AMD Ryzen 5000G “Cezanne” Desktop-APUs erhältlich — Review-Übersicht

Seit Don­ners­tag sind AMDs Ryzen 5000G Desk­top-Pro­zes­so­ren auf Basis von Zen 3 mit inte­grier­ter Vega-Gra­fik erhält­lich. Aktu­ell bele­gen der 8‑Kerner Ryzen 7 5700G (ab 369 Euro) und der 6‑Kerner Ryzen 5 5600G  (ab 269 Euro) die Plät­ze 1 und 3 beim Preis­ver­gleich Geiz­hals und bei Mind­fac­to­ry sind bereits von bei­den Model­len jeweils fast 1.000 Stück ver­kauft wor­den.  Nach­fol­gend eine Review-Über­sicht und die Prä­sen­ta­ti­on von AMD.

AMD Ryzen 5700G und 5600G

Deutschsprachige Reviews

Her­aus­ge­kom­men ist ohne Zwei­fel die bes­te Desk­top-APU, die in Spie­len und Anwen­dun­gen glei­cher­ma­ßen über­zeugt und oben­drein noch sehr effi­zi­ent daher­kommt. Die Best­wer­te erreicht ein 5700G aus Sicht der rei­nen CPU-Leis­tung zwar in kei­ner Kate­go­rie, aber im Ver­gleich mit Zen 2 und aktu­el­len Intel-Pro­zes­so­ren schnei­det die Cezan­ne-APU sehr gut ab.”

Auf­grund von 65/88 Watt hat der Ryzen 7 5700G den Vor­teil, unter Voll­last weit­aus spar­sa­mer als ein Ryzen 7 5800X zu sein, und das mono­li­thi­sche Design benö­tigt über­dies im Leer­lauf weni­ger Ener­gie als der Chip­let-Auf­bau. Hin­zu kommt, dass der Ryzen 7 5700G eine inte­grier­te Vega-Gra­fik­ein­heit auf­weist, mit der sich selbst aktu­el­le Titel wie Gears Tac­tics in 1080p flüs­sig spie­len lassen.”

Die inte­grier­te Gra­fik ist, wie im Arti­kel AMD Ryzen 5000G: iGPU im Test: Zen 3 beschleu­nigt die APU im Spie­le-Ein­satz erör­tert, bes­ser gewor­den, ent­spricht aber im Kern immer noch dem Stand von vor vie­len Jah­ren. Für Office-Umge­bun­gen geeig­net, steigt sie nach mehr als einem anspruchs­lo­sen Spiel schnell über­for­dert aus. Der wesent­li­che Makel der neu­en APUs fin­det sich aber an ande­rer Stel­le: Für die Mul­ti­me­dia-Taug­lich­keit, ins­be­son­de­re mit Blick auf die Video­strea­ming-Zukunft, fehlt den APUs mit Vega-iGPU die AV1-Beschleu­ni­gung. Intels CPUs mit Xe-iGPU bie­ten die­se Funktion.”



Englischsprachige Reviews


What AMD has here with the new Ryzen 5000G desk­top APUs is some­thing that fast. Equip­ping up to eight Zen 3 cores around 4.0 GHz in a sys­tem should cater to almost* everyone’s com­pu­te needs. The new 5000G APUs are gene­ra­tio­nal­ly a real­ly nice impro­ve­ment in raw com­pu­te per­for­mance over 4000G, but becau­se 4000G wasn’t real­ly at retail, we’re loo­king at 3000G, and the new hard­ware wipes the flo­or here. The only down­si­de is that AMD didn’t release the che­a­pest offering.”

AMD’s Ryzen 7 5700G brings the vaun­ted Zen 3 archi­tec­tu­re and big CPU per­for­mance gains to its APU lin­e­up, and the inte­gra­ted Rade­on RX Vega gra­phics engi­ne pro­vi­des smooth 1080p gam­ing if you’­re wil­ling to accept lower fide­li­ty set­tings and a limi­t­ed sel­ec­tion of titles. The 5700G also deli­vers unbeata­ble iGPU per­for­mance for 1280x720 gam­ing, but it isn’t the best value.”

We know: If GPUs were ple­n­ti­ful and reason­ab­ly pri­ced, you wouldn’t even be con­side­ring an APU. In the world we live, having a chip with a good gra­phics core is bet­ter than not having any­thing at all you can afford.

That’s why despi­te its see­mingly pain­ful pri­ce of $359, we think the Ryzen 7 5700G is all win. It can hang with and even beat Intel’s 11th- and 10th-gen chips in CPU-bound tasks. When it comes to gam­ing per­for­mance using the onboard gra­phics, it sim­ply wrecks them.”

All this sounds gre­at? Yeah, AMD thinks so, too, that’s why they’­ve pri­ced the Ryzen 7 5700G at $360, making it the most expen­si­ve APU to date. Pre­vious APUs were pri­ced at below $200 to make them inte­res­t­ing to ent­ry-level buil­ders who don’t need a fan­cy gra­phics card for their pro­duc­ti­vi­ty tasks. Today’s Ryzen 7 5700G does offer much hig­her per­for­mance on both CPU and gra­phics cores, of cour­se, but be pre­pared to pay for that. The pro­blem is that for 1080p gam­ing, the inte­gra­ted gra­phics sim­ply are not powerful enough, not even at the lowest pos­si­ble set­ting. For pure gam­ing, you’ll be bet­ter off with a seve­ral-year-old gra­phics card that sup­ports DirectX 12 pai­red with a value-champ CPU like the Core i5-11400F, Ryzen 3 3300X, or 10400F, in that order. ”

The Ryzen 7 5700G, is not appro­pria­te for low-cost set­ups. May­be, depen­ding on the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, the 5700G may be ide­al if you’­re loo­king for a pre­mi­um home thea­ter PC set­up. Right now, we belie­ve the most likely use case is to use the 5700G’s inte­gra­ted gra­phics as an inte­rim solu­ti­on if you want to wait until the gra­phics card pri­ces sett­le. The Ryzen 5 5600G is a 6‑core vari­ant with a clock speed of up to 4.4 GHz. The GPU has been redu­ced to 7 Vega com­pu­te units with a clock speed of up to 1.9 GHz and the same 16MB L3 cache and is effec­ti­ve for the money at 43 USD per core, that’s 45 USD per core for the 5700G btw.”

Off the bat, I will say I’m on the fence with the­se new APUs, and if I’m honest, if the Zen 2 powered Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G were easi­ly attainable for con­su­mers, I don’t think AMD would need to intro­du­ce the­se new SKUs today. I’m on the fence becau­se while” tech­ni­cal­ly” the­se are Zen 3 APUs, they don’t car­ry with them the full com­ple­ment of tech­no­lo­gy we were intro­du­ced in Novem­ber last year, name­ly PCIe Gen4.

Going down the Cezan­ne rou­te does have minor down­si­des, howe­ver, as the SoC runs off PCIe 3.0 and chips car­ry half the L3 cache pre­sent on the latest tran­che of full-on desk­top Ryzens.

Pri­ced at around £329, the Ryzen 7 5700G’s qua­li­ties mean its tar­get mar­ket is niche. Power users tend to run with dis­crete video cards, but such is the sta­te of play with GPU stock shorta­ges, having a capa­ble Ryzen chip with a decent IGP works on mul­ti­ple fronts right now. Enthu­si­asts can choo­se this chip and wait for pre­mi­um gra­phics cards to beco­me more affordable.

Pri­med for high-qua­li­ty SFF and HTPC builds first and fore­most, the arri­val of Ryzen 7 5700G to retail offers DIY buil­ders yet more choice and repres­ents a good decis­i­on from AMD.”

All told, save for the lack of PCIe Gen 4, there’s a lot to like with the Ryzen 5000G Series. The­se pro­ces­sors offer strong CPU and inte­gra­ted GPU per­for­mance, in power-fri­end­ly packa­ges, that work in the exis­ting socket AM4 eco­sys­tem, and at com­pe­ti­ti­ve pri­ces. If you’­re loo­king to build a high-per­for­mance, main­stream sys­tem and want 6 or 8‑core value opti­ons, or inte­gra­ted gra­phics will do, the Ryzen 5000G series is an easy recommendation.”



