ASUS Announces AMD EPYC 9004-Powered Rack Servers and Liquid-Cooling Solutions

Over 90%-lower fan power con­sump­ti­on for huge saving on data cen­ter operation

  • Supe­ri­or liquid-coo­ling solu­ti­ons: Over 90%-lower fan power con­sump­ti­on for huge saving on data-cen­ter operations
  • New ther­mal design: Hard-dri­ve tray design with 44%-wider ven­ti­la­ti­on holes, plus opti­mi­zed lay­out to mini­mi­ze impe­dance and enhan­ce airflow
  • No. 1 Bench­mark: World-record-set­ting per­for­mance with 24 results on the latest SPEC CPU2017 and SPECjbb

Ratin­gen, Ger­ma­ny, Novem­ber 14, 2022 ASUS, a lea­ding pro­vi­der of ser­ver sys­tems, ser­ver mother­boards and work­sta­tions, today announ­ced new best-in-class ser­ver solu­ti­ons powered by the latest AMD EPYC™ 9004 Series pro­ces­sors. ASUS also laun­ched supe­ri­or liquid-coo­ling solu­ti­ons that dra­ma­ti­cal­ly impro­ve the data-cen­ter power-usa­ge effec­ti­ve­ness (PUE).

The breakth­rough ther­mal design in this new gene­ra­ti­on deli­vers supe­ri­or power and ther­mal capa­bi­li­ties to sup­port class-lea­ding fea­tures, inclu­ding up to 400-watt CPUs, up to 350-watt GPUs, and 400 Gbps networking.


Sustainable design for HPC data centers

Lever­aging inno­va­ti­ve ASUS ther­mal design, ASUS rack ser­ver solu­ti­ons empower enhan­ced sys­tem air­flow — mini­mi­zing power con­sump­ti­on and maxi­mi­zing effi­ci­en­cy. The lower power con­sump­ti­on ali­gns with the ASUS 2025 Sus­taina­bi­li­ty Goals initia­ti­ve, which aims to bring about proac­ti­ve and posi­ti­ve chan­ge. The new hard-dri­ve tray design on the front panel of the RS series ser­vers fea­tures ven­ti­la­ti­on holes that are 44% wider com­pared to the pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on, incre­asing air­flow through the sys­tem and impro­ving ther­mal effi­ci­en­cy. This adds to com­po­nent lon­ge­vi­ty, inclu­ding the latest DDR5, PCIe® 5.0 and NVMe® tech­no­lo­gies. The impro­ved fan-tun­nel design, with inde­pen­dent CPU- and GPU-air­flow tun­nels, increa­ses the capa­bi­li­ties of 400 W CPUs and 350 W GPUs — signi­fi­cant­ly boos­ting com­pu­te-inten­si­ve enter­pri­se workloads.


Comprehensive liquid-cooling solutions

Increased power con­sump­ti­on, hig­her CPU TDP and ever-more-powerful GPUs pre­sent chal­lenges for ser­ver mar­kets and data-cen­ter ope­ra­tors. The latest RS720QA-E12 high-den­si­ty ser­ver, coo­led via direct-to-chip (D2C) tech­no­lo­gy, stands out from the com­pe­ti­ti­on to deli­ver over 90%-lower fan power con­sump­ti­on and over 29.6%-lower noi­se levels — empowered by ASUS Ther­mal Radar 2.0 and Power Balan­cer tech­no­lo­gies. ASUS is working with indus­try-lea­ding immersi­on-coo­ling part­ner, Sub­mer and MGC, to deli­ver com­pre­hen­si­ve liquid-coo­ling solu­ti­ons — from ser­vers to liquid-coo­ling modu­les, data-cen­ter flo­or plans, capa­bi­li­ty eva­lua­tions and sug­gested infrastructure.


World-record-setting ASUS EPYC 9004 server solutions

AMD EPYC 9004-series pro­ces­sors ampli­fy the AMD histo­ry of x86 archi­tec­tu­re inno­va­tions and record-brea­king per­for­mance with next-gene­ra­ti­on 5 nm tech­no­lo­gy. They also intro­du­ce sup­port for high-per­for­mant DDR5 DIMMs, 128 PCIe 5.0 lanes and 12 memo­ry chan­nels, deli­ve­ring the resour­ces nee­ded for memo­ry-hun­gry AI, ML, HPC and lar­ge in-memo­ry com­pu­ta­ti­ons. ASUS con­ti­nues its per­for­mance lea­der­ship by achie­ving 24 bench­mark world records on SPEC CPU2017 and SPEC­jbb with dual-socket RS700A-E12 and sin­gle-socket RS520A-E12 servers.

The­se latest ASUS ser­vers, powered by AMD EPYC 9004-series pro­ces­sors, include the dual-socket RS720A-E12 and RS700A-E12, and the sin­gle-socket RS520A-E12 and RS500A-E12; plus the den­si­ty-opti­mi­zed RS720QA-E12 and the ESC8000A-E12 and ESC4000A-E12 GPU ser­vers. All ASUS GPU ser­vers are NVI­DIA-Cer­ti­fied to sup­port NVIDIA® AI Enter­pri­se and Omni­ver­se solu­ti­ons. All ASUS ser­vers powered by AMD EPYC 9004-series pro­ces­sors are cer­ti­fied by VMware, Micro­soft Win­dows Ser­ver and Linux.

Learn more about ASUS EPYC 9004 ser­ver solutions





About ASUS

ASUS is a glo­bal tech­no­lo­gy lea­der that pro­vi­des the world’s most inno­va­ti­ve and intui­ti­ve devices, com­pon­ents and solu­ti­ons to deli­ver incre­di­ble expe­ri­en­ces that enhan­ce the lives of peo­p­le ever­y­whe­re. With its team of 5,000 in-house R&D experts, ASUS is world-renow­ned for con­ti­nuous­ly reim­agi­ning today’s tech­no­lo­gies for tomor­row, gar­ners more than 11 awards every day for qua­li­ty, inno­va­ti­on and design, and is ran­ked among Fortune’s World’s Most Admi­red Companies.