GIGABYTE Presents TRX40 AORUS Motherboards

Direct 16+3 Power Design For 3rd Gen. AMD Ryzen™ Thre­ad­rip­per™ CPUs

Tai­pei, Tai­wan, Novem­ber 7th, 2019 – GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of mother­boards and gra­phics cards, today laun­ched the TRX40 AORUS mother­boards which deli­ver the best per­for­mance on the newest 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen™ Thre­ad­rip­per™ Pro­ces­sors. The flag­ship TRX40 AORUS XTREME packs a beast­ly direct 16+3 pha­se digi­tal power design and pairs it with an equal­ly impres­si­ve ther­mal solu­ti­on con­sis­ting of Fins-Array Tech­no­lo­gy, a Nano­car­bon Base­p­la­te, an 8mm mega heat­pi­pe, alu­mi­num I/O armor, and a 5cm chip­set fan. TRX40 AORUS mother­boards are PCIe 4.0 rea­dy and are desi­gned to maxi­mi­ze PCIe 4.0 per­for­mance with lower impe­dance and supe­ri­or PCIe 4.0 signal quality.

With fea­tures such as ser­ver-class Intel® X550-AT2 Dual GBE LAN, 8DIMM quad-chan­nel DDR4 memo­ry with XMP 4400MHz+ per­for­mance, Intel® WIFI 6, 4‑way dual width PCIe slots, GC-TITAN RIDGE AIC, and more, the enthu­si­ast-gra­de TRX40 AORUS mother­boards are ide­al for con­tent crea­tors loo­king to build a high-end work­sta­tion, hard­core gamers who want a powerful new gam­ing rig, or even users who want the best of both worlds.

GIGABYTE has work­ed clo­se­ly with AMD sin­ce the start of the deve­lo­p­ment of 3rd Gen. AMD Ryzen™ Thre­ad­rip­per™ Pro­ces­sors and the TRX40 chip­set to deve­lop a series of mother­boards that capi­ta­li­ze on the full poten­ti­al of this enthu­si­ast-gra­de plat­form,” said Jack­son Hsu, Direc­tor of the GIGABYTE Chan­nel Solu­ti­ons Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment Divi­si­on. “3rd Gen. AMD Ryzen™ Thre­ad­rip­per™ Pro­ces­sors con­ti­nue to build on the huge suc­cess of the ground­brea­king line of CPUs and our boards fea­ture some of the most impres­si­ve power and ther­mal designs to ful­ly unleash the power of the­se CPUs. We’ve also upgraded our PCIe design so users can enjoy true PCIe 4.0 per­for­mance at its best.”

First Class Performance
To extra­ct the best per­for­mance from the 3rd Gen. Ryzen™ Thre­ad­rip­per™ CPUs, TRX40 AORUS mother­boards boast some of the most impres­si­ve power designs on con­su­mer mother­boards. Sel­ect boards fea­ture a 16+3 direct digi­tal power design with all Infi­ne­on com­pon­ents. With a direct power design and no dou­blers used, the mother­boards have lower Vco­re ripp­le and hig­her power effi­ci­en­cy com­pared to mother­boards which adopt a tra­di­tio­nal par­al­lel power design. Each pha­se in the power design is capa­ble of hol­ding up to 70A, for a total power out­put of 1330A. Raw power asi­de, the abun­dant pha­se count also impro­ves the load balan­ce so that the pha­ses aren’t over­work­ed and gene­ra­ting excess heat, which can be detri­men­tal to the board’s dura­bi­li­ty. 2X Cop­per Low-Loss PCB design on the TRX40 AORUS mother­boards also allows for supe­ri­or over­clo­cking as it pro­vi­des a solid amount of power trace paths bet­ween com­pon­ents so that the boards can hand­le grea­ter than nor­mal power loads. This design also remo­ves excess heat from the cri­ti­cal CPU power deli­very area, which is essen­ti­al for suc­cessful over­clo­cking as it ensu­res the mother­board is capa­ble of hand­ling the increased power loading.

First class power designs demand first class ther­mal solu­ti­ons and the TRX40 AORUS mother­boards are sta­cked with the some of the most advan­ced coo­ling tech­no­lo­gy to ensu­re that per­for­mance is never com­pro­mi­sed by ina­de­qua­te heat dis­si­pa­ti­on. The boards fea­ture Fins-Array Tech­no­lo­gy with a sta­cked fin heats­ink design which increa­ses heat dis­si­pa­ti­on sur­face area to offer 300% more coo­ling com­pared to tra­di­tio­nal heats­inks. Sel­ect boards fea­ture a Nano­car­bon base­p­la­te which is made with alu­mi­num ins­tead of iron, tri­pling ther­mal con­duc­ti­vi­ty. A thin lay­er of Nano­car­bon is coa­ted on the back­p­la­te for enhan­ced ther­mal radia­ti­on capa­bi­li­ty. On the flag­ship TRX40 AORUS XTREME, the 8mm dia­me­ter heat­pi­pe pro­vi­des supe­ri­or coo­ling com­pared to the stan­dard 6mm dia­me­ter heat­pi­pe as its 30% dia­me­ter increase allows it to trans­fer a gre­at amount of heat in the same time peri­od. TRX40 AORUS XTREME’s I/O armor is also made with alu­mi­num much like its Nano­car­bon base­p­la­te and is con­nec­ted to the Fins-Array to bols­ter heat dis­si­pa­ti­on around the MOS­FETs. A 5cm ball bea­ring silent fan and a mul­ti­laye­red TRX40 heats­ink with Fins Array heats­ink keep the chip­set cool and quiet while ope­ra­ting opti­mal­ly. Users can sel­ect a fan pro­fi­le tail­o­red towards per­for­mance or quiet set­tings. The 5cm ball bea­ring silent fan deac­ti­va­tes when the sys­tem is idle.

Need For Speed
With twice the theo­re­ti­cal band­width of the pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on, PCIe 4.0 ushers in a new era of per­for­mance. TRX40 AORUS mother­boards are PCIe 4.0 rea­dy and desi­gned to mini­mi­ze impe­dance so that users can uti­li­ze their PCIe 4.0 devices at their full poten­ti­al and enjoy true PCIe 4.0 per­for­mance. The PCIe 4.0 re-dri­ver on the TRX40 AORUS mother­boards streng­thens the PCIe 4.0 slot signal for up to 3.3x stron­ger slot sta­bi­li­ty com­pared to PCIe 3.0 while the 2X Cop­per Low-Loss PCB mini­mi­zes the dis­si­pa­ti­on fac­tor up to 4x lower com­pared to stan­dard PCBs to pre­vent signal loss. The PCIe 4.0 slots are also rein­forced with Ultra-Dura­ble armor to sup­port bul­kier gra­phics cards, maxi­mi­zing dura­bi­li­ty. Work­sta­tion users see­king supe­ri­or ren­de­ring and gra­phi­cal per­for­mance can uti­li­ze the 4‑way dual-width PCIe slot con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on to install up to four, dual-width PCIe cards and set up impres­si­ve mul­ti-gra­phi­cal con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons that best suit their builds. The dual-width PCIe slot con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on offers ade­qua­te cle­arance so that mul­ti­ple devices can be instal­led wit­hout crow­ding the area.

PCIe 4.0 per­for­mance for sto­rage devices is now available on TRX40 AORUS mother­boards with 64Gb/s theo­re­ti­cal band­width. Sel­ect TRX40 AORUS mother­boards come with four PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 slots and the M.2 heats­inks have been rede­si­gned to pro­vi­de full sup­port for the­se high-end sto­rage devices. The board’s PCIe 4.0 M.2 heats­inks are lar­ger than pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on M.2 heats­inks and offer grea­ter heat dis­si­pa­ti­on sur­face area to pre­vent ther­mal thrott­ling and maxi­mi­ze sto­rage performance.

The AORUS Gen4 AIC Adap­tor is included with the TRX40 AORUS XTREME and TRX40 DESIGNARE models and enables both PCIe 4.0 and 3.0 per­for­mance. It comes with four NVMe PCIe 4.0/3.0 x4 M.2 slots so users have awe­so­me fle­xi­bi­li­ty for sto­rage device set­ups. Users can install their own M.2 SSDs with the AORUS Gen4 AIC Adap­tor and con­fi­gu­re a RAID 0 Array with a sin­gle click for impres­si­ve sto­rage per­for­mance! GC-Titan Ridge AIC Card is bund­led with the TRX40 DESIGNARE and offers ultra-fast trans­fer speeds up to 40Gb/s and sup­port for up to 3 devices for each port. Users can dai­sy-chain up to 6 devices with the dual USB Type‑C™ ports.

Ultra Fast Connectivity
TRX40 AORUS mother­boards fea­ture high­ly ver­sa­ti­le net­work con­nec­ti­vi­ty set­ups for users. The flag­ship TRX40 AORUS XTREME fea­tures a pre-moun­ted, ser­ver-class Intel® X550-AT2 chip for Dual 10 Gbe LAN to offer 10x fas­ter wired con­nec­ti­vi­ty than that of a Giga­bit port. The Dual 10 Gbe LAN set­up uti­li­zes link aggre­ga­ti­on for hig­her band­width, offers hig­her fault tole­rance with its two inde­pen­dent con­nec­ti­vi­ty links as a fail­safe, and allows users to set up both inter­net and intra­net con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. With the intra­net con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, users can set up a home net­work or link their PCs to a NAS. To go along with that, the board also comes with WIFI 6 (802.11ax) for giga­bit wire­less per­for­mance and offers 5.5x hig­her through­put com­pared to the 802.11ac 1x1 stan­dard. The wire­less con­nec­ti­vi­ty is not only fas­ter than stan­dard wire­less con­nec­tions but also gets the job done with its 4x bet­ter net­work capa­ci­ty and works effec­tively even in den­se are­as with lots of devices using WIFI. The dual band anten­na sup­ports hig­her signal gain and has 2x the signal strength com­pared to stan­dard anten­nas. The anten­na design also comes with mul­ti­ple ang­le tilt and a magne­tic base which makes it fle­xi­ble for many dif­fe­rent set­ups. TRX40 AORUS MASTER comes with AQUANTIA 5Gbe LAN which pro­vi­des up to 5GbE net­work con­nec­ti­vi­ty, 5x fas­ter than a stan­dard giga­bit port.

Supe­ri­or User Experience
GIGABYTE’s atten­ti­on to detail not only appli­es to its hard­ware but soft­ware as well. With a focus on the user expe­ri­ence, GIGABYTE has com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned its old BIOS in favor of a newer, more intui­ti­ve BIOS with bet­ter user opti­ons and tools for expe­ri­en­ced as well as novice users. The new Easy Mode dis­plays important infor­ma­ti­on on CPU clock rates, memo­ry, sto­rage devices, fan infor­ma­ti­on, and more, making it easi­ly acces­si­ble to users. New items can also be added to the list or to the user’s favo­ri­te list. All chan­ges to the BIOS set­tings are lis­ted befo­re saving so users can con­firm all adjus­t­ments befo­re pro­cee­ding with the chan­ges. Cable manage­ment has never been easier as the board offers right-angled pin con­nec­tors to pre­vent the clun­ki­ness and gene­ral incon­ve­ni­ence of stan­dard pin con­nec­tors. Not only do right-angled pin con­nec­tors make cabling much more con­ve­ni­ent but they also impro­ve the air­flow in the chassis.

GIGABYTE TRX40 AORUS mother­boards will soon be available. TRX40 AORUS mother­boards are the per­fect choice for users loo­king to build an AMD plat­form sys­tem with an enthu­si­ast-gra­de mother­board. For more infor­ma­ti­on and news on GIGABYTE pro­ducts, plea­se visit the offi­ci­al GIGABYTE web­site: