Schlagwort: NSCC

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Selected to Build New Supercomputer for the National Supercomputing Centre Singapore to Support Scientific Research

Natio­nal Super­com­pu­ting Cent­re (NSCC) Sin­ga­po­re advan­ces R&D across bio­me­di­ci­ne, geno­mics, dise­a­ses, cli­ma­te and more with an 8X fas­ter sys­tem powered by the HPE Cray EX supercomputer

April 27, 2021 10:00 PM Eas­tern Day­light Time

HOUSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (NYSE: HPE) today announ­ced it has been award­ed $40M SGD to build a new super­com­pu­ter for the Natio­nal Super­com­pu­ting Cent­re (NSCC) Sin­ga­po­re, the natio­nal high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) resour­ce cen­ter dedi­ca­ted to sup­port­ing sci­ence and engi­nee­ring com­pu­ting needs for aca­de­mic, rese­arch and indus­try com­mu­ni­ties. The new sys­tem, which will be 8X fas­ter com­pared to NSCC’s exis­ting pool of HPC resour­ces, will expand and aug­ment ongo­ing rese­arch efforts by enab­ling tools such as arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) and deep machi­ne lear­ning to opti­mi­ze mode­ling, simu­la­ti­on and even soft­ware simu­la­ti­on for quan­tum com­pu­ting. NSCC will use the sys­tem to unlock sci­en­ti­fic dis­co­veries across medi­ci­ne, dise­a­ses, cli­ma­te, engi­nee­ring and more. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »