ASUS Announces All-New AMD EPYC 7003 Series Servers to Drive Performance and Value for Modern Data Centers

TAIPEI, Tai­wan, March 15, 2021 — ASUS, the lea­ding IT com­pa­ny in ser­ver sys­tems, ser­ver mother­boards and work­sta­tions, today announ­ced the intro­duc­tion of a com­pre­hen­si­ve ser­ver port­fo­lio based on the latest AMD EPYC™ 7003 series processors.
The all-new offe­rings fea­ture both dual-socket and sin­gle-socket ser­vers in 4U, 2U and 1U chas­sis with new archi­tec­tu­re, chas­sis and modu­lar design to impro­ve sys­tem fle­xi­bi­li­ty and sca­la­bi­li­ty. They also deli­ver sup­port for the latest PCI Express® (PCIe®) 4.0, OCP 3.0 and BMC tech­no­lo­gies to dri­ve lea­ding per­for­mance and impro­ved TCO with bet­ter ser­ver performance.

  • AMD EPYC 7003-based ser­ver portfolio

The new ASUS RS720A, RS700A, RS520A and RS500A-E11 series ser­vers offer refres­hed designs based on both dual-socket and sin­gle-socket AMD EPYC 7003 series pro­ces­sors. ASUS will also offer BIOS updates to enable ser­vers based on pre­vious-gene­ra­ti­on EPYC 7002 pro­ces­sors, inclu­ding ESC4000A-E10, RS620SA-E10-RS12 and RS500A-E10 series, to levera­ge all the fea­tures of this new gene­ra­ti­on, ensu­ring impro­ved and con­sis­tent per­for­mance, as well as com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with the latest AMD platforms.
This new ran­ge will be bols­te­red by forth­co­ming ASUS ESC series GPU ser­vers in 4U chas­sis to sup­port up to eight NVIDIA GPUs or Xilinx FPGA acce­le­ra­tor cards in a sin­gle sys­tem, and opti­mi­zed for AI, deep lear­ning and HPC workloads. A com­ple­te list of all ASUS ser­ver pro­ducts is available at:

Enhan­ced ser­ver and infra­struc­tu­re secu­ri­ty will be imple­men­ted in the­se new series by inte­gra­ting PFR FPGA as the plat­form Root-of-Trust solu­ti­on for firm­ware resi­li­en­cy, plus regu­lar firm­ware thre­at detec­tion guard against and reco­ver from secu­ri­ty attacks.
The latest AMD EPYC 7003 series pro­ces­sors aim to offer incre­di­ble per­for­mance and con­ti­nue to rai­se the bar for the modern data cen­ters. Based on the Zen 3 core archi­tec­tu­re, the latest AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors help busi­nesses deli­ver bet­ter time to results, expec­ted to pro­vi­de up to dou­ble-digit gene­ra­tio­nal per­for­mance gains. EPYC 7003 series CPUs can help com­pa­nies maxi­mi­ze the bene­fit from their soft­ware invest­ment and pro­vi­de attrac­ti­ve ROI bene­fits for data centers.

  • Record-brea­king per­for­mance, veri­fied by

Taking advan­ta­ge of the AMD EPYC 7003 pro­ces­sors’ com­pu­te lea­der­ship per­for­mance, the new ASUS RS720A-E11 ser­ver achie­ved the No. 1 result for per­for­mance with dual AMD EPYC 7763 pro­ces­sors – secu­ring a top ran­king across SPEC CPU2017 bench­marks, inclu­ding inte­ger rate, floa­ting-point rate, inte­ger speed and floa­ting-point for com­pu­te-inten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­ons. The results demons­tra­te that RS720A-E11 con­ti­nues ASUS lea­der­ship with the new AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors, deli­ve­ring out­stan­ding per­for­mance for the ser­ver industry.

  • ASUS CPU-balan­ced architecture

The new AMD EPYC 7003 series pro­ces­sors excel at pro­vi­ding full fea­tures and func­tion­a­li­ty for both dual-socket and sin­gle-socket plat­forms. The new ASUS ser­vers intro­du­ce a CPU-balan­ced archi­tec­tu­re to enable secu­re and opti­mal CPU-per­for­mance effi­ci­en­cy. This archi­tec­tu­re extends the full band­width to eit­her dual- or sin­gle-CPU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons, enab­ling more com­pu­ting capa­bi­li­ty and much-impro­ved over­all power effi­ci­en­cy for com­pu­te-inten­si­ve workloads. This archi­tec­tu­re allows cus­to­mers to take full advan­ta­ge of band­width capa­bi­li­ties of the dual-CPU archi­tec­tu­re with a sin­gle CPU, while offe­ring the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to upgrade later with the addi­ti­on of a second CPU.

  • Ver­sa­ti­le modu­lar design

The latest ASUS ser­vers intro­du­ce a new modu­lar design to enable the easy sca­le-up of con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons to meet incre­asing data-cen­ter workloads. For exam­p­le, the design of the onboard LAN modu­le design allows the default rear-panel LAN port to be repla­ced with eit­her up to four 1 Gb or two 10 Gb LAN ports, and one rear-panel PCIe 4.0 slot can be swit­ched for an OCP 3.0 modu­le – enab­ling data cen­ter-gra­de trans­fer speeds of up to 200 GB/s.

  • Sca­lable sto­rage solutions

ASUS ser­vers based on the new AMD EPYC 7003 series pro­ces­sors fea­ture sca­lable sto­rage solu­ti­ons to sup­port maxi­mum per­for­mance for data-cen­ter fle­xi­bi­li­ty, and enable indus­try-stan­dard SAS/SATA/NVMe inter­fa­cing through Broad­com Tri-Mode RAID adap­ters for increased con­nec­ti­vi­ty and secu­ri­ty. Fle­xi­ble NVMe dri­ves on the front panel enable exten­si­ve sto­rage and high-through­put per­for­mance, with more sto­rage pla­ce­ments on midd­le and rear panels available for fur­ther capa­ci­ty expansion.

  • Remo­te IT-infra­struc­tu­re management

With this gene­ra­ti­on, ASUS is also intro­du­cing the new ASUS ASMB10-iKVM ser­ver-manage­ment solu­ti­on to sup­port the latest AMD plat­forms. Buil­ding upon the ASPEED 2600 chip­set run­ning on the latest AMI Mega­RAC SP‑X that deli­vers fas­ter BMC boot time up to 39% com­pared to the 2500 chip­set and fea­turing enhan­ced BMC net­wor­king per­for­mance, all ASUS ser­vers come with this solu­ti­on and enable out-of-band ser­ver manage­ment through Web­GUI, Intel­li­gent Plat­form Manage­ment Inter­face (IPMI) and Red­fi­sh® API inter­faces. ASUS Con­trol Cen­ter (ACC) is an inte­gra­ted IT soft­ware enab­ling remo­te BIOS updates, moni­to­ring of mul­ti­ple sys­tems via mobi­le devices, and one-click soft­ware updates and dis­patching, allo­wing easier ser­ver manage­ment for any IT infrastructure.

  • A sum­ma­ry of ASUS series servers

ASUS RS720A-E11 series ser­vers are high-per­for­mance dual-socket 2U ser­vers sup­port for up to 32 DIMMs, four dual-slot GPUs, 24 NVMe dri­ves, nine PCIe 4.0 slots and two M.2 all in one sys­tem, and ide­al for HPC, AI trai­ning and data analytics.
ASUS RS700A-E11 series ser­vers are also high-per­for­mance dual-socket ser­vers, yet in a com­pact 1U chas­sis with up to 32 DIMMs, one dual-slot GPU, 12 NVMe dri­ves and three PCIe 4.0 slots. They’re desi­gned for HCI, cloud and vir­tua­liza­ti­on environments.
ASUS RS520A-E11 series ser­vers are main­stream, 2U sin­gle-socket sys­tems with remar­kab­le per­for­mance, inclu­ding two dual-socket GPUs sup­ports, 24 NVMe dri­ves and seven PCIe 4.0 slots. They’re a gre­at good choice for enter­pri­se and data centers.
Final­ly, for edge ser­vers or SMB appli­ca­ti­ons, ASUS RS500A-E11 series ser­vers fea­ture a sin­gle-socket CPU with sup­port for 16 DIMMs, 12 NVMe dri­ves and four PCIe slots.