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DRAM Calculator for Ryzen v1.5.1
Der “DRAM Calculator for Ryzen” hilft beim Übertakten des Arbeitsspeichers auf Plattformen mit AMDs Ryzen-Prozessoren, indem auf Basis der Daten des eingesetzten Arbeitsspeichers Vorschläge für die Einstellungen der Timings gemacht werden.
DRAM Calculator for Ryzen 1.5.1 changelog
- Updated Micron E / H die presets (3533 max)
- Debug profile is available only for SAFE presets (in case if do not start the system when using V1 or V2).
- Minor adjustments to calculate Debug profiles.
- Small changes in presets for Samsung b‑die.
- Reduced activation time for tooltips for the Main tab.
- Added hint for “Topology”.
- Fix crash program due to incorrect saving of user settings.
- For OEM, the frequency limit has been increased to 3533.
- Cosmetic edits in the About tab.
- Added links to German and Ukrainian communities.
MEMbench 0.7 changelog
- Fixed a global error when the application refused to start due to an incorrect request for system information (System info).
- Fixed a bug when starting the RTC degraded the speed of MEMbench.
- Fixed a bug where empty Ram size or Task Scope fields caused system crashes.
- Improved accuracy of results + increase the speed of the benchmark.
- Added an alternative mode Stop at (task mode) — Total. Now he is recomended for benchmark. Of course, you can activate the old Single mode, but the results will be worse.
- Removed the output of information about the speed of the test. This parameter was used to debug MEMbech and is not valuable to users.
- Added pop-up hints for MEMbench.
- A slight change in the color scheme MEMbench. Color graphs vary depending on the mode used. Thanks to this, in the future it will be easier for you to recognize the mode in which the test was done.
- Added system time in System info. Validation time is a prerequisite.
- Added “Max RAM” button. Calculation of the maximum-free ammount of RAM. Ideal for Memtest mode.
- Fixed a bug where the application allowed Memtest to run when there was a shortage of RAM.
- Added button-link to MEMbench results page.
Download: DRAM Calculator for Ryzen v1.5.1 (Win 10, 8, 7 (32 Bit & 64 Bit))
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