Schlagwort: HPE

AMD EPYC Embedded Series Processors Power New HPE Alletra Storage MP Solution

AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors enable HPE to trans­form data life­cy­cle manage­ment with high-per­for­mance sca­le-out block and file sto­rage deli­ver­ed through HPE Green­La­ke 

LAS VEGAS, June 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced that its AMD EPYC™ Embedded Series pro­ces­sors are powe­ring Hew­lett Packard Enterprise’s new modu­lar, mul­ti-pro­to­col sto­rage solu­ti­on, HPE Alle­tra Sto­rage MP. AMD EPYC Embedded pro­ces­sors pro­vi­de the per­for­mance and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy requi­red for enter­pri­se-class sto­rage sys­tems with high avai­la­bi­li­ty, resi­li­ence, and indus­try-lea­ding con­nec­ti­vi­ty and longevity.

The HPE Alle­tra Sto­rage MP sup­ports a dis­ag­gre­ga­ted infra­struc­tu­re with mul­ti­ple sto­rage pro­to­cols on the same hard­ware that can sca­le inde­pendent­ly for per­for­mance and capa­ci­ty. Con­fi­gura­ble for block and file stores, HPE Alle­tra Sto­rage MP gives cus­to­mers the abili­ty to deploy, mana­ge, and orchest­ra­te data and sto­rage ser­vices via the HPE Green­La­ke edge-to-cloud plat­form, regard­less of the workload and sto­rage pro­to­col. This eli­mi­na­tes data silos, redu­cing cost and com­ple­xi­ty while impro­ving performance.

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Meteorological Service Singapore advances weather forecasting with new supercomputer from Hewlett Packard Enterprise

The new super­com­pu­ter will speed up wea­ther pre­dic­tions and bols­ter cli­ma­te rese­arch into Singapore’s tro­pi­cal cli­ma­te trends with up to 2X more per­for­mance and advan­ced mode­ling and simu­la­ti­on capabilities

HOUSTON, Oct. 26, 2022 – Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (NYSE: HPE) today announ­ced that it has built a new super­com­pu­ter for the Meteo­ro­lo­gi­cal Ser­vice Sin­ga­po­re (MSS) to advan­ce wea­ther fore­cas­ting and tro­pi­cal cli­ma­te rese­arch for Sin­ga­po­re and the broa­der Sou­the­ast Asia regi­on. The new super­com­pu­ter replaces MSS’ exis­ting sys­tem, deli­ve­ring near­ly twice as much per­for­mance and advan­ced capa­bi­li­ties across com­pu­te, sto­rage, soft­ware and net­wor­king. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Selected to Build New Supercomputer for the National Supercomputing Centre Singapore to Support Scientific Research

Natio­nal Super­com­pu­ting Cent­re (NSCC) Sin­ga­po­re advan­ces R&D across bio­me­di­ci­ne, geno­mics, dise­a­ses, cli­ma­te and more with an 8X fas­ter sys­tem powered by the HPE Cray EX supercomputer

April 27, 2021 10:00 PM Eas­tern Day­light Time

HOUSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (NYSE: HPE) today announ­ced it has been award­ed $40M SGD to build a new super­com­pu­ter for the Natio­nal Super­com­pu­ting Cent­re (NSCC) Sin­ga­po­re, the natio­nal high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) resour­ce cen­ter dedi­ca­ted to sup­port­ing sci­ence and engi­nee­ring com­pu­ting needs for aca­de­mic, rese­arch and indus­try com­mu­ni­ties. The new sys­tem, which will be 8X fas­ter com­pared to NSCC’s exis­ting pool of HPC resour­ces, will expand and aug­ment ongo­ing rese­arch efforts by enab­ling tools such as arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) and deep machi­ne lear­ning to opti­mi­ze mode­ling, simu­la­ti­on and even soft­ware simu­la­ti­on for quan­tum com­pu­ting. NSCC will use the sys­tem to unlock sci­en­ti­fic dis­co­veries across medi­ci­ne, dise­a­ses, cli­ma­te, engi­nee­ring and more. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Hewlett Packard Enterprise unveils industry’s broadest portfolio of AMD EPYC™ processor-based solutions to power the edge to exascale

HPE’s enhanced portfolio of computing solutions using the new AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series Processor breaks world records with up to 39% better performance and greater energy efficiency to target any workload

HOUSTON, Texas – March 15, 2021– Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (NYSE: HPE) today announ­ced record-brea­king per­for­mance on a wide ran­ge of deman­ding workloads, sur­pas­sing com­pe­ti­tors by up to 39%1 with its new com­pu­ting solu­ti­ons as part of the industry’s broa­dest set of AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor-based offe­rings. By using the new AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series Pro­ces­sor laun­ched today, HPE has secu­red 19 world records in key are­as for opti­mi­zing workload expe­ri­en­ces, inclu­ding achie­ving lea­der­ship posi­ti­ons in vir­tua­liza­ti­on, ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, data­ba­se ana­ly­tic workloads, and Java appli­ca­ti­ons. To date, HPE ser­vers and sys­tems using 2nd and 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors com­bi­ned hold a total of 32 world records. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology selects Hewlett Packard Enterprise to build new supercomputer to advance academic and industrial research

Sweden’s largest technical university advances R&D across life sciences, automotive, transportation and energy industries with next-generation system, powered by the HPE Cray EX supercomputer

San Jose, Calif. – Febru­ary 26, 2021 – Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (HPE) today announ­ced that it is buil­ding a new super­com­pu­ter for KTH Roy­al Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH) in Stock­holm, one of Sweden’s lar­gest tech­ni­cal uni­ver­si­ties dedi­ca­ted to sci­ence and engi­nee­ring rese­arch. The new super­com­pu­ter, which is fun­ded by Swe­dish Natio­nal Infra­struc­tu­re for Com­pu­ting (SNIC), will enable a signi­fi­cant level of com­pu­ta­tio­nal per­for­mance, powered by the HPE Cray EX super­com­pu­ter, to impro­ve mode­ling and simu­la­ti­on from com­plex data to make breakth­roughs in aca­de­mia and for a ran­ge of indus­tri­al are­as, inclu­ding drug design, rene­wa­ble ener­gy, and advan­ced auto­mo­ti­ve and fleet vehic­les. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

HPE Reports Q3 Results

Q3 2020 Finan­cial Highlights:

Reve­nue: $6.8 bil­li­on, up 13% sequen­ti­al­ly or 14% when adjus­ted for currency
Gross Pro­fit: $2.1 bil­li­on, up 8% sequentially
Ope­ra­ting Pro­fit: GAAP of $12 mil­li­on, up 101% sequen­ti­al­ly and Non-GAAP of $484 mil­li­on, up 33% sequentially
Annua­li­zed reve­nue run-rate (ARR): $528 mil­li­on, up 11% from the pri­or-year period
Diluted net ear­nings per share:
GAAP of $0.01 due to the acce­le­ra­ti­on of trans­for­ma­ti­on pro­gram, com­pared to ($0.02) from the pri­or-year period
Non-GAAP of $0.32, com­pared to $0.45 from the pri­or-year period
Cash flow from Ope­ra­ti­ons of $1.5 bil­li­on, up 23% from the pri­or-year period
Free Cash Flow of $924 mil­li­on, up 43% from the pri­or-year period
Q4 FY20 divi­dend of $0.12 a share, paya­ble on Octo­ber 7, 2020 (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Intels Lieferengpässe wohl auch bei Xeon-Prozessoren

In den ver­gan­ge­nen Mona­ten wur­de oft über Intels Lie­fer­eng­päs­se berich­tet. Grund für Pro­ble­me sind die mehr­fach ver­scho­be­ne Ein­füh­rung des ursprüng­lich für 2016 ange­kün­dig­ten 10-nm-Pro­zes­ses sowie garan­tier­te Lie­fer­ka­pa­zi­tä­ten in 14 nm für Drit­te. Intel hat­te den dar­aus resul­tie­ren­den Fer­ti­gungs­eng­päs­sen für die 14-nm-Chips die Prio­ri­sie­rung auf die Mar­gen­träch­ti­gen Xeon-Pro­zes­so­ren gelegt, dies soll nun aber nicht mehr aus­rei­chen. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

HPE completes acquisition of supercomputing leader Cray Inc.

HPC is a key com­po­nent of HPE’s visi­on and growth stra­tegy San Jose, Calif., Sep­tem­ber 25, 2019 – Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (NYSE:HPE) today announ­ced it has com­ple­ted the acqui­si­ti­on of super­com­pu­ting lea­der Cray Inc., ear­lier than the ori­gi­nal tar­get date. HPE paid $35.00 per share, in a tran­sac­tion valued at appro­xi­m­ate­ly $1.4 bil­li­on, net of cash. The (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

HPE ProLiant shatters 37 world records

IN THIS ARTICLE New HPE Pro­Li­ant DL325 and HPE Pro­Li­ant DL385 ser­vers beat pre­vious lea­ders in vir­tua­liza­ti­on per­for­mance records by as much as 321 per­cent and power effi­ci­en­cy records by 28 per­cent HPE Pro­Li­ant ser­vers empower bet­ter busi­ness out­co­mes through workload opti­miza­ti­on, secu­ri­ty and auto­ma­ti­on HPE plans to expand port­fo­lio by 3X with AMD EPYC (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

HPE: Unsere Server mit AMD-Prozessoren haben 37 Performancerekorde gebrochen

In einer wohl etwas ver­früht lan­cier­ten Pres­se­mel­dung — angeb­lich fällt das Embar­go für alle Pro­duk­te rund um die zwei­te Gene­ra­ti­on Epyc erst um 0:00 Uhr (MEZ) — wird ver­mel­det, dass DL325- und DL385-Ser­ver von Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (HPE) mit AMD Epyc-Pro­zes­so­ren ins­ge­samt 37 Per­for­man­ce­re­kor­de gebro­chen haben. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »


Com­bi­ned Com­pa­ny Will Dri­ve Next Gene­ra­ti­on of High Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting San Jose, Calif., and Seat­tle, Wash., May 17, 2019 — Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (NYSE:HPE) and Cray Inc. (Nasdaq: CRAY), a glo­bal super­com­pu­ter lea­der, today announ­ced that the com­pa­nies have ente­red into a defi­ni­ti­ve agree­ment under which HPE will acqui­re Cray for $35.00 per share in cash, (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 mit AMD Epyc offiziell vorgestellt

Die Markt­ein­füh­rung des neu­en Ser­ver-Pro­zes­sors AMD Epyc war bereits im Som­mer erfolgt. Mit neu­er Zen-Archi­tek­tur, 8‑Kanal DDR4-Spei­cher­in­ter­face, 128 PCIe-Lanes und bis zu 64 Threads je CPU konn­te AMD nach Jah­ren der Dür­re wie­der einen inter­es­san­ten und kon­kur­renz­fä­hi­gen Gegen­spie­ler zum Intel Xeon prä­sen­tie­ren. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Epyc – der Angriff auf das Datacenter

Gestern Abend 22 Uhr unse­rer Zeit hat AMD sei­ne neu­en Ser­ver-Pro­zes­so­ren Epyc offi­zi­ell vor­ge­stellt. Der Mar­ken­na­me Opte­ron, den AMD vor gut 14 Jah­ren zusam­men mit dem ers­ten K8 “Sled­ge­ham­mer” ein­ge­führt hat, ist damit Geschich­te, denn genau wie damals möch­te AMD mit sei­nem ers­ten Zen-basie­ren­den Ser­ver-Pro­zes­sor ein neu­es Kapi­tel auf­schla­gen. Tech­nisch basiert Epyc auf dem glei­chen Zep­pe­lin-Die wie der kürz­lich vor­ge­stell­te AMD Ryzen 5 und 7. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »