AMD Catalyst 14.7 RC3 für Windows

AMD hat mit dem Catalyst 14.7 einen weiteren Release Candidate veröffentlicht, bei dem das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Beseitigung einiger Probleme mit 4K-Bildschirmen lag. Mit dem neuen Treiber wollen die Treiberentwickler insbesondere Verbindungsprobleme der Radeon-Grafikkarten aus den Serien R9 290, R9 270 und HD 7800 reduziert haben. Zugleich wird darauf hingewiesen, dass das Auftreten von Problemen insbesondere durch die Verwendung von zertifizierten DisplayPort‑1.2‑HBR2-Kabeln minimiert werden kann, die nicht länger als 2 m sind. Darüber hinaus findet sich im aktuellen RC-Treiber ein CrossFire-Profil für Wildstar. In Lichdom soll die Performance sowohl für Systeme mit nur einer GPU als auch für Crossfire-Systeme verbessert worden sein. Zu guter Letzt versprechen die Release Notes noch ein flüssigeres Spielgefühl in Watch Dogs, was sowohl für Single- als auch Multi-GPU-Systeme gelten soll.
In die August-Ausgabe des Treiberpaketes sind zudem erneut Optimierungen zur Verbesserung der Stabilität und Kompatibilität mit diversen Anwendungen eingeflossen. Eine vollständige Liste der vom Treiber unterstützten Hardware sowie sämtlicher behobener und bekannter Probleme kann den offiziellen Release Notes entnommen werden. Solltet Ihr von Problemen betroffen sein, die darin nicht aufgeführt werden, dann könnt Ihr das offizielle Catalyst Crew Feedback Form verwenden, um das Treiber-Team darauf aufmerksam zu machen. Eine Hilfestellung für das Formular könnt Ihr hier finden.
AMD Catalyst 14.7 RC3 — CCC-Softwareinformation
Die Treiber stehen für Windows 8.1, 7 und Linux zum Download bereit, wobei sowohl die 32-Bit- als auch die 64-Bit-Version im jeweiligen Installer enthalten sind. Vista-Nutzer können den Treiber ebenfalls installieren, allerdings hat uns AMD zu verstehen gegeben, dass Microsofts ungeliebter Spross in der Qualitätssicherung und Entwicklung nur noch eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt.
Was ist neu?
Feature Highlights of the AMD Catalyst 14.7 RC3 Driver for Windows
- Includes all improvements found in the AMD Catalyst 14.7 RC driver
- Display interface enhancements to improve 4k monitor performance and reduce flickering.
- Improvements apply to the following products:
- AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
- AMD Radeon R9 270 Series
- AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
- Even with these improvements, cable quality and other system variables can affect 4k performance. AMD recommends using DisplayPort 1.2 HBR2 certified cables with a length of 2m (~6 ft) or less when driving 4K monitors.
- Improvements apply to the following products:
- Wildstar: AMD Crossfire profile support
- Lichdom: Single GPU and Multi-GPU performance enhancements
- Watch Dogs: Smoother gameplay on single GPU and Multi-GPU configurations
Feature Highlights of the AMD Catalyst 14.7 RC Driver for Windows
- Includes all improvements found in the AMD Catalyst 14.6 RC driver
- AMD CrossFire and AMD Radeon™ Dual Graphics profile update for Plants vs. Zombies
- Assassin’s Creed IV — improved CrossFire scaling (3840x2160 High Settings) up to 93%
- Collaboration with AOC has identified non-standard display timings as the root cause of 60Hz SST flickering exhibited by the AOC U2868PQU panel on certain AMD Radeon graphics cards. A software workaround has been implemented in AMD Catalyst 14.7 RC driver to resolve the display timing issues with this display.
- Users are further encouraged to obtain newer display firmware from AOC that will resolve flickering at its origin.
- Users are additionally advised to utilize DisplayPort-certified cables to ensure the integrity of the DisplayPort data connection.
Known Issues
- Running Watch Dogs with a R9 280X CrossFire configuration may result in the application running in CrossFire software compositing mode
- Enabling Temporal SMAA in a CrossFire configuration when playing Watch Dogs will result in flickering
- AMD CrossFire configurations with AMD Eyefinity enabled will see instability with BattleField 4 or Thief when running Mantle
- Catalyst Install Manager text is covered by Express/Custom radio button text
- Express Uninstall does not remove C:\Program Files\(AMD or ATI) folder
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 14.6 RC Driver for Windows
- Plants vs. Zombies (Direct3D performance improvements):
- AMD Radeon R9 290X — 1920x1080 Ultra – improves up to 11%
- AMD Radeon R9 290X — 2560x1600 Ultra – improves up to 15%
- AMD Radeon R9 290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra) — 92% scaling
- 3DMark Sky Diver improvements:
- AMD A4 6300 – improves up to 4%
- Enables AMD Dual Graphics / AMD CrossFire support
- Grid Auto Sport:
- AMD CrossFire profile
- Wildstar:
- Power Xpress profile
- Performance improvements to improve smoothness of application
- Performance improves up to 24% at 2560x1600 on the AMD Radeon R9 and R7 Series of products for both single GPU and multi-GPU configurations.
- Watch Dogs:
- AMD CrossFire – Frame pacing improvements
- Battlefield Hardline Beta:
- AMD CrossFire profile
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta V1.0 Driver for Windows
- Performance improvements
- Watch Dogs performance improvements
- AMD Radeon R9 290X — 1920x1080 4x MSAA – improves up to 25%
- AMD Radeon R9 290X — 2560x1600 4x MSAA – improves up to 28%
- AMD Radeon R9 290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X) — 92% scaling
- Murdered: Soul Suspect performance improvements
- AMD Radeon R9 290X – 2560x1600 4x MSAA – improves up to 16%
- AMD Radeon R9 290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X) — 93% scaling
- Watch Dogs performance improvements
- AMD Eyefinity enhancements:
- Mixed Resolution Support
- A new architecture providing brand new capabilities
- Display groups can be created with monitors of different resolution (including difference sizes and shapes)
- Users have a choice of how surface is created over the display group
- Fill – legacy mode, best for identical monitors
- Fit – create the Eyefinity surface using best available rectangular area with attached displays.
- Expand – create a virtual Eyefinity surface using desktops as viewports onto the surface.
- Eyefinity Display Alignment
- Enables control over alignment between adjacent monitors
- One-Click Setup
- Driver detects layout of extended desktops
- Can create Eyefinity display group using this layout in one click!
- Driver detects layout of extended desktops
- Mixed Resolution Support
- New user controls for video color and display settings
- Greater control over Video Color Management:
- Controls have been expanded from a single slider for controlling Boost and Hue to per color axis
- Color depth control for Digital Flat Panels (available on supported HDMI and DP displays)
- Allows users to select different color depths per resolution and display
- Greater control over Video Color Management:
- AMD Mantle enhancements
- Mantle now supports AMD Mobile products with Enduro technology
- Battlefield 4: AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1366x768; high settings) – 21% gain
- Thief: AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1920x1080; high settings) – 14% gain
- Star Swarm: AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1920x1080; medium settings) – 274% gain
- Enables support for Multi-GPU configurations with Thief (requires the latest Thief update)
- Mantle now supports AMD Mobile products with Enduro technology
- AMD AM1 JPEG decoding acceleration
- JPEG decoding acceleration was first enabled on the A10 APU Series in AMD Catalyst 14.1 beta, and has now been extended to the AMD AM1 Platform
- Provides fast JPEG decompression
- Provides Power Efficiency for JPEG decompression
Highlights of the AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta V1.0 Driver for Linux:
This release of AMD Catalyst Linux introduces support for the following new:
- Ubuntu 14.04 support
- Install improvements
- Package and distribution generation options; recommend options set by default
- Help user install generated distribution package once created
- Pop-up messages to help guide users through the install process
- Identifying and installation of pre-requisites
- Package and distribution generation options; recommend options set by default
Resolved Issue highlights:
- Witcher 2: Resolves random lock-up seen when launching the application
- (398826) Screen corruption when connect external monitor to some PowerXpress A+I platform
- (396719) X crash when do rotation with Tear Free Desktop enabled
- (397810) Failure on exit of OpenGL programs
- (398424) Error message when run clinfo in console mode
- (396098) Blank screen when hotplug HDMI monitor from MST hub
- (396795) System hang after resume from S3/S4 in High Performance mode on PowerXpress A+I platform
- (396870) Garbage on the bottom right corner of screen before boot into login UI during restart
- (394504) Segmentation fault when run ETQW
Open Issues:
- DOTA 2 may hang while playing on the AMD Radeon HD 7900 or AMD Radeon R9 280X
- Witcher 2 exhibits intermittent corruption when swinging sword in the Arena
Achtung! Wie bei allen Beta‑, Release-Candidate‑, Preview- und Hotfix-Treibern sei auch hier der Hinweis angebracht, dass es sich nicht um eine vollumfänglich getestete Software handelt, in der auch schwerere Fehler noch enthalten sein können. Der angebotene Beta-Treiber richtet sich in erster Linie an Enthusiasten, die stets die aktuellen Features und Optimierungen nutzen wollen. Er sollte jedoch nicht auf Produktivsystemen installiert werden!
- Catalyst 14.7 RC3 Desktop- und Notebook-Treiber für Windows
- Catalyst 14.6 Beta V1.0 Desktop- und Notebook-Treiber für Linux
Links zum Thema:
- Graphics Technical Support
- Offizielles Support-Forum
- Mantle Known Issues List
- AMD Issue Reporting Form for Beta Driver
- AMD Issue Reporting Form for Mobility Driver
- Linux Crew Driver Feedback
- How to gather the optional information for the AMD issue reporting form
- Guide on how to install an ATI graphics card and / or its drivers
- AMD Catalyst 14.4 WHQL für Radeon HD 5000, HD 6000, HD 7000 und Rx 2xx
- AMD Catalyst 13.1 Legacy WHQL für Radeon HD 2000, HD 3000 und HD 4000
- AMD Clean Uninstall Utility 1.4 — Offizielles Deinstallationstool für Catalyst-Treiber
- AMD beendet monatlichen Rhythmus, um Qualität der Catalyst-Treiber zu verbessern
- AMD führt neuen Update-Rhythmus für ältere Grafikkartengenerationen ein