G.SKILL Showcases DDR5-7000 CL40 Extreme Speed Memory

(2 Novem­ber 2021) – G.SKILL Inter­na­tio­nal Enter­pri­se Co., Ltd., the world’s lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of extre­me per­for­mance memo­ry and gam­ing peri­pherals, is thril­led to announ­ce the achie­ve­ment of DDR5-7000 CL40-40–40-76 32GB (2x16GB) extre­me speed, pas­sing the Mem­test sta­bi­li­ty test. 7000MT/s memo­ry speed is an exci­ting mile­stone, as it was only seen under liquid nitro­gen sub-zero tem­pe­ra­tu­re coo­ling not long ago in over­clo­cking records. Accom­plished with high-per­for­mance Sam­sung DDR5 com­pon­ents, this extre­me speed memo­ry is tru­ly wort­hy of the G.SKILL flag­ship Trident Z5 fami­ly classification.


DDR5-7000 CL40 – Demons­t­ra­ting the Ulti­ma­te Over­clo­cking Poten­ti­al of DDR5 Memory

G.SKILL has been dedi­ca­ted to deve­lop the fas­test pos­si­ble DDR5 memo­ry on the latest 12th Gen Intel® Core™ desk­top pro­ces­sors and Intel® Z690 chip­set mother­boards. Today, G.SKILL is proud to announ­ce the feat of rea­ching DDR5-7000 extre­me speed, while main­tai­ning an ultra-low CAS laten­cy timing of CL40-40–40-76. The memo­ry modu­les that rea­ched this monu­men­tal achie­ve­ment is built with high-per­for­mance Sam­sung DDR5 com­pon­ents, and has shown to be sta­ble under Mem­test. Plea­se refer to the screen­shot below:


We are see­ing ama­zing over­clo­cking poten­ti­al of DDR5 memo­ry on the latest 12th Gen Intel® Core™ desk­top pro­ces­sors and Intel® Z690 chip­set mother­boards,” says Tequi­la Huang, Cor­po­ra­te Vice Pre­si­dent of G.SKILL Inter­na­tio­nal. “DDR5-7000 is an incre­di­ble mile­stone for us, and we will con­ti­nue to work with our indus­try part­ners to deve­lop ever-fas­ter DDR5 memo­ry for PC enthu­si­asts and overclockers.”


DDR5-6666 CL40 – Fas­test on Intel XMP 3.0 List

Fol­lo­wing in the foot­s­teps of extre­me-per­for­mance memo­ry kits, the G.SKILL DDR5-6666 CL40 memo­ry kit is curr­ent­ly the fas­test memo­ry kit on the Intel® XMP 3.0 memo­ry list. To view the list, plea­se refer to the fol­lo­wing link: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/gaming/xmp-3-for-core-processors.html