AMD Catalyst 14.9 Proprietary Linux Display Driver

Neben dem Cata­lyst-Trei­ber-Update für Win­dows-Betriebs­sys­te­me hat AMD für die Gra­fik­kar­ten-Seri­en Rade­on HD 5000, HD 6000 HD 7000 und Rx 2xx auch aktua­li­sier­te pro­prie­tä­re Linux-Trei­ber zum Down­load bereit­ge­stellt. Mit dem Trei­ber wird die neue Rade­on R9 285 unter­stützt. Zudem will AMD eini­ge Ver­bes­se­run­gen am Instal­ler für das Trei­ber­pa­ket vor­ge­nom­men haben. Für älte­re Pro­duk­te der Seri­en Rade­on HD 2000, HD 3000 und HD 4000 ist der Cata­lyst 13.1 Lega­cy wei­ter­hin der aktu­ell der­zeit ver­füg­ba­re Trei­ber. Der­zeit wer­den die Dis­tri­bu­tio­nen Red Hat Enter­pri­se Linux suite, Novell/SuSE pro­duct suite und Ubun­tu offi­zi­ell unter­stützt. Wei­te­re Infor­ma­tio­nen kön­nen den offi­zi­el­len Release Notes ent­nom­men werden.

AMD Cata­lyst 14.9 Pro­prie­ta­ry Linux Gra­phics Dri­ver Release Notes 
This release note pro­vi­des infor­ma­ti­on on the latest pos­ting of AMD’s Pro­prie­ta­ry Linux Gra­phics Dri­ver. This par­ti­cu­lar dri­ver updates the Soft­ware ver­si­on to 14.301.1001

New Fea­tures:
The fol­lo­wing sec­tion pro­vi­des a sum­ma­ry of new fea­tures in this dri­ver version.

    • AMD Rade­on R9 285
    • Ubun­tu 14.04  support
    • RHEL 7.0 support
    • Install impro­ve­ments
      • Packa­ge and dis­tri­bu­ti­on gene­ra­ti­on opti­ons; recom­mend opti­ons set by default 
        • Help user install gene­ra­ted dis­tri­bu­ti­on packa­ge once created
      • Pop-up mes­sa­ges to help gui­de users through the install process 
        • Iden­ti­fy­ing and instal­la­ti­on of pre-requisites

Resol­ved Issues:
This sec­tion pro­vi­des infor­ma­ti­on on resol­ved known issues in this release of the AMD Cata­lyst Linux Soft­ware Suite.

    • Wit­cher 2 ran­dom lock-up seen when laun­ching the application
    • Screen cor­rup­ti­on when con­nec­ting an exter­nal moni­tor to some PowerX­press AMD GPU + Intel CPU platforms
    • Inter­mit­tent X crash when the user does a rota­ti­on with Tear Free Desk­top enabled
    • Fail­ure on exit of OpenGL programs
    • Error mes­sa­ge being dis­play­ed when a user does run clin­fo in con­so­le mode
    • Blank screen when hot plug­ging an HDMI moni­tor from a MST hub
    • Sys­tem hang after resu­me from S3/S4 in High Per­for­mance mode on PowerX­press AMD GPU + Intel CPU platforms
    • Cor­rup­ti­on or arti­fac­ting on the bot­tom right cor­ner of the screen befo­re boot­ing into log­in UI during restart
    • Occa­sio­nal seg­men­ta­ti­on fault when run­ning ETQW
    • xscreen­sa­vers test fai­ling with mul­ti-GPU Cross­fi­re configurations
    • Moti­on Buil­der seve­re fli­cke­ring while togg­ling full screen
    • Inter­mit­tent cras­hing and cor­rup­ti­on obser­ved while run­ning X‑Plane
    • Some pig­lit and Khro­nos OpenGL con­for­mance test failures
    • Dis­plays occa­sio­nal­ly going black when startx is run on Ubun­tu 14.04 after swit­ching to inte­gra­ted GPU on PowerX­press AMD GPU + Intel Has­well CPU sys­tem platforms
    • A con­nec­ted exter­nal dis­play get­ting dis­ab­led when unplug­ging AC power from lap­top platforms
    • An auto log out when dou­ble cli­cking the pic­tu­re under desk­top ser­ver times on PowerX­press AMD GPU + Intel CPU platforms


Known Issues:
The fol­lo­wing sec­tion pro­vi­des a sum­ma­ry of open issues that may be expe­ri­en­ced with the AMD Cata­lyst Linux Soft­ware Suite.

    • [404829]: Hori­zon­tal flas­hing lines on second screen in a clo­ne mode with V‑Sync on using AMD Mobi­li­ty Gra­phics with Switcha­ble Intel Graphics
    • [404508]: Dis­play takes a long time to redraw the screen after an S4 cycle



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