Embedded-Polaris soll Effizienz um Faktor 3 erhöhen

Abseits der schlag­zei­len­träch­ti­gen High-End-Hard­ware hat AMD die Tage eine neue GPU-Fami­lie für den embedded Bereich vor­ge­stellt, die AMD Embedded Rade­on E9170 Series. Sie basiert auf der 2016 prä­sen­tier­ten Pola­ris-Archi­tek­tur und soll neue Maß­stä­be set­zen in Sachen Per­for­mance pro Watt.

Key Appli­ca­ti­on Bene­fits of the E9170 Series
Digi­tal casi­no games: Hel­ping redu­ce ener­gy con­sump­ti­on and ope­ra­ting cos­ts, the E9170 Series GPU cuts down on ope­ra­ting cos­ts for ent­ry level and midran­ge casi­no gam­ing sys­tems, as well as lowers ther­mal dis­si­pa­ti­on that impacts faci­li­ty air con­di­tio­ning cos­ts. Sup­port for five inde­pen­dent and simul­ta­neous dis­plays allows com­pa­nies to crea­te an eye-cat­ching expe­ri­ence with more pixels and more action. DirectX® 12 sup­port enables hig­her frames per second and redu­ced laten­cy, and cross-plat­form Vul­kan® API sup­port helps ensu­re bet­ter image qua­li­ty while decre­asing CPU pro­ces­sing bottlenecks.
Thin cli­ents: Thin cli­ents powered by the E9170 Series GPU can have a smal­ler hard­ware foot­print than tra­di­tio­nal PC sys­tems, and can have lower heat out­put and pro­vi­de coo­ler workspaces in den­se­ly-staf­fed and space-cons­trai­ned envi­ron­ments such as stock exch­an­ge tra­ding flo­ors. Addi­tio­nal­ly, 4K gra­phics reso­lu­ti­on pro­vi­des crisp visu­al cla­ri­ty when thin cli­ents are in split-screen dis­play mode, impro­ving the end-user experience.
Medi­cal dis­plays: The high-per­for­mance 4K gra­phics reso­lu­ti­on in the E9170 Series GPU helps impro­ve the accu­ra­cy of cli­ni­cal dia­gno­ses in X‑Ray machi­nes and ultra­sounds as well as with bone tis­sue and ana­ly­sis, hel­ping medi­cal pro­fes­sio­nals to enhan­ce pati­ent care.
Retail and digi­tal signage: Cost-con­scious signage com­pa­nies inte­gra­ting the E9170 Series GPU can dri­ve up to five simul­ta­neous 4K dis­plays for a stun­ning visu­al expe­ri­ence that holds view­er atten­ti­on wit­hout incur­ring a pre­mi­um pro­ces­sor price.
Indus­tri­al: The Rade­on E9170 Series GPU in the relia­ble MCM for­mat enables the sta­bi­li­ty requi­red for the most strin­gent shock and vibra­ti­on tests in envi­ron­ments such as air­plane cock­pits, in addi­ti­on to dri­ving mul­ti­ple displays.

Die Eck­da­ten lau­ten wiefolgt:

Fol­gen­de Model­le sind zu erwarten:
