High Performance and Truly EPYC: Vultr’s New VMs Are Ready for Anything

Today we’re laun­ching a com­ple­te­ly new Opti­mi­zed Cloud Com­pu­te pro­duct line, along with a refres­hed Cloud Com­pu­te lin­e­up of vir­tu­al machi­nes. Over­all, we’re intro­du­cing a wide ran­ge of shapes and sizes of High Per­for­mance VMs, all with 100% NVMe SSD sto­rage, and inclu­ding ins­tances powered by 3rd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD EPYC™ processors.

This is kind of a big deal for us, and hop­eful­ly for you too. Now more than ever, you might want to use Vultr for ever­y­thing ran­ging from mis­si­on-cri­ti­cal enter­pri­se needs to your per­so­nal projects.

Com­pu­te for Any Use Case
We have made a num­ber of updates to our plat­form, but befo­re we dive into the details, here is a bird’s‑eye view.

You can think of our Com­pu­te plat­form as having three dis­crete pro­duct lines:

1. Opti­mi­zed Cloud Com­pu­te – Start­ing at $28 per month, the­se VMs are easy to use and ela­s­ti­cal­ly sca­lable. Becau­se they run atop dedi­ca­ted vCPUs, your workloads run with fast con­sis­tent per­for­mance, with no noi­sy neigh­bors. This qua­li­ty makes the­se ins­tances the best choice for many busi­ness appli­ca­ti­ons, such as high traf­fic web­sites, trans­co­ding, CI/CD, etc.

2. Cloud Com­pu­te – Start­ing at just $5 per month, the­se VMs are high­ly afforda­ble becau­se they run on shared vCPUs. For many burs­ty appli­ca­ti­ons (e.g., low traf­fic web­sites, game ser­vers, VPNs, etc.), Cloud Com­pu­te ins­tances deli­ver gre­at per­for­mance at a remar­kab­ly low cost.

3. Bare Metal – Start­ing at $120 per month, the­se ser­vers pro­vi­de dedi­ca­ted phy­si­cal CPUs and direct access to your server’s under­ly­ing hard­ware, ther­eby deli­ve­ring maxi­mum per­for­mance wit­hout any vir­tua­liza­ti­on over­head. Bare Metal is as easy to pro­vi­si­on and mana­ge as our VMs, and for par­ti­cu­lar­ly inten­se workloads it can deli­ver the best price-to-performance.

You’ll now see the­se pro­duct cate­go­ries when you deploy a ser­ver within our con­trol panel:

Powered by 3rd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD EPYC CPUs and 100% NVMe SSD Storage
All Opti­mi­zed Cloud Com­pu­te ins­tances, and sel­ect High Per­for­mance Cloud Cloud ins­tances, are powered by 3rd Gen AMD EPYC CPUs.

This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly obvious when you pro­vi­si­on a Cloud Com­pu­te ins­tance in the con­trol panel. Within that sec­tion, you’ll see new opti­ons for CPU & Sto­rage Tech­no­lo­gy.

This is the first time we’ve offe­red AMD pro­ces­sor-powered vir­tu­al machi­nes, and given their excep­tio­nal per­for­mance, the­se VMs are now our default, and recom­men­ded opti­on for most users.

AMD has pushed the per­for­mance and tech­no­lo­gy capa­bi­li­ties of the EPYC fami­ly of pro­ces­sors over the last few years. 3rd gene­ra­ti­on EPYC pro­ces­sors, which power our new VMs, con­ti­nue that tra­jec­to­ry, pro­vi­ding up to 64 cores in a sin­gle CPU. The par­ti­cu­lar 3rd Gen EPYC pro­ces­sors that under­pin our new VMs are powered by AMD’s Zen 3 micro­ar­chi­tec­tu­re, which deli­vers fan­ta­stic per­for­mance per core along with a maxi­mum fre­quen­cy of 3.675GHz.

We obvious­ly still love Intel too, and if Intel-powered ins­tances are the right choice for your needs, we have a wide ran­ge of plans for you!

Opti­mi­zed Cloud Com­pu­te is Powered by Dedi­ca­ted vCPUs, Built with 100% NVMe SSD Sto­rage, and Available in a Varie­ty of Ser­ver Types
Today’s launch includes the intro­duc­tion of a new pro­duct line cal­led Opti­mi­zed Cloud Com­pu­te.

Unli­ke our typi­cal Cloud Com­pu­te ins­tances that run on shared vCPUs, Opti­mi­zed Cloud Com­pu­te ins­tances run on vCPUs that are dedi­ca­ted to your workload, so you never have to worry about noi­sy neighbors.

Opti­mi­zed Cloud Com­pu­te ins­tances are available in a varie­ty of ser­ver types, with vary­ing levels of CPU, RAM, and sto­rage to best sup­port a broad ran­ge of workloads.

Opti­mi­zed Cloud Com­pu­te ins­tances are desi­gned to be a more afforda­ble alter­na­ti­ve to solu­ti­ons like AWS EC2, in order to help users tran­si­ti­on from the Big Tech clouds to our inde­pen­dent plat­form.

Here’s how to think about which ser­ver type is best for you:

Gene­ral Pur­po­se – Often a good start­ing point, the­se VMs pro­vi­de a typi­cal balan­ce of CPU, RAM, and NVMe SSD sto­rage. We recom­mend Gene­ral Pur­po­se ins­tances for many web and appli­ca­ti­on ser­vers, e‑commerce, game ser­vers, video and audio strea­ming, API ser­ving, and rela­tio­nal databases.

CPU Opti­mi­zed – For com­pu­te bound appli­ca­ti­ons, the­se VMs pro­vi­de pro­por­tio­nal­ly more CPU than they do RAM and NVMe SSD sto­rage. We recom­mend CPU Opti­mi­zed ins­tances for workloads like video enco­ding, batch pro­ces­sing, CI/CD, high per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC), ad ser­ving, and ana­ly­tics processing.

Memo­ry Opti­mi­zed – For memo­ry bound appli­ca­ti­ons, the­se VMs pro­vi­de pro­por­tio­nal­ly more RAM than they do CPU and NVMe SSD sto­rage. We recom­mend Memo­ry Opti­mi­zed ins­tances for open source data­ba­ses (e.g., MyS­QL), in-memo­ry data­ba­ses and caches (e.g., Mem­cached), and real-time analytics.

Sto­rage Opti­mi­zed – The­se VMs pro­vi­de espe­ci­al­ly gene­rous pro­por­ti­ons of NVMe SSD sto­rage accom­pany­ing a typi­cal balan­ce of CPU and RAM. We recom­mend Sto­rage Opti­mi­zed ins­tances for lar­ge non-rela­tio­nal data­ba­ses (e.g., Cas­san­dra and Mon­goDB), and high fre­quen­cy online tran­sac­tion pro­ces­sing (OLTP).

Get Star­ted Today – All Around the Globe
Vultr is available in 23 loca­ti­ons across five continents:

North Ame­ri­ca: Atlan­ta, Chi­ca­go, Dal­las, L.A., Mexi­co City, Miami, New Jer­sey, Seat­tle, Sili­con Val­ley, Toronto
South Ame­ri­ca: São Paulo
Euro­pe: Ams­ter­dam, Frank­furt, Lon­don, Madrid, Paris, Stock­holm, Warsaw
Asia: Seo­ul, Sin­ga­po­re, Tokyo
Aus­tra­lia: Mel­bourne, Sydney

As always, you can pro­vi­si­on new ins­tances via our con­trol panel, API, or CLI.

Busi­nesses inte­res­ted in our new com­pu­te offe­rings should cont­act sales to learn more. Mana­ged ser­vice pro­vi­ders and resel­lers inte­res­ted in brin­ging the Vultr plat­form to their cus­to­mers are wel­co­me to join our part­ner pro­gram.