Schlagwort: Supermicro

Supermicro Introduces a Number of Density and Power Optimized Edge Platforms for Telco Providers, Based on the New AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series Processor

The New Super­mi­cro H13 WIO Fami­ly Includes Sys­tems that are NEBS Com­pli­ant, Offer AC or DC Power Opti­ons, and Start at Only 80 Watts TDP with Sca­ling Up to 64 Cores — Deli­ve­ring Ener­gy Effi­ci­en­cy, Fle­xi­ble Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons, and Plat­form Den­si­ty for Intel­li­gent Edge and Tel­co Applications

San Jose, Calif., — Sep­tem­ber 18, 2023 – Super­mi­cro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a Total IT Solu­ti­on Pro­vi­der for Cloud, AI/ML, Sto­rage, and 5G/Edge, is announ­cing the AMD based Super­mi­cro H13 gene­ra­ti­on of WIO Ser­vers, opti­mi­zed to deli­ver strong per­for­mance and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy for edge and tel­co dat­a­cen­ters powered by the new AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series pro­ces­sors. The new Super­mi­cro H13 WIO and short-depth front I/O sys­tems deli­ver ener­gy-effi­ci­ent sin­gle socket ser­vers that lower ope­ra­ting cos­ts for enter­pri­se, tel­co, and edge appli­ca­ti­ons. The­se sys­tems are desi­gned with a den­se form fac­tor and fle­xi­ble I/O opti­ons for sto­rage and net­wor­king, making the new ser­vers ide­al for deploy­ing in edge net­works. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Supermicro Introduces the Most Versatile Portfolio of AMD EPYC™ 7003 Based Systems Delivering World Record Performance – 36% Improvement — for Today’s Most Critical Workloads

The Ver­sa­ti­li­ty and Breadth of Ultra, Twin, Super­Bla­de®, Sto­rage, GPU Opti­mi­zed Sys­tems Pro­vi­des Exact­ly the Best Workload Per­for­mance for Cloud Dat­a­Cen­ters, Enter­pri­se, and AI and Machi­ne Learning

San Jose, Calif., March 15, 2021 — Super Micro Com­pu­ter, Inc. (Nasdaq: SMCI), a glo­bal lea­der in enter­pri­se com­pu­ting, sto­rage, net­wor­king solu­ti­ons, and green com­pu­ting tech­no­lo­gy, announ­ces the avai­la­bi­li­ty of the most com­ple­te ser­ver lin­e­up sup­port­ing the AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series Pro­ces­sors in the indus­try today. Supermicro’s Super­Bla­de on the SPEC­jbb 2015-Dis­tri­bu­ted achie­ved back-to-back world record bench­marks on the cri­ti­cal-jOPS and max-jOPS tests. The Super­Bla­de deli­ver­ed up to a 36% impro­ve­ment from the 2nd Gen to 3rd Gen of AMD EPYC CPUs1, which is a signi­fi­cant boost to satis­fy per­for­mance-hun­gry enter­pri­se workloads

The Super­mi­cro A+ line includes ser­vers that incor­po­ra­te sin­gle-socket and dual-socket sys­tem solu­ti­ons desi­gned to redu­ce the time to results and dri­ve bet­ter busi­ness decis­i­ons. For exam­p­le, the recent­ly announ­ced new 2U 2‑node mul­ti-GPU ser­ver is the per­fect plat­form for video strea­ming, high-end cloud gam­ing, and count­less social net­wor­king appli­ca­ti­ons. It has mar­ket-lea­ding sys­tem fle­xi­bi­li­ty, and cost savings will deli­ver unin­ter­rupt­ed per­for­mance. With inno­va­ti­ve ser­ver designs that redu­ce the power requi­red while lea­ding the indus­try in per­for­mance, Super­mi­cro paves the way with appli­ca­ti­on-opti­mi­zed ser­vers, enab­ling modern busi­nesses to redu­ce cos­ts and enhan­ce their user’s expe­ri­ence. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Supermicro Unveils Industry’s‑First 64-Core Workstation Supporting Four Double-Width GPUs with AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Processor at All-Digital CES® 2021

Work­sta­tion Com­ple­ments Industry’s Broa­dest Port­fo­lio of 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ Based High-Den­­si­­ty, Supe­ri­or Per­for­mance Ser­ver Solu­ti­ons San Jose, Calif., Janu­ary 12, 2021 — Super Micro Com­pu­ter, Inc. (SMCI), a glo­bal lea­der in enter­pri­se com­pu­ting, sto­rage, net­wor­king solu­ti­ons, and green com­pu­ting tech­no­lo­gy, exten­ded its indus­­try-pro­­ven work­sta­tion fami­ly with a new gene­ra­ti­on ser­­ver-gra­­de high-end work­sta­tion that offers (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Supermicro Expands European Manufacturing Facilities to Support Increased Server and Storage Volume in EMEA Markets

Increased Local Manu­fac­tu­ring Impro­ves Time to Mar­ket, Fle­xi­bi­li­ty, and Logi­stics for Rapidly Expan­ding Cloud, 5G and Enter­pri­se Cus­to­mers   ’s‑Hertogenbosch, THE NETHERLANDS, Octo­ber 1, 2019 — Super Micro Com­pu­ter, Inc. (SMCI), a glo­bal lea­der in enter­pri­se com­pu­ting, sto­rage, net­wor­king solu­ti­ons, and green com­pu­ting tech­no­lo­gy, expan­ded its EMEA Ope­ra­ti­ons Park in s‑Hertogenbosch, The Net­her­lands, with the (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Supermicro Now Offering AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processor-based Systems to Customers Who Want to Transform Their Data Centers

New Super­mi­cro H12 A+ Ser­vers Set World Record Bench­marks and Deli­ver Supe­ri­or Per­for­mance with AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Pro­ces­sors SAN JOSE, Calif., August 7, 2019 — Super Micro Com­pu­ter, Inc. (SMCI), a glo­bal lea­der in enter­pri­se com­pu­ting, sto­rage, net­wor­king solu­ti­ons, and green com­pu­ting tech­no­lo­gy, today laun­ched its first fami­ly of new H12 gene­ra­ti­on A+ Ser­vers opti­mi­zed to deli­ver (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Desktop-Mainboards für AMD in Zukunft auch von Supermicro?

Kit­Gu­ru hat ein Inter­view mit Vik Malya­la von Super­mi­cro ver­öf­fent­licht, in dem sich die­ser zu den Plä­nen für die nähe­re Zukunft äußert. Super­mi­cro, das zur Zeit mehr für Ser­ver­main­boards bekannt ist – unter ande­rem läuft der Web­ser­ver von Pla­net 3DNow! auf einem Super­mi­cro-Main­board des Typs H11SSL‑i –, will sich in Zukunft ver­stärkt dem Gam­ing- und dem Desk­top­be­reich zuwen­den. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Aktie von Super Micro stürzt ab nach Spionage-Meldung

Es liest sich wie ein Spio­na­ge-Thril­ler, was Bloom­berg Busi­ness­week in einer Mel­dung heu­te ver­öf­fent­licht hat. Dem­zu­fol­ge wur­den im Jahr 2015 win­zi­ge Chips auf Main­boards von Super­mi­cro gefun­den, die im Ori­gi­nal­de­sign dort nicht hät­ten sein sol­len. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD feilt noch an Epyc-Firmware

Die offi­zi­el­le Markt­ein­füh­rung des neu­en Ser­ver-Pro­zes­sors AMD Epyc liegt nun schon einen Monat zurück, doch so wirk­lich ange­kom­men ist die Platt­form noch nicht. Zwar haben eini­ge Her­stel­ler Inter­es­se bekun­det und auch bereits Main­boards für oder Ser­ver mit Epyc ange­kün­digt, doch kauf­bar im frei­en Han­del haben wir noch kein Sys­tem gese­hen. Das mag dar­an lie­gen, dass AMD der­zeit offen­bar noch eif­rig am Opti­mie­ren ist. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Epyc – der Angriff auf das Datacenter

Gestern Abend 22 Uhr unse­rer Zeit hat AMD sei­ne neu­en Ser­ver-Pro­zes­so­ren Epyc offi­zi­ell vor­ge­stellt. Der Mar­ken­na­me Opte­ron, den AMD vor gut 14 Jah­ren zusam­men mit dem ers­ten K8 “Sled­ge­ham­mer” ein­ge­führt hat, ist damit Geschich­te, denn genau wie damals möch­te AMD mit sei­nem ers­ten Zen-basie­ren­den Ser­ver-Pro­zes­sor ein neu­es Kapi­tel auf­schla­gen. Tech­nisch basiert Epyc auf dem glei­chen Zep­pe­lin-Die wie der kürz­lich vor­ge­stell­te AMD Ryzen 5 und 7. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »