AMD CATALYST 15.7.1 WHQL-Treiber für Windows 10

Pünkt­lich zur Vor­stel­lung von Micro­soft Win­dows 10 gestern hat AMD sei­ne Trei­ber für das neue Betriebs­sys­tem ver­öf­fent­licht. Auch wenn Win­dows 10 genau wie Win­dows 8 und 7 zuvor auf dem Vis­ta-Ker­nel auf­bau­en und damit prin­zi­pi­ell auch deren Trei­ber ver­wen­den könn­te, ist es natür­lich bes­ser, eigens für Win­dows 10 pro­gram­mier­te Trei­ber zu nut­zen. Ins­be­son­de­re beim Gra­fik­trei­ber hat sich bei Win­dows 10 etwas getan, denn Micro­softs neu­es­te Krea­ti­on ver­wen­det WDDM (Win­dows Dis­play Dri­ver Model) Ver­si­on 2.0, wohin­ge­gen Vis­ta WDDM 1.0, Win­dows 7 WDDM 1.1, Win­dows 8 WDDM 1.2 und Win­dows 8.1 WDDM 1.3 ver­wen­de­te. Zudem müs­sen die Gra­fik­trei­ber unter Win­dows 10 mit der DirectX 12 API kom­mu­ni­zie­ren kön­nen, die es aus­schließ­lich unter Win­dows 10 gibt.

AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 Dri­ver for Win­dows® Release Notes

Artic­le Num­ber: RN-WIN-CAT15‑7

This artic­le pro­vi­des infor­ma­ti­on on the latest pos­ting of the AMD Cata­lyst™ Soft­ware Suite, AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7.

This par­ti­cu­lar soft­ware suite updates the AMD Cata­lyst™ Dis­play Dri­ver and the AMD Cata­lyst™ Con­trol Cen­ter. This uni­fied dri­ver has been updated, and is desi­gned to pro­vi­de enhan­ced per­for­mance and reliability.

Packa­ge Contents
The AMD Cata­lyst™ Soft­ware Suite, AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 con­ta­ins the following:
​​AMD Cata­lyst™ Dis­play Dri­ver ver­si­on 15.20.1046

​​Instal­ling the AMD Cata­lyst™ Soft­ware Driver
For detail­ed ins­truc­tions on how to cor­rect­ly unin­stall or install the AMD Cata­lyst™ Soft­ware Suite, plea­se refer to the fol­lo­wing sup­port resources:
How-To Unin­stall AMD Cata­lyst™ Dri­vers from a Win­dows® Based System
How-To Install AMD Cata­lyst™ Dri­vers for a Win­dows® Based System

This dri­ver is not inten­ded for use on AMD pro­ducts run­ning in Apple Boot Camp plat­forms. Users of the­se plat­forms should cont­act their manu­fac­tu­rer for dri­ver support.
When instal­ling the AMD Cata­lyst™ Dri­ver for Win­dows® ope­ra­ting sys­tem, the user must be log­ged on as Admi­nis­tra­tor, or have Admi­nis­tra­tor rights to com­ple­te the instal­la­ti­on of the AMD Cata­lyst™ Driver.

The AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 Soft­ware Suite requi­res Win­dows® 7 Ser­vice Pack 1 to be installed.
The AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 Soft­ware Suite requi­res Micro­soft® .NET Frame­work 4.5 to be instal­led. Micro­soft .NET Frame­work 4.5 is included in all AMD Cata­lyst™ packages.
AMD Pro­duct Compatibility
The AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 dri­ver ​is com­pa­ti­ble with the fol­lo­wing AMD products.

AMD Desk­top Pro­duct Fami­ly Compatibility
​​​AMD Rade­on™ R9 Fury Series ​​​AMD Rade­on™ R5 230 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R9 300 Series AMD Rade­on™ HD 8000 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R9 200 Series AMD Rade­on™ HD 7000 Series
​​AMD Rade­on™ R7 300 Series ​AMD Rade­on™ HD 6000 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R7 200 Series ​ATI Rade­on™ HD 5000 Series
AMD All-In-One Desk­top Pro­duct Fami­ly Compatibility
AMD Rade­on™ HD 7600A Series AMD Rade­on™ HD 6600A Series
AMD Rade­on™ HD 7450A Series AMD Rade­on™ HD 6350A Series

AMD APU Pro­duct Fami­ly Compatibility
“Kaveri”, “Goda­va­ri”, and “Car­ri­zo” series APUs are only sup­port­ed by AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 on Win­dows® 7 (32 & 64-bit), Win­dows® 8.1 64-bit and Win­dows® 10 (32 & 64-bit).

AMD APU Pro­duct Fami­ly Compatibility
Desk­top Mobile
A‑Series with AMD Rade­on™ R7 Gra­phics AMD Rade­on™ HD 8000D Series
A‑Series with AMD Rade­on™ R6 Gra­phics AMD Rade­on™ HD 7000D Series
A‑Series with AMD Rade­on™ R5 Gra­phics AMD Rade­on™ HD 6000D Series
​A‑Series with AMD Rade­on™ R4 Gra­phics ​AMD Rade­on™ HD 8000G Series
A‑Series with AMD Rade­on™ R3 Gra­phics AMD Rade­on™ HD 7000G Series
​FX-8800P with AMD Rade­on™​ R7 Gra­phics ​AMD Rade­on™ HD 6000G Series
E‑Series AMD with Rade­on™ R2 Graphics 

AMD Mobi­li­ty Rade­on™ Fami­ly Compatibility
AMD Cata­lyst™ Mobi­li­ty is a note­book refe­rence gra­phics dri­ver with limi­t­ed sup­port for sys­tem ven­dor spe­ci­fic features.
AMD Mobi­li­ty Pro­duct Fami­ly Compatibility
AMD Rade­on™ R9 M200 Series AMD Rade­on™ HD 7000M Series
AMD Rade­on™ R7 M200 Series AMD Rade­on™ HD 6000M Series
AMD Rade­on™ R5 M200 Series ATI Mobi­li­ty Rade­on™ HD 5000 Series
AMD Rade­on™ HD 8000M Series 

Com­pa­ti­ble Ope­ra­ting Systems
The latest ver­si­on of the AMD Cata­lyst™ Soft­ware Suite, AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 is desi­gned to sup­port the fol­lo­wing Micro­soft Win­dows platforms:
Win­dows® 10 (32 & 64-bit)
Win­dows® 8.1 (32 & 64-bit)
Win­dows® 7 SP1 or hig­her (32 & 64-bit)

High­lights of the AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 Win­dows Driver
Win­dows® 10 Support
This is a Tech­ni­cal Pre­view dri­ver which con­ta­ins pro­duct sup­port for Win­dows® 10 as well as full WDDM 2.0 and DirectX® 12 sup­port which is available on all Gra­phics Core Next (GCN) sup­port­ed pro­ducts, — AMD Rade­on™ HD 7000 and newer gra­phics products.
This Tech­ni­cal Pre­view dri­ver for Win­dows® 10 is pro­vi­ded “As Is”. Plea­se note, some fea­tures have been dis­ab­led in this pre­view dri­ver. The offi­ci­al AMD dri­ver offe­ring full fea­ture set sup­port will be made available when Win­dows® 10 offi­ci­al­ly laun­ches on July 29th, 2015.
For more infor­ma­ti­on on pro­ducts sup­port­ed plea­se visit the Sup­port­ed Pro­ducts Tab and view the AMD Pro­duct Com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty chart.
​NOTE: To ensu­re sta­bi­li­ty, users should upgrade to the latest available Win­dows® 10 Tech­ni­cal Pre­view build pro­vi­ded by Micro­soft befo­re instal­ling AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7.

​Vir­tu­al Super Reso­lu­ti­on (VSR)
VSR pro­vi­des image qua­li­ty enhance­ments to games and Win­dows® desk­top users by ren­de­ring images at a hig­her reso­lu­ti­on and then down-sca­ling the same. VSR sup­port has now been exten­ded to the fol­lo­wing products:
AMD Rade­on™ R9 Fury Series AMD Rade­on™ R9 280 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R9 390 Series AMD Rade­on™ R9 270 Series
AMD Rade­on™ R9 380 Series ​AMD Rade­on™ R7 260 Series
AMD Rade­on™ R7 370 Series ​AMD Rade­on™ HD 7900 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R7 360 Series ​AMD Rade­on™ HD 7800 Series
AMD Rade­on™ R9 295X2 ​AMD Rade­on™ HD 7790 Series
​​​AMD Rade­on™ R9 290 Series Desk­top A‑Series 7400K APUs and above

Below is a list of sup­port­ed resolutions:
​Tar­get Dis­play Timing Sup­port­ed VSR Modes
​1366 X 768 @ 60Hz ​1600 X 900
1920 X 1080
​1600 X 900 @ 60Hz ​1920 X 1080
​1920 X 1080 @ 60Hz 2560 X 1440
3200 X 1800
3840 X 2160 (AMD Rade­on™ R9 285, AMD Rade­on™ R9 380 Series, AMD Rade­on™ R9 Fury Series)
​1920 X 1200 @ 60Hz ​2048 X 1536
2560 X 1600
3840 X 2400 (AMD Rade­on™ R9 285, AMD Rade­on™ R9 380 Series, AMD Rade­on™ R9 Fury Series)
​2560 X 1440 @ 60Hz ​3200 X 1800
​1920 X 1080 @ 120Hz ​1920 X 1200 @ 120Hz
2048 X 1536 @ 120Hz

Frame Rate Tar­get Con­trol™ (FRTC)
FRTC allows the user to set a maxi­mum frame rate when play­ing an appli­ca­ti­on in full screen exclu­si­ve mode. This fea­ture pro­vi­des the fol­lo­wing benefits:
Redu­ced GPU power consumption
Redu­ced sys­tem heat
Lower fan speeds and less noise
This fea­ture is sup­port­ed on appli­ca­ti­ons using DirectX® 10 or hig­her and on the fol­lo­wing AMD gra­phics products:
​AMD Rade­on™ R9 Fury Series ​AMD Rade­on™ R9 280 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R9 390 Series AMD Rade­on™ R9 270 Series
AMD Rade­on™ R9 380 Series AMD Rade­on™ R7 260 Series
AMD Rade­on™ R7 370 Series ​AMD Rade­on™ HD 7900 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R7 360 Series AMD Rade­on™ HD 7800 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R9 295X2 ​​AMD Rade­on™ HD 7700 Series
​AMD Rade­on™ R9 290 Series 

AMD Free­Sync™ and AMD Cross­Fi­re™ Support
​​AMD Free­Sync™ and AMD Cross­Fi­re™ can now be used tog­e­ther in appli­ca­ti­ons using DirectX® 10 or hig­her. Plea­se note, this fea­ture is curr­ent­ly not sup­port­ed on sys­tems con­fi­gu­red in AMD Dual Gra­phics mode.

AMD Cross­Fi­re™ Pro­fi­le Enhancements
AMD Cata­lyst™ 15.7 includes enhance­ment for the fol­lo­wing games sin­ce AMD Cata­lyst™ Omega:
Batt­le­field: Hardline
Far Cry® 4
Lords of the Fallen
Pro­ject CARS
Total War: Attila
Ali­en: Isolation™
Assassin’s Creed® Unity
Civi­liza­ti­on®: Bey­ond Earth™
FIFA 2015
GRID Autosport
Ryse: Son of Rome
Talos Principle
The Crew
Grand Theft Auto V
Dying Light
The Wit­cher® 3: Wild Hunt
Per­for­mance Opti­miza­ti­ons ver­sus AMD Cata­lyst™ Ome­ga Driver
Sin­gle GPU per­for­mance on Win­dows® 8.1 based system:
Up to 7% in Far Cry® 4 on AMD Rade­on™ R7 and AMD Rade­on™ R9 200 series and up *
Up to 10% in Tomb Rai­der on AMD Rade­on™ R7 and AMD Rade­on™ R9 200 series and up *

Resol­ved Issues:
[413076] Second Life — Ava­tar ren­de­ring is cor­rupt­ed when hard­ware skin­ning is enabled
[414307] Star Trek Online — Block cor­rup­ti­on is obser­ved if MSAA is enabled
[412702] A black screen is obser­ved when set­ting up a 3x1 SLS with 3 HDMI monitors
[411847​] Lead­werks : A crash is obser­ved with a “Pure Vir­tu­al Call” error message
[410367] Sys­tem black hangs/BSOD upon resum­ing from S3/S4 sleep on AMD Rade­on™ R9 285 con­fi­gu­red in AMD Cross­Fi­re™ mode
[410293] With AMD Cross­Fi­re™ enab­led, Time­out Detec­tion Reco­very (TDR) occurs during actu­al game­play when You­Tube Mix moves to the next song in Firefox®
[407622] Screen tearing on enab­ling VSync with Ali­en: Iso­la­ti­on game
[407175] AMD Cata­lyst™ Con­trol Cen­ter Video Qua­li­ty set­tings may not be available or retai­ned if the “Enforce Smooth Video Play­back” opti­on is not sel­ec­ted on some AMD Rade­on™ HD Series gra­phics adapters.
[410398] A black screen may be expe­ri­en­ced when attemp­ting to enable Eye­fi­ni­ty after chan­ging the dis­play mode (Por­trait, Landscape)
[410391] Pri­ma­ry dis­play may not be retai­ned after dis­ab­ling AMD Cross­Fi­re™ while in AMD Eye­fi­ni­ty mode
[409705] Enab­ling or dis­ab­ling AMD Cross­Fi­re™ may lead to one side of the 4K MST dis­play being shown as black
[410393] Minor stut­te­ring may be seen in Dra­gon Age Inqui­si­ti­on on Sin­gle and Mul­ti GPU configurations

Known Issues:
The fol­lo­wing known issues only app­ly to sys­tems using Win­dows® 8.1 or Win­dows® 7 SP1 and later:
[423410] The opti­on to enable Vir­tu­al Super Reso­lu­ti­on (VSR) is not available with cer­tain AMD Rade­on™ HD7800 series products
[422853] Some sys­tems may expe­ri­ence minor per­for­mance drop from 15.15 to 15.20 in The Wit­cher 3: Wild Hunt with Hair­Works enabled
[422800] Some Kaveri APU based sys­tems may expe­ri­ence minor per­for­mance drop on PCMark8 video_group_chat & Casu­al Gam­ing tests
[422797] Dis­play pro­files are not retai­ned after dri­ver upgrade from 14.502 to 15.20
[422671] Fli­cke­ring cor­rup­ti­on occurs in Dir­ty Ral­ly with Advan­ced Blen­ding enabled
[422944] Fire in Total war Atti­la may expe­ri­ence cor­rup­ti­on when in AMD Cross­Fi­re™ mode
[422621] With quad AMD Cross­Fi­re™ mode enab­led, TDR or blank dis­play occurs when laun­ching DirectX® 9 appli­ca­ti­on in full screen
[419871] BSOD obser­ved when per­forming an express unin­stall of the dis­play dri­ver in 4K resolution
[422056] 3DMark Faran­do­le may crash when AMD Man­t­le is sel­ec­ted from the test suite
[422291] Batt­le­field 4 trig­gers TDR and crash when run­ning in AMD Man­t­le mode
[422249] DLL miss­ing popup mes­sa­ge may be encoun­te­red when per­forming an express unin­stall of the dis­play dri­ver. This will not impact the unin­stall process
[422342] Cyber­link PowerDVD plays 3D con­tent in 2D mode
[421570] Audio dri­ver is ban­ged out for non-pri­ma­ry ASIC after enab­ling CF and reboot­ing system
[421719] Fli­cke­ring and inter­mit­tent dis­play blan­king out with LG31MU97 if reso­lu­ti­on is set abo­ve 1920x1080
[422675] Inter­mit­tent BSOD occurs when laun­ching a race in Dirt Rally
[422674] Cor­rup­ti­on may occur in Dirt Ral­ly with CMAA enab­led with Por­trait SLS and AMD Cross­Fi­re™ mode enabled
[422672] Fli­cke­ring cor­rup­ti­on may occur in Dir­ty Ral­ly when chan­ging set­tings during gameplay
[422671] Fli­cke­ring cor­rup­ti­on may occur in Dir­ty Ral­ly with Advan­ced Blen­ding enabled
[421388] AMD Rade­on™ R9 390 Series may expe­ri­ence screen cor­rup­ti­on in 3Dmark11 “Deep Sea” Demo
[422806] Batt­le­field: Hard­li­ne cra­s­hes on pres­sing Ctrl+Alt+Del while run­ning in AMD Man­t­le mode
[422623] Rage: In game cine­ma­tic may stut­ter when quad AMD Cross­fi­re™ mode is enabled
[421110] The Wit­cher® 3: Wild Hunt — Cor­rup­ti­on may be obser­ved when AA is enab­led in AMD Cross­fi­re™ mode


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