AMD Catalyst 14.1 Beta wegen Problemen mit Installationsroutine verschoben [4. Update: Mantle FAQ]


Mantle FAQ

Q: What is Mantle?
A: Man­t­le is an AMD initia­ti­ve to crea­te a new pro­gramming model that ful­ly exploits the capa­bi­li­ties of modern GPUs, like AMD Rade­on™ pro­ducts, to impro­ve gra­phics per­for­mance. As part of this initia­ti­ve, we have work­ed with lea­ding game deve­lo­pers to crea­te a new API spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on and gra­phics dri­ver that enable this model on PCs with Gra­phics Core Next-based gra­phics hardware.

Q: Is Man­t­le a pro­prie­ta­ry AMD technology?
A: Man­t­le was con­cei­ved and deve­lo­ped by AMD in part­ner­ship with lea­ding game developers.

This enab­led the fast and agi­le deve­lo­p­ment requi­red to vali­da­te the con­cepts and bring such the tech­no­lo­gy to life in a rela­tively short peri­od of time. Howe­ver, Man­t­le was desi­gned in a way that makes it appli­ca­ble to a ran­ge of modern GPU archi­tec­tures. In the months ahead, we will be invi­ting more part­ners to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the deve­lo­p­ment pro­gram, lea­ding up to a public release of the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons later in 2014. Our inten­ti­on is for Man­t­le, or some­thing that looks very much like it, to even­tual­ly beco­me an indus­try stan­dard appli­ca­ble to mul­ti­ple gra­phics archi­tec­tures and platforms.

Q: Does Man­t­le com­pe­te with DirectX?
A: DirectX pro­vi­des a stan­dar­di­zed pro­gramming inter­face for GPUs, allo­wing the same code to work across a wide ran­ge of archi­tec­tures and pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. Man­t­le com­ple­ments DirectX by pro­vi­ding a lower level of hard­ware abs­trac­tion for deve­lo­pers who want and need it, echo­ing the capa­bi­li­ties they have come to expect on dedi­ca­ted game consoles.

Q: Will Man­t­le be sup­port­ed on the Play­Sta­ti­on 4 and Xbox One game consoles?
A: The initi­al releases of the Man­t­le API and gra­phics dri­ver are inten­ded for the PC plat­form only. Howe­ver, one of the key goals of Man­t­le is to make it as easy as pos­si­ble for deve­lo­pers to use the same fea­tures and pro­gramming tech­ni­ques they are alre­a­dy uti­li­zing for the new gene­ra­ti­on of game con­so­les when brin­ging their games to PCs. This enables bet­ter re-use of deve­lo­p­ment efforts for mul­ti-plat­form games.

Q: Is Man­t­le sup­port­ed on Linux/SteamOS?
A: The initi­al ite­ra­ti­on of Man­t­le is inten­ded spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for Win­dows on PCs.

Q: How much addi­tio­nal per­for­mance will Man­t­le provide?
A: Per­for­mance bene­fits will vary depen­ding on the cha­rac­te­ristics of each appli­ca­ti­on, and of the CPU & GPU it is run on. In gene­ral, the lar­gest bene­fits will be seen in cases whe­re CPU over­head has tra­di­tio­nal­ly limi­t­ed GPU throughput.

Man­t­le is about pro­vi­ding the tools to take the best advan­ta­ge of the PC plat­form. As deve­lo­pers learn more about squeezing every bit of per­for­mance on the new gene­ra­ti­on of game con­so­les, their expe­ri­ence can trans­la­te into bet­ter opti­miza­ti­ons with Man­t­le on PCs.

Q: When does AMD intend to release a public SDK?
A: We have not set a final date for releasing a public SDK, but we will pro­vi­de more infor­ma­ti­on later in 2014.

Q: Why not use OpenGL exten­si­ons ins­tead of a new API?
A: The design of Man­t­le was dri­ven by feed­back from lea­ding game deve­lo­pers, who pre­fer­red the idea of a fresh start with a new API to the exten­si­on and patching of exis­ting ones. Howe­ver, we belie­ve that many of Mantle’s con­cepts are appli­ca­ble to other gra­phics APIs, and will inspi­re their future development.

Q: Do I need a spe­cial gra­phics dri­ver to run Man­t­le software?
A: Yes, AMD Cata­lyst 14.1 Beta (or later) must be instal­led on your sys­tem to take advan­ta­ge of Man­t­le-enab­led software.

Q: What games sup­port Mantle?
A: Plea­se see the offi­ci­al Man­t­le page for more details.

Q: Are the­re any new games and engi­nes in deve­lo­p­ment with Mantle?
A: We are con­ti­nuous­ly adding new part­ners to the Man­t­le deve­lo­p­ment pro­gram. Check the offi­ci­al Man­t­le page regu­lar­ly for updates.

Q: What hard­ware is sup­port­ed with Mantle?
A: At this time, the fol­lo­wing Gra­phics Core Next-based pro­ducts are supported:

  • AMD Rade­on R9 Series graphics
  • AMD Rade­on R7 Series graphics
  • AMD Rade­on HD 7000 Series graphics
  • AMD Rade­on HD 8000 Series graphics
  • 2014 AMD A‑Series APUs (“Kaveri”)

Plea­se note that note­books based on AMD PowerX­press and AMD Endu­ro tech­no­lo­gies are not curr­ent­ly sup­port­ed. Sup­port for the­se con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons will be added in a later AMD Cata­lyst dri­ver release.

Q: Are the­re any issues I should be awa­re of while play­ing a Man­t­le-enab­led game on sup­port­ed hardware?
A: As Man­t­le is still a young tech­no­lo­gy, you may encoun­ter unex­pec­ted beha­vi­or while gam­ing. Plea­se visit our known issues list to learn more about the issues we’re actively track­ing, or pro­vi­de feed­back on our offi­ci­al bug report form if you encoun­ter an uniden­ti­fied issue.

Q: Does Man­t­le sup­port mul­ti-GPU configurations?
A: Yes, the Man­t­le API enables appli­ca­ti­ons to take advan­ta­ge of workload sha­ring bet­ween mul­ti­ple GPUs. Howe­ver, this is con­trol­led direct­ly by the appli­ca­ti­on ins­tead of the gra­phics dri­ver (as is the case with AMD Cross­Fi­re™ tech­no­lo­gy). This means that sup­port for spe­ci­fic mul­ti-GPU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons and fea­tures are appli­ca­ti­on-depen­dent, but it also enables deve­lo­pers to achie­ve bet­ter per­for­mance sca­ling and effi­ci­en­cy by tuning their imple­men­ta­ti­on to match the par­ti­cu­lar needs of their ren­de­ring engine.

Q: Does Man­t­le sup­port frame pacing?
A: Yes, Man­t­le includes sup­port for frame pacing in sin­gle and mul­ti-GPU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons if enab­led by the application.

Q: Does Man­t­le sup­port AMD Eye­fi­ni­ty mul­ti-dis­play technology?
A: Yes, Man­t­le includes sup­port for AMD Eye­fi­ni­ty tech­no­lo­gy if enab­led by the application.