Schlagwort: DeskMini

ASRock Announces The 10 Liters DeskMini Max Concept PC Redefines a New Standard for High Performance Mini PC

TAIPEI, Tai­wan, Jun 23, 2021 – The lea­ding glo­bal mother­board, gra­phics card, and small form fac­tor PC manu­fac­tu­rer, ASRock, proud­ly announ­ces its 10 liters con­cept PC, the DeskMi­ni Max for AMD plat­form. DeskMi­ni Max is the ulti­ma­te DeskMi­ni series built for a varie­ty of appli­ca­ti­ons. This pro­duct sup­ports the latest AMD Ryzen™ CPU and APU, dis­crete gra­phics card as well as up to 128GB DDR4 U‑DIMM memo­ry with the pro­prie­ta­ry mother­board. It pro­vi­des excep­tio­nal per­for­mance for dai­ly com­pu­ting, gam­ing, busi­ness, home enter­tain­ment, and con­tent creation.

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »