AMD Chipsatz-Treiber Adrenalin Edition 1.07.29 für Ryzen 3000

Mit der Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 1.07.29 des Chip­satz-Trei­bers bie­tet AMD eine spe­zi­el­le Ver­si­on für die neu­en Ryzen-Pro­zes­so­ren der drit­ten Gene­ra­ti­on (“Matis­se”) mit einem aktua­li­sier­ten “AMD Ryzen Balan­ced” Ener­gie­spar­plan, der eini­ge aktu­el­le Pro­ble­me lösen soll.

Chip­satz-Trei­ber Adrenalin

Ein Chan­ge­log liegt nicht vor, aber in einem Blog­ein­trag erklärt AMD die Ände­run­gen. Der Trei­ber liegt auch bis­lang nicht im nor­ma­len Sup­port­be­reich vor, son­dern wur­de nur über die­sen Blog­ein­trag verlinkt.

We dia­gno­sed and resol­ved the issue caus­ing soft­ware moni­to­ring tools to report high vol­ta­ges and clock­speeds at the desk­top with 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen Pro­ces­sors and the Win­dows® 10 May 2019 Update. Our ana­ly­sis indi­ca­tes that cer­tain pie­ces of popu­lar soft­ware, which are wide­ly con­side­red to be “low CPU load” appli­ca­ti­ons, fre­quent­ly make indi­rect requests for the hig­hest per­for­mance and power sta­te from the processor.Third Gen Ryzen is desi­gned to be extre­me­ly respon­si­ve to requests for hig­her per­for­mance, and this has led to some of the anoma­lous beha­vi­or obser­ved with high vol­ta­ges and clock­speeds in moni­to­ring uti­li­ties.  Our solu­ti­on is to adjust the AMD Ryzen Balan­ced power plan to address the­se cases under light loads, wit­hout chan­ging the processor’s abili­ty to respond to sus­tained workloads like games and con­tent creation.

The solu­ti­on is imme­dia­te­ly available for down­load in a new chip­set dri­ver (ver­si­on 1.07.29), inclu­ding an updated AMD Ryzen Balan­ced power plan that deli­vers the fix. Users of pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on AMD Ryzen™ Pro­ducts do not need this plan, and the chip­set dri­ver instal­ler will not pro­vi­de it.

So you can see the­se chan­ges in action, AMD Ryzen Mas­ter is also updated with new vol­ta­ge and tem­pe­ra­tu­re report­ing metho­do­lo­gies that more rea­li­sti­cal­ly demons­tra­te CPU beha­vi­or. Ver­si­on (or later) reflects the­se chan­ges and is now available for down­load as well.

Chip­set Dri­ver 1.07.29 also con­ta­ins a beta work­around that resol­ves Desti­ny 2 appli­ca­ti­on launch issues. This will ensu­re Desti­ny 2 play­ers can imme­dia­te­ly get back into the game.

Down­load: AMD Chip­satz-Trei­ber Adre­na­lin Edition
Ver­si­on: 1.7.29
Datei­grö­ße 50,82 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 29.07.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 7/10
Lizenz: -
Web­sei­te AMD