Octavo Systems Releases the OSDZU3-REF Development Platform for the AMD-Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC System-in-Package

Hous­ton, Texas, United Sta­tes (March 1, 2023) – Octa­vo Sys­tems LLC, a lea­ding pro­vi­der of Sys­tem-in-Packa­ge (SiP) solu­ti­ons, has offi­ci­al­ly released its latest offe­ring, the OSDZU3-REF Deve­lo­p­ment Plat­form. This plat­form gives sys­tem desi­gners a com­pre­hen­si­ve deve­lo­p­ment envi­ron­ment for eva­lua­ting, test­ing, and start­ing pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment using the OSDZU3 Sys­tem-in-Packa­ge (SiP).


Built around the AMD-Xilinx ZU3 Zynq UltraS­ca­le+ MPSoC, the OSDZU3 SiP inte­gra­tes LPDDR4, a Fle­xi­ble Power Sys­tem, EEPROM, Oscil­la­tors, and hundreds of pas­si­ve com­pon­ents into a com­pact 20.5mm x 40mm BGA.

The OSDZU3-REF plat­form fea­tures stan­dard peri­pherals such as 1Gb Ether­net, USB‑C, Dis­play Port, and SATA, and pro­vi­des expan­da­bili­ty through PMOD hea­ders, Mikroe Click™, stan­dard 100Mil hea­ders, and an FMC LPC Con­nec­tor. It also fea­tures an Onboard µUSB JTAG debug­ger, a µUSB UART con­nec­tion and access to both SYSMON and PMBUS through stan­dard 100mil connectors.

Octa­vo Sys­tems lever­a­ged the inte­gra­ti­on pro­vi­ded by the OSDZU3 SiP to crea­te the OSDZU3-REF using just four PCB lay­ers with low-cost design rules. “The OSDZU3-REF high­lights the bene­fits of using an Octa­vo SiP to sim­pli­fy and redu­ce the cost of your sys­tem, “says Erik Welsh, CTO of Octa­vo Sys­tems. “Wit­hout the OSDZU3 SiP, this refe­rence plat­form would need 8 to 12 lay­ers with much more com­plex design rules to sup­port the AMD-Xilinx MPSoC, the power sys­tem, and the LPDDR4.”

OSDZU3-REF Software

Octa­vo Sys­tems work­ed with Design­Linx Hard­ware Solu­ti­ons, Inc. to gene­ra­te the soft­ware used by the OSDZU3-REF. It comes with a SD card that is prel­oa­ded with a Linux dis­tri­bu­ti­on that has sup­port for all of the peri­pherals and inter­faces on the plat­form, inclu­ding a GUI that can be con­trol­led via a key­board and mou­se. It also has sup­port for a Touch LVDS dis­play and the PMOD expan­si­ons imple­men­ted in the Pro­gramma­ble Logic.


Helping Customers Get Started

The OSDZU3-REF is an enti­re­ly open-source plat­form. The com­ple­te sche­ma­tics and lay­out in their nati­ve Eagle for­mat are available to free­ly down­load from the Octa­vo Sys­tems web­site. Also, all the pro­vi­ded soft­ware and pro­jects to gene­ra­te the soft­ware is also available through free down­loads. The soft­ware was deve­lo­ped using the stan­dard AMD-Xilinx tools and deve­lo­p­ment flow.

Ever­y­thing we do is desi­gned to make it as easy as pos­si­ble for our cus­to­mers to accom­plish their goals. Our man­tra is Inno­va­ti­on through Inte­gra­ti­on, which starts with the design of the Sys­tem-in-Packa­ge and con­ti­nues to the open-source design of the OSDZU3-REF, and to the open-source soft­ware deve­lo­ped by Design­Linx,” adds Har­ley Walsh, Pre­si­dent of Octa­vo Sys­tems. “Pro­vi­ding all of this gives our cus­to­mers known good start­ing points they can levera­ge to begin their own designs, allo­wing them to focus on their appli­ca­ti­on, and in cases saving nine months of design.”


The OSDZU3-REF is now ship­ping in limi­t­ed quan­ti­ties and can be orde­red through Octa­vo Sys­tems’ dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ner Avnet.

Engi­nee­ring Samples of the OSDZU3 Sys­tem-in-Packa­ge are available to cus­to­mers in the Beta Pro­gram today and will be in full pro­duc­tion in Q2 of 2023.