Thermaltake Officially Enters the Memory Market – The WaterRam RGB Liquid Cooling DDR4 Memory 3200MHz 32GB/16GB

Thermaltake Officially Enters the Memory Market – 
The WaterRam RGB Liquid Cooling DDR4 Memory
3200MHz 32GB/16GB

 “Crafted For Excellence”

Las Vegas, United Sta­tesJanu­ary 9th, 2019- Ther­mal­ta­ke, the lea­ding PC DIY pre­mi­um brand for Coo­ling , Gam­ing Gear and Enthu­si­ast Memo­ry solu­ti­ons, announ­ces the imme­dia­te release of its ground­brea­king pro­duct today, the Ther­mal­ta­ke Water­Ram RGB Liquid Coo­ling DDR4 Memo­ry. An unpre­ce­den­ted DDR4 memo­ry modu­le inte­gra­ted with liquid-coo­ling solu­ti­ons. This is the world’s first two-way coo­ling DDR4 memo­ry that comes with its own 16.8 mil­li­on colors soft­ware-con­troll­able water block. The Water­Ram RGB offers ulti­ma­te fle­xi­bi­li­ty for coo­ling opti­ons, with the exclu­si­ve liquid coo­ling tech­no­lo­gy, Ther­mal­ta­ke lowers the tem­pe­ra­tu­re of the RAMs by 37% com­pared to tra­di­tio­nal natu­ral pas­si­ve coo­ling solu­ti­ons, which ensu­res sta­ble and instant per­for­mance and lon­ger lifespan.

While Water­Ram RGB ensu­res peak per­for­mance, it is also gor­ge­ous­ly built with 12 high lumens addressa­ble LEDs of 16.8 mil­li­on colors that can be con­trol­led by the TT RGB PLUS Eco­sys­tem and sync with mother­boards from ASUS, GIGABYTE, MSI and AsRock that have a 5V addressa­ble RGB hea­der. The Water­Ram RGB Liquid Coo­ling Memo­ry was craf­ted for excel­lence and takes your sys­tem to a who­le new level!

Fea­tures of the Ther­mal­ta­ke Water­Ram RGB Liquid Coo­ling Memory:

Liquid Coo­ling or Heats­inks Con­vec­tionTwo-way, Your Way 
Water­Ram RGB offers the ulti­ma­te fle­xi­bi­li­ty when it comes to coo­ling opti­ons. With high per­for­mance cop­per-based water block and alu­mi­num heats­inks, Water­Ram RGB allows liquid coo­ling or heat sinks con­vec­tion coo­ling. The included RAM water block incor­po­ra­tes Thermaltake’s exclu­si­ve liquid coo­ling tech­no­lo­gy which keeps the tem­pe­ra­tu­re of the RAMS 37% lower than the RAMs with only tra­di­tio­nal natu­ral pas­si­ve coo­ling solu­ti­ons. Water­Ram RGB’s liquid coo­ling opti­on ensu­res per­for­mance, sta­bi­li­ty, and lon­ger life­span of the RAMs. As for the alu­mi­num heats­inks, it is con­s­truc­ted with 2mm thick alu­mi­num heats­inks that offers supe­ri­or heat dis­si­pa­ti­on. And unli­ke any other RAMs on the mar­ket that uses dou­ble coas­ted tis­sue tapes, Water­Ram RGB uses high effi­ci­en­cy ther­mal pads ins­tead to pro­vi­de bet­ter ther­mal con­duc­ti­vi­ty and weight endu­rance to sup­port RAM water block.

Pro Gam­ing at its Finest
Water­Ram RGB incor­po­ra­tes the latest tech­no­lo­gy in the mar­ket to sup­port high inten­si­ty gam­ing or other high speeds requi­red acti­vi­ties. Built with 3200MHz high speed that sup­ports Intel XMP 2.0 one-click over­clo­cking tech­no­lo­gy and low CL16 laten­ci­es, Water­Ram RGB was tes­ted on the latest Intel DDR4 mother­boards to ensu­re opti­mal DDR4 per­for­mance. Water­Ram RGB is Intel XMP sup­port­ed, you are only one BIOS-set­ting click away from exten­ded over­clo­cking performance.

TT RGB PLUS Eco­sys­tem Sup­port­ed and Sync with Mother­board RGB Software 

Water­Ram RGB fea­tures 12 high lumens addressa­ble LEDs with 16.8m colors that can be con­trol­led by TT RGB PLUS soft­ware or mother­board RGB soft­ware. TT RGB PLUS Eco­sys­tem is the intel­li­gent light­ing sys­tem for PCs that com­bi­nes the most advan­ced addressa­ble LED light­ing with Thermaltake’s paten­ted TT RGB PLUS Soft­ware, Razor Chro­ma, and Ama­zon Ale­xa Voice Ser­vice. TT RGB PLUS eco­sys­tem pro­vi­des near­ly unli­mi­t­ed pos­si­bi­li­ties for play­ing with colors, syn­chro­ni­zing lights to games, music, CPU tem­pe­ra­tures, Razer Chro­ma sup­port­ed gam­ing peri­pherals or other TT RGB PLUS pro­ducts, inclu­ding case fans, CPU/VGA water­blocks, AIO CPU coo­lers, PSUs, LED strips, gam­ing key­boards, head­sets, mice and mou­se pads. The paten­ted TT RGB PLUS soft­ware allows users to chan­ge the light modes, colors, speeds, bright­ness, fan speeds via TT AI Voice Con­trol and Ama­zon Ale­xa Voice Ser­vice. Water­Ram is also desi­gned to syn­chro­ni­ze with ASUS Aura Sync, GIGABYTE RGB Fusi­on, MSI Mys­tic Light Sync and AsRock Poly­chro­me. It sup­ports mother­boards that have a 5V addressa­ble RGB hea­der, allo­wing you to con­trol the lights direct­ly from the abo­ve-men­tio­ned soft­ware wit­hout instal­ling any extra light­ing soft­ware or con­trol­lers. For more details, plea­se visit ASUS, GIGABYTE, MSI and AsRock offi­ci­al websites.

Avai­la­bi­li­ty, War­ran­ty, Com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty and Pricing 
Ther­mal­ta­ke Water­Ram RGB Liquid Coo­ling Memo­ry is now available for purcha­se, via the Ther­mal­ta­ke world­wi­de net­work of aut­ho­ri­zed retail­ers and dis­tri­bu­tors. Ther­mal­ta­ke Water­Ram RGB Liquid Coo­ling Memo­ry is backed by a limi­t­ed life­time war­ran­ty for the RAMs, two-year war­ran­ty for the water­block and sup­port­ed by the Ther­mal­ta­ke world­wi­de cus­to­mer ser­vice and tech­ni­cal sup­port net­work. For up-to-date pri­cing of the Ther­mal­ta­ke Water­Ram RGB Liquid Coo­ling Memo­ry, plea­se refer to the Ther­mal­ta­ke web­site or cont­act your local Ther­mal­ta­ke sales or PR representative.

For more details on the Ther­mal­ta­ke Water­Ram RGB Liquid Coo­ling Memo­ry plea­se visit:

Whe­re to Buy Water­Ram 32GB:
TT Pre­mi­um Global –‑4/
TT Pre­mi­um Asia –…dr4-3200mhz-32gb/
TT Pre­mi­um Aus­tra­lia –‑a/   
TT Pre­mi­um Chi­na –‑a/
TT Pre­mi­um Euro­pe –‑a/   
TT Pre­mi­um Tai­wan –‑a/
Whe­re to Buy Water­Ram 16GB:
TT Pre­mi­um Global –‑2/
TT Pre­mi­um Asia –…dr4-3200mhz-16gb/
TT Pre­mi­um Aus­tra­lia –‑a/
TT Pre­mi­um Chi­na –‑a/
TT Pre­mi­um Euro­pe –‑a/
TT Pre­mi­um Tai­wan –‑a/