DRAM Calculator for Ryzen v1.6.0.1

Der “DRAM Cal­cu­la­tor for Ryzen” hilft beim Über­tak­ten des Arbeits­spei­chers auf Platt­for­men mit AMDs Ryzen-Pro­zes­so­ren, indem auf Basis der Daten des ein­ge­setz­ten Arbeits­spei­chers Vor­schlä­ge für die Ein­stel­lun­gen der Timings gemacht wer­den. Die Ver­si­on bie­tet nun Unter­stüt­zung für Pro­zes­so­ren auf Basis von AMDs Zen 2 und für Main­boards mit X570-Chipsatz.


  • Added full sup­port for Zen 2 and X570 motherboards.
  • Added recom­men­da­ti­ons for VDDG and FCLK for Zen 2.
  • Added recom­men­da­ti­ons for Vref (CHA / CHB).
  • The maxi­mum fre­quen­cy for 1:1 mode is now 3800 MHz, and for 2:1 mode — 4200.
  • Updated pre­sets for Sam­sung b‑die, Hynix CJR and Micron e‑die.
  • Added back­ward com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of Zen 2 with pre­vious gene­ra­ti­ons of motherboards.
  • Added PMU Trai­ning recom­men­da­ti­ons for all Ryzen plat­forms. Bet­ter trai­ning — a more sta­ble system.
  • Added auto­sa­ve of the main tab set­tings when clo­sing the pro­gram and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly loa­ding them when the pro­gram is started.
  • Impro­ved tWRRD pre­dic­tion for Dual Rank.
  • Color noti­fi­ca­ti­on of vol­ta­ge limits and FCLK. Black is the norm, red is the limit.
  • Timing detec­tion for Zen and Zen + gene­ra­ti­ons. For the gene­ra­ti­on Zen 2 at the moment the­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to add a defi­ni­ti­on of timings due to NDA. Unfortunately.
  • Fixed a lack of pre­sets for X399.
  • Fixed a rare error in which it was impos­si­ble to cal­cu­la­te the timings.
  • Added a but­ton to access the Inter­net over­clo­cking sta­tis­tics gene­ra­ti­on Zen 2.
  • For users of Intel sys­tems in the “Addi­tio­nal Cal­cu­la­tors” sec­tion, it is pos­si­ble to cal­cu­la­te tRE­FI and RTL IO‑L.
  • Added 2 new laten­cy tests for MEM­benchCus­tom laten­cy is a memo­ry access test that the pro­ces­sor can­not pre­dict (using a spe­ci­fic off­set). Ran­dom laten­cy — the avera­ge time is mea­su­red for ran­dom memo­ry acces­ses in a buf­fer of a cer­tain size. Par­ti­al­ly affects the result of TLB. Both ver­si­ons are release can­di­da­tes, but I do not deny that the­re will be calibrations.
  • Cus­tom laten­cy and Ran­dom laten­cy are included in the Easy and Default packa­ges. Plea­se note that during test­ing the pro­gram will open / clo­se the prompt its­elf (you do not need to deal with it).
  • Added infor­ma­ti­on about the size of the L3 cache pro­ces­sor. Also, the size of the test blocks for laten­cy tests is con­trol­led rela­ti­ve to it.
  • Added but­ton Clear stand­by. The­re is to clean the cached memo­ry by the ope­ra­ting sys­tem. Did­n’t the test run? — Click Clear standby.
  • Max RAM but­ton bet­ter deter­mi­nes the amount of free memo­ry available for test­ing. Useful for che­cking memo­ry for errors.
  • The­re are excep­ti­ons for many func­tions. Fault tole­rance of the pro­gram increased.
  • Gra­phic edits.


Down­load: DRAM Cal­cu­la­tor for Ryzen
Datei­grö­ße 338,3 KiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 29.07.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10, 8, 7 (32-Bit & 64-Bit)
Lizenz: Free­ware