ASRock Announces The 10 Liters DeskMini Max Concept PC Redefines a New Standard for High Performance Mini PC

TAIPEI, Tai­wan, Jun 23, 2021 – The lea­ding glo­bal mother­board, gra­phics card, and small form fac­tor PC manu­fac­tu­rer, ASRock, proud­ly announ­ces its 10 liters con­cept PC, the DeskMi­ni Max for AMD plat­form. DeskMi­ni Max is the ulti­ma­te DeskMi­ni series built for a varie­ty of appli­ca­ti­ons. This pro­duct sup­ports the latest AMD Ryzen™ CPU and APU, dis­crete gra­phics card as well as up to 128GB DDR4 U‑DIMM memo­ry with the pro­prie­ta­ry mother­board. It pro­vi­des excep­tio­nal per­for­mance for dai­ly com­pu­ting, gam­ing, busi­ness, home enter­tain­ment, and con­tent creation.

The DeskMi­ni Max reser­ves four PCIe slots space for expan­si­on in a com­pact case. This design allows it to accom­mo­da­te various kinds of peri­phe­ral devices, inclu­ding the PCIe card, 5.25″ ODD, 3.5″ HDD, or a sin­gle radia­tor liquid coo­ler. Fur­ther­mo­re, the DeskMi­ni Max is capa­ble of crea­ting a mini work­sta­tion through RAID func­tion and four U‑DIMM slots which sup­port ECC memo­ry modu­les. DeskMi­ni Max is fle­xi­ble to con­fi­gu­re and rea­dy for any applications.

Moreo­ver, DeskMi­ni Max offers one M.2 SSD, two SATA ports, and nine USB ports, invol­ving an onboard Type‑C port built on the front I/O for char­ging the mobi­le device and data trans­fer. Sup­port up to three dis­play moni­tors to be used simul­ta­neous­ly wit­hout adding an extra gra­phics card. The DeskMi­ni Max includes an inter­nal 500W 80 PLUS® bron­ze cer­ti­fi­ca­te power sup­p­ly unit with cus­to­mi­zed cable length. The cus­to­mi­zed power sup­p­ly unit makes cable manage­ment easier, saves space, and has bet­ter per­for­mance of heat dissipation.

The brand new DeskMi­ni Max con­ti­nues the design con­cept of simp­le instal­la­ti­on and upgrada­bili­ty from the pre­vious DeskMi­ni Series. The­r­e­fo­re, it could be set up in a few minu­tes to save time and effort. Com­bi­ned all of the­se fea­tures in one incre­di­ble PC, the­re is no doubt that the DeskMi­ni Max can meet the user’s expectation.

For Pro­duct Information:

  • 10 liters Com­pact Size
  • Sup­ports AMD AM4 Socket Ryzen™ 5000/4000/3000/2000 Series Desk­top APU & CPU (up to 105W)
  • 4 x DDR4 U‑DIMM memo­ry (up to 128GB)
  • Sup­ports PCIe Cards (Max. Length ≦ 20cm)
  • 1 x Dis­play­Po­rt, 1 x HDMI, 1 x D‑Sub (Inte­gra­ted)
  • 1 x Head­set, 1 x Audio jack (Line out)
  • 5 x USB 3.2 Gen1 (1 x Type‑C), 4 x USB 2.0
  • Up to 3 sto­rage (2 x SATA, 1 x M.2 SSD)
  • 1 x M.2 (key E 2230) slot for Wi-Fi + BT Module
  • 1 x RJ45 Giga­bit LAN
  • 5.25″ ODD/Peripheral devices (Optio­nal)
  • 500W power sup­p­ly with cus­tom length cables
  • Easy to assemble
  • 168(W) x 220.8(D) x 268(H) mm (excl. Protrusions)

For Pro­duct Video, plea­se check: