WinSetupFromUSB 1.9

Das kos­ten­lo­se Win­dows-Tool Win­Se­tupFro­mUSB ermög­licht es Mul­ti-Boot USB-Sticks zu erstel­len, auf denen nicht nur ein Boot­sys­tem für eine Win­dows­in­stal­la­ti­on Platz fin­det, son­dern auch zusätz­li­che Linux- oder Ret­tungs-Sys­te­me wie Sys­tem­Res­cueCd 6.0.3 oder UltimateBootCD.

Chan­ges from ver­si­on 1.8
  • added sup­port for mul­ti-ver­si­on/­du­al Win­dows ISOs (32 and 64 bits in one ISO for exam­p­le). Stock Micro­soft dual ISOs are sup­port­ed and tes­ted, other such sources too, as long as they use unmo­di­fied bootm­gr and default loca­ti­on for BCD store is in /boot/bcd. Tes­ted in BIOS/UEFI with both Secu­re Boot on and off, stock Win­dows 10 dual and sin­gle ISO builds 1803, 1809, Ser­ver 2016 and 2019.
  • added detec­tion of Win­dows 10 build num­ber which is added to the boot menu names
  • updated ImDisk and WimLib
  • minor bug fixes

