • Spee­ding up data­ba­se queries on decis­i­on sup­port workloads with the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL345 Gen10 Plus ser­ver, a brand new ser­ver line tar­ge­ted for sto­rage-opti­mi­zed solu­ti­ons for data­ba­se workloads. The new ser­ver achie­ved the num­ber one non-clus­te­red result for decis­i­on sup­port data­ba­se workloads3, and the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL385 Gen10 Plus v2 ser­ver achie­ved two num­ber one non-clus­te­red results pro­vi­ding 14.4% bet­ter per­for­mance com­pared to a 4‑socket ser­ver and 15.5% cost reduc­tion.4 
  • Opti­mi­zing Java appli­ca­ti­ons for emer­ging use cases across indus­tries such as ban­king and finan­cial ser­vices, manu­fac­tu­ring, and health­ca­re and life sci­en­ces with the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL385 Gen10 Plus v2 ser­ver show­ing two-pro­ces­sor lea­der­ship with bet­ter per­for­mance by up to 17.1%5 and the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL345 Gen10 Plus ser­ver with one-pro­ces­sor per­for­mance by up to 16.8%.6

Enter­pri­ses gain the most trus­ted, high-per­forming port­fo­lio of advan­ced AMD CPU-based HPE Pro­Li­ant ser­vers to tack­le tomorrow’s workload needs

HPE Pro­Li­ant ser­vers pro­vi­de foun­da­tio­nal intel­li­gence to auto­ma­te manage­ment tasks and opti­mi­ze workload per­for­mance with effi­ci­en­cy to deli­ver bet­ter out­co­mes, fas­ter. The fami­ly of ser­vers also pro­vi­de ver­sa­ti­li­ty and sca­le to sup­port any solu­ti­on for modern IT needs, such as 5G, edge, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence and ana­ly­tics to modern IT capa­bi­li­ties using hyper­con­ver­ged infra­struc­tu­re, con­tai­ners and diver­se CPU and GPU architectures.

Addi­tio­nal­ly, HPE Pro­Li­ant ser­vers pro­vi­de a holi­stic, 360-degree view of secu­ri­ty that is embedded at the sili­con level and starts from the time the ser­ver is manu­fac­tu­red and exten­ded throug­hout ship­ping and dis­tri­bu­ti­on, and final­ly during the end of its life­cy­cle, to pro­vi­de com­ple­te, end-to-end data protection.

As part of the port­fo­lio using the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor, HPE today intro­du­ced two new ser­ver lines to its gro­wing HPE Pro­Li­ant fami­ly with the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL345 Gen10 Plus ser­ver to tar­get sto­rage-opti­mi­zed solu­ti­ons for data­ba­se workloads, and the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL365 Gen10 Plus ser­ver to tar­get vir­tu­al desk­top infra­struc­tu­re (VDI) solutions.

Harnes­sing data and acce­le­ra­ting time-to-insight for any data cen­ter envi­ron­ment with the industry’s most com­pre­hen­si­ve port­fo­lio for HPC and arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence capabilities

HPE Apol­lo sys­tems, which are pur­po­se-built to sup­port HPC appli­ca­ti­ons such as mode­ling and simu­la­ti­on, help orga­niza­ti­ons of any size acce­le­ra­te busi­ness and rese­arch out­co­mes by effi­ci­ent­ly pro­ces­sing lar­ge amounts of data and tur­ning them into digi­tal models to under­stand how some­thing will look and per­form in the real world. The sys­tems are also opti­mi­zed for arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence capa­bi­li­ties to impro­ve trai­ning and increase accu­ra­cy in results. HPE is intro­du­cing the HPE Apol­lo 2000 Gen10 Plus and HPE Apol­lo 6500 Gen10 Plus sys­tems with the 3rd Gen of AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor to deli­ver even more per­for­mance, effi­ci­en­cy and tar­ge­ted capa­bi­li­ties for HPC and AI workloads.

The enhan­ced HPE Apol­lo sys­tems are also enab­ling the new HPE Green­La­ke cloud ser­vices for HPC which are ful­ly mana­ged ser­vices, allo­wing any enter­pri­se to bene­fit from the power of an agi­le, ela­s­tic, pay-per-use cloud expe­ri­ence to tack­le their most deman­ding com­pu­te and data-inten­si­ve workloads and speed time-to-insight through a fle­xi­ble as-a-ser­vice plat­form that cus­to­mers can run on-pre­mi­ses or in a colo­ca­ti­on facility.

For high-end super­com­pu­ting solu­ti­ons, HPE deli­vers the HPE Cray EX super­com­pu­ter, which fea­tures an advan­ced HPC archi­tec­tu­re desi­gned for next-gene­ra­ti­on super­com­pu­ting, such as for exas­ca­le-class sys­tems that are 10X fas­ter than today’s most powerful super­com­pu­ters. The latest HPE Cray EX super­com­pu­ters levera­ge AMD tech­no­lo­gy to power some of the world’s fas­test super­com­pu­ters that are acce­le­ra­ting com­plex sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch across a ran­ge of chal­len­ging are­as from extre­me wea­ther fore­cas­ting and vac­ci­ne dis­co­very to mode­ling and desig­ning auto­mo­bi­les and planes.

HPE is buil­ding super­com­pu­ters using the HPE Cray EX super­com­pu­ter, fea­turing the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor, for LUMI in Fin­land, as part of the Euro­pean High Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting Joint Under­ta­kingPaw­sey Super­com­pu­ting Cent­re in Aus­tra­lia, and the Natio­nal Cen­ter for Atmo­sphe­ric Rese­arch (NCAR) in the U.S. HPE is also using the HPE Cray EX super­com­pu­ter, lever­aging the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor and next-gene­ra­ti­on AMD Instinct™ GPUs , to build one of the first U.S. exas­ca­le sys­tems, cal­led Fron­tier, for the U.S. Depart­ment of Energy’s Oak Ridge Natio­nal Laboratory.

Full port­fo­lio of HPE ser­vers and sys­tems sup­port­ing the new 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor include:


  • HPE Pro­Li­ant DL325 Gen10 Plus v2 ser­ver 
  • HPE Pro­Li­ant DL385 Gen10 Plus v2 ser­ver 
  • HPE Pro­Li­ant DL345 Gen10 Plus ser­ver 
  • HPE Pro­Li­ant DL365 Gen10 Plus ser­ver 
  • HPE Apol­lo 2000 Gen10 Plus sys­tem with the HPE Pro­Li­ant XL225n Gen10 Plus ser­ver 
  • HPE Apol­lo 6500 Gen10 Plus sys­tem with the HPE Pro­Li­ant XL675d Gen10 Plus ser­ver 
  • HPE Apol­lo 6500 Gen10 Plus sys­tem with the HPE Pro­Li­ant XL645d Gen10 Plus ser­ver 
  • HPE Cray EX super­com­pu­ter EX425 
  • HPE Cray EX super­com­pu­ter EX235n 


All new HPE Apol­lo sys­tems with the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor will be available world­wi­de on April 6. All new HPE Pro­Li­ant ser­vers with the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor will be available world­wi­de on April 19.

All HPE Pro­Li­ant ser­vers and HPE Apol­lo sys­tems with the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor will also be available through HPE GreenLake.

About Hew­lett Packard Enterprise

Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se is the glo­bal edge-to-cloud plat­form as-a-ser­vice com­pa­ny that helps orga­niza­ti­ons acce­le­ra­te out­co­mes by unlo­cking value from all of their data, ever­y­whe­re. Built on deca­des of reim­agi­ning the future and inno­vat­ing to advan­ce the way peo­p­le live and work, HPE deli­vers uni­que, open and intel­li­gent tech­no­lo­gy solu­ti­ons, with a con­sis­tent expe­ri­ence across all clouds and edges, to help cus­to­mers deve­lop new busi­ness models, enga­ge in new ways, and increase ope­ra­tio­nal per­for­mance. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit: www.hpe.com.

Edi­to­ri­al Contact:

Nah­ren Khizeran


AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC, Instinct, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc.

1 VMware® VMmark® is a pro­duct of VMware. The com­pe­ti­ti­ve bench­mark claims are based on being the best 2P 4‑node and AMD results on the VMmark 3.1.1 bench­mark, with a score of 33.58 @ 36 tiles.  Results as of March 15, 2021. VMmark dis­clo­sures are available at vmware.com/products/vmmark/results3x.html.

2  SPEC and SPECpower_ssj are regis­tered trade­marks of the Stan­dard Per­for­mance Eva­lua­ti­on Cor­po­ra­ti­on (SPEC); all rights reser­ved, see spec.org as of March 15, 2021; 4‑, 3‑, 2‑node con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons and 4‑, 3‑, 2‑node 2‑processor con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons for the over­all, Linux, and Win­dows categories.

3 TPC Bench­mark™ H (TPC‑H) per­for­mance as of March 15, 2021. See tpc.org for more infor­ma­ti­on. Cla­im based on having the #1 per­for­mance for a non-clus­te­red sys­tem on the TPC‑H @ 3000GB sca­le fac­tor. Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on: 1 HPE Pro­Li­ant DL345 Gen10 Plus ser­ver used 1 AMD EPYC 7763 2.45 GHz pro­ces­sor; 1 socket/64 cores/128 threads; Red Hat Enter­pri­se Linux 8.3; Micro­soft® SQL Ser­ver 2019 Enter­pri­se Edi­ti­on. TPC‑H results show the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL345 Gen10 Plus with a result of 1,346,932.7 QphH @ 3000GB and $0.40 USD/QphH @ 3000GB with a sys­tem avai­la­bi­li­ty of April 19, 2021; see tpc.org/3352 for details.

4 TPC‑H per­for­mance as of March 15, 2021. See tpc.org for more infor­ma­ti­on. Cla­im based on having the #1 per­for­mance and pri­ce-per­for­mance for a non-clus­te­red sys­tem on the TPC‑H @ 10000GB sca­le fac­tor. Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on: 1 HPE Pro­Li­ant DL385 Gen10 Plus v2 ser­ver used 2 AMD EPYC 7763 2.45 GHz pro­ces­sors; 2 socket/128 cores/256 threads; Red Hat Enter­pri­se Linux 8.3; Micro­soft® SQL Ser­ver 2019 Enter­pri­se Edi­ti­on. TPC‑H results show the HPE Pro­Li­ant DL385 Gen10 Plus v2 with a result of 1,883,497.4 QphH @ 10000GB and $0.56 USD/QphH @ 10000GB with a sys­tem avai­la­bi­li­ty of April 19, 2021; see tpc.org/3351 for details.

 5 SPEC and SPEC­jbb are regis­tered trade­marks of the Stan­dard Per­for­mance Eva­lua­ti­on Cor­po­ra­ti­on (SPEC); all rights reser­ved, see spec.org as of March 15, 2021.