G.SKILL Announces Trident Z5 Neo & Flare X5 Series DDR5 Memory, Designed for AMD Ryzen 7000 Series Processors

(30 August 2022) — G.SKILL Inter­na­tio­nal Enter­pri­se Co., Ltd., the world’s lea­ding brand of per­for­mance over­clock memo­ry and PC com­pon­ents, is exci­ted to announ­ce two new DDR5 memo­ry series, the Trident Z5 Neo and Fla­re X5 series, desi­gned for the new AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series pro­ces­sors and 600 series mother­boards. The Trident Z5 Neo fami­ly offe­rings include RGB (Trident Z5 Neo RGB) and non-RGB (Trident Z5 Neo) vari­ants. Pro­grammed with AMD EXPO™ tech­no­lo­gy1 and crea­ted with hand-scree­ned memo­ry ICs, the Trident Z5 Neo and Fla­re X5 series allow PC enthu­si­asts, gamers, and over­clo­ckers to expe­ri­ence the per­for­mance of the new AMD AM5 plat­form. Click the fol­lo­wing link to view the pro­duct trai­ler for the Trident Z5 Neo series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A4cx-PqdSw



AMD EXPO Tech­no­lo­gy Sup­port for AMD Socket AM5
Desi­gned for DDR5 memo­ry-enab­led AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series desk­top pro­ces­sors, the Trident Z5 Neo and Fla­re X5 series are pre-pro­grammed with the latest AMD EXPO (EXten­ded Pro­files for Over­clo­cking) memo­ry pro­files, which allow users to easi­ly over­clock the memo­ry kits1. By sim­ply enab­ling the AMD EXPO pro­fi­le in the BIOS with a com­pa­ti­ble mother­board and pro­ces­sor, users can unleash over­clo­cked memo­ry speeds on AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series processors.

We are thril­led to part­ner with G.SKILL to bring AMD EXPO tech­no­lo­gy to enthu­si­asts, gamers, and over­clo­ckers world­wi­de,” said David McA­fee, Cor­po­ra­te Vice Pre­si­dent and Gene­ral Mana­ger, Cli­ent Chan­nel Busi­ness Unit, AMD. “AMD EXPO tech­no­lo­gy gives users pie­ce of mind when sel­ec­ting memo­ry, unlo­cking impro­ved memo­ry per­for­mance with the click of a button.”

Lega­cy of the Neo Flagship
Bea­ring the flag­ship Trident fami­ly name, the new Trident Z5 Neo and Trident Z5 Neo RGB series are pur­po­se built for over­clock per­for­mance on the latest plat­form with AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series pro­ces­sors. The heat­s­prea­der design reta­ins the ico­nic pow­der-coa­ted mat­te black and pai­red with a pre­mi­um black brushed alu­mi­num inset, which color-matches with a majo­ri­ty of mother­board color sche­mes. Stay­ing true to the Neo design, CNC high­light strips along the flanks give the heat­s­prea­der design an addi­tio­nal metal­lic sheen.

Fla­re X5DDR5 for AM5
Available in a mat­te black finish, the Fla­re X5 series DDR5 memo­ry is the suc­ces­sor of the Fla­re X series DDR4 memo­ry. Built with hand-scree­ned IC chips tes­ted for qua­li­ty and per­for­mance, the Fla­re X5 is desi­gned and opti­mi­zed for the new DDR5-enab­led AM5 plat­form. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the 33mm low-pro­fi­le height of the Fla­re X5 also makes this an excel­lent choice for com­pact builds or builds with lar­ge CPU coo­lers that don’t have cle­arance height for tal­ler memo­ry modules.

Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons & Availability
The Trident Z5 Neo, Trident Z5 Neo RGB, and Fla­re X5 series DDR5 memo­ry kits will be available in Sep­tem­ber 2022 via G.SKILL world­wi­de dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ners. Plea­se refer to the table below for a list of specifications.

1Over­clo­cking and/or under-vol­ting AMD pro­ces­sors and memo­ry, inclu­ding wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, alte­ring clock fre­quen­ci­es / mul­ti­pli­ers or memo­ry timing / vol­ta­ge to ope­ra­te out­side of AMD’s published spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons will void any appli­ca­ble AMD pro­duct war­ran­ty, even when enab­led via AMD hard­ware and/or soft­ware. This may also void war­ran­ties offe­red by the sys­tem manu­fac­tu­rer or retail­er. Users assu­me all risks and lia­bi­li­ties that may ari­se out of over­clo­cking and/or under-vol­ting AMD pro­ces­sors, inclu­ding, wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, fail­ure of or dama­ge to hard­ware, redu­ced sys­tem per­for­mance and/or data loss, cor­rup­ti­on, or vul­nerabi­li­ty. GD-106.


Estab­lished in 1989, G.SKILL spe­cia­li­zes in high-per­for­mance memo­ry and pro­vi­des PC com­po­nent and peri­phe­ral pro­ducts desi­gned for PC gamers, pro­fes­sio­nals, over­clo­ckers, and enthu­si­asts around the world. Com­bi­ning tech­ni­cal inno­va­ti­on and rock solid qua­li­ty through our in-house memo­ry test­ing lab and talen­ted R&D team, G.SKILL con­ti­nues to crea­te ultra-per­for­mance over­clock memo­ry for each plat­form generation.