ASUS Announces ROG Strix and TUF Gaming AMD Radeon™ RX 6800 Series Graphics Cards

REMONT, Calif.Oct. 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — ASUS today announ­ced a new lin­e­up of ROG Strix and TUF Gam­ing AMD Rade­on™ 6000 Series gra­phics cards. The new AMD Rade­on™ RX 6000 Series and the under­ly­ing RDNA™ 2 GPU gam­ing archi­tec­tu­re herald a new era of Rade­on™ gra­phics power. To get the most out of the­se exci­ting new GPUs, ASUS engi­neers have been hard at work deve­lo­ping ROG Strix and TUF Gam­ing gra­phics cards that deli­ver the high per­for­mance, low tem­pe­ra­tures and quiet ope­ra­ti­on that enthu­si­asts expect.

The ROG Strix LC Rade­on RX 6800 XT puts a big chill on Big Navi

The ROG Strix LC Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT fuses the power of air and liquid coo­ling out of the box.

The Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT is one of the most powerful GPUs that AMD has ever built. As ASUS engi­neers began to sketch out the ROG Strix card, the raw power of the Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT spur­red design of a coo­ling sys­tem that could unleash its full poten­ti­al. During this pro­cess, the ASUS team natu­ral­ly tur­ned to liquid coo­ling. PC enthu­si­asts the world over are alre­a­dy fami­li­ar with the bene­fits of all-in-one liquid coo­ling sys­tems for their CPUs, and many of them have even added simi­lar sys­tems to their gra­phics cards using after­mar­ket kits to pur­sue the outer limits of GPU performance. 

The ROG Strix LC Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT fuses the power of air and liquid coo­ling out of the box. It is desi­gned from the ground up with a cus­tom liquid coo­ling modu­le that’s spe­ci­fi­cal­ly tail­o­red to the needs of a gra­phics card. A lar­ge cold pla­te cools both the GPU die and the GDDR6 memo­ry modu­les that ring the chip. The heat from tho­se com­pon­ents is trans­fer­red direct­ly into the liquid coo­ling loop rather than into the case’s inter­nal envi­ron­ment. At the other end of the loop, a 240 mm radia­tor strikes the right balan­ce bet­ween high coo­ling poten­ti­al and broad com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with the moun­ting points available in today’s PC cases. A low-noi­se blower fan and low-pro­fi­le heat sink within the shroud of the gra­phics card ensu­res the power-deli­very cir­cuit­ry stays cool.

Howe­ver it is moun­ted in a PC, the ROG Strix LC Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT seam­less­ly inte­gra­tes with the build. The card is equip­ped with espe­ci­al­ly long 600 mm coo­lant hoses to allow for more moun­ting opti­ons in a case, even in EATX enclo­sures with caver­nous inte­ri­ors. The hoses are slee­ved in tex­ti­le web­bing to pro­tect against abra­si­on and to add an extra touch of class to the system.

To move heat out of the loop, a pair of cus­tom-desi­gned 120 mm radia­tor fans that are opti­mi­zed for both high CFMs and sta­tic pres­su­re keep air moving through the clo­se­ly packed fins of the heat exch­an­ger. As with other ROG Strix cards, the ROG Strix LC Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT’s onboard Fan­Con­nect II hea­ders can be con­nec­ted to a pair of sys­tem fans. The­se hea­ders let con­nec­ted case fans respond direct­ly to chan­ges in GPU or CPU tem­pe­ra­tures, incre­asing air­flow right when it’s needed.

Learn more about the ROG Strix LC Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT at

The ROG Strix RX 6800 flies high with a full com­ple­ment of ROG innovations

Along­side the Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT, AMD is also announ­cing the AMD Rade­on™ RX 6800 to bring ‘Big Navi’ per­for­mance to more midran­ge sys­tems. For Rade­on™ fans in the Repu­blic of Gamers, the ROG Strix ver­si­on of the RX 6800 comes decked out with all the latest ASUS advance­ments for air-coo­led gra­phics cards.

A mas­si­ve 2.9‑slot heat sink effec­tively trans­fers heat away from the GPU sili­con its­elf using mul­ti­ple heat pipes and a Max­Cont­act base pla­te, which increa­ses sur­face area for bet­ter heat trans­fer. A trio of fans with the latest Axi­al-tech design push ple­nty of air­flow through the heat sink’s den­se fin array while mini­mi­zing noi­se levels. Not­ched bar­ri­er rings on the outer fans, along with hig­her bla­de counts than the pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on and a coun­ter-rota­ting cen­tral fan, ensu­re that air­flow is direc­ted to the hot­test parts of the GPU coo­ler with mini­mal inter­fe­rence from unwan­ted tur­bu­lence. The cus­tom short PCB of the ROG Strix Rade­on™ RX 6800 faci­li­ta­tes a ven­ti­la­ti­on cutout in the full-length back pla­te of the coo­ler, pro­vi­ding more room for heat to exit the GPU and enter the case’s air­flow path.

Learn more about the ROG Strix Rade­on™ RX 6800 at

TUF Gam­ing pairs stur­dy and ste­alt­hy designs with the RX 6800 XT and RX 6800

For gamers who want stur­dy, ste­alt­hy gra­phics cards, ASUS also crea­ted TUF Gam­ing ver­si­ons of the Rade­on™ RX 6800 XT and RX 6800. The coo­ling design of both cards starts with a 2.9‑slot heat sink built for ple­nty of ther­mal head­room and quiet ope­ra­ti­on under the demands of today’s hig­hest-wat­ta­ge GPUs. Air is pro­pel­led through that high sur­face area heat sink using three Axi­al-tech fans. Just like on the ROG Strix coo­ler, the cen­tral fan rota­tes clock­wi­se while the two on the flanks spin coun­ter­clock­wi­se to redu­ce tur­bu­lence. This pro­ven design allows hig­her RPMs and more air move­ment through the heat sink wit­hout a cor­re­spon­ding increase in acou­stic foot­print. An angu­lar alu­mi­num shroud with a rug­ged new indus­tri­al design wraps around the heat sink to sug­gest a sen­se of pur­po­seful performance.

A full-length alu­mi­num back­p­la­te adds a touch of style to a sys­tem with subt­le TUF Gam­ing gra­phics, and a lar­ge ven­ti­la­ti­on cutout ahead of the short cus­tom PCB pro­vi­des ano­ther rou­te for hot air to enter the case’s air­flow path. Auto-Extre­me assem­bly tech­no­lo­gy, used across the lin­e­up, pre­cis­e­ly places and sold­ers com­pon­ents wit­hout human inter­ven­ti­on to boost relia­bi­li­ty and build qua­li­ty. A 144-hour test­ing regime and extra-stur­dy capa­ci­tors ensu­re out-of-the-box relia­bi­li­ty and a long ser­vice life. Users can also per­so­na­li­ze the card to match the rest of the sys­tem using the onboard Aura RGB LEDs.



For more infor­ma­ti­on on pri­cing and avai­la­bi­li­ty of all of our new Rade­on RX 6000-series gra­phics cards, plea­se cont­act your local ASUS representative.

About ASUS

ASUS is a mul­ti­na­tio­nal com­pa­ny known for the world’s best mother­boards, PCs, moni­tors, gra­phics cards and rou­ters. Along with an expan­ding ran­ge of supe­ri­or gam­ing, con­tent-crea­ti­on and AIoT solu­ti­ons, ASUS leads the indus­try through cut­ting-edge design and inno­va­tions made to crea­te the most ubi­qui­tous, intel­li­gent, heart­felt and joyful smart life for ever­yo­ne. With a glo­bal work­force that includes more than 5,000 R&D pro­fes­sio­nals, ASUS is dri­ven to beco­me the world’s most admi­red inno­va­ti­ve lea­ding tech­no­lo­gy enter­pri­se. Inspi­red by the In Search of Incre­di­ble brand spi­rit, ASUS won more than 11 awards every day in 2019 and ranks as one of For­bes’ World’s Best Regard­ed Com­pa­nies and Fortune’s World’s Most Admi­red Companies. 

SOURCE ASUS Com­pu­ter International

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