Intel-CEO Brian Krzanich tritt überraschend zurück

Wie Intel heu­te in einer offi­zi­el­len Pres­se­mit­tei­lung ver­kün­digt hat, tritt CEO Bri­an Krza­nich von sei­nem Pos­ten als CEO und Mit­glied des Ver­wal­tungs­rats bei Intel mit sofor­ti­ger Wir­kung zurück. Grund soll eine Bezie­hung mit einer Ange­stell­ten sein, die zwar ein­ver­nehm­lich gewe­sen sei, jedoch gegen den Ver­hal­tens­co­dex der Fir­ma ver­sto­ßen habe:

Intel was recent­ly infor­med that Mr. Krza­nich had a past con­sen­su­al rela­ti­onship with an Intel employee. An ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­ti­on by inter­nal and exter­nal coun­sel has con­firm­ed a vio­la­ti­on of Intel’s non-fra­ter­niza­ti­on poli­cy, which appli­es to all mana­gers. Given the expec­ta­ti­on that all employees will respect Intel’s values and adhe­re to the company’s code of con­duct, the board has accept­ed Mr. Krzanich’s resignation.

Der bis­he­ri­ge Finanz­chef Robert “Bob” Swan über­nimmt den Pos­ten übergangsweise:

As inte­rim CEO, Swan will mana­ge ope­ra­ti­ons in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Intel’s seni­or lea­der­ship team. Swan has been Intel’s CFO sin­ce Octo­ber 2016 and leads the glo­bal finan­ce, IT and cor­po­ra­te stra­tegy orga­niza­ti­ons. He pre­vious­ly spent nine years as CFO of eBay Inc. Ear­lier, he was CFO of Elec­tro­nic Data Sys­tems Corp. and TRW Inc. He has also ser­ved as CEO of Web­van Group Inc.

Abge­se­hen davon kün­digt Intel in der sel­ben Pres­se­mit­tei­lung ein wei­te­res Rekord­ergeb­nis an:

Intel expects to deli­ver a record second quar­ter, with reve­nues of appro­xi­m­ate­ly $16.9 bil­li­on and non-GAAP EPS of appro­xi­m­ate­ly $0.99. With acce­le­ra­ting data-cen­tric reve­nue, the com­pa­ny is off to an excel­lent start in the first half of the year and expects 2018 to be ano­ther record year. Intel will pro­vi­de full second-quar­ter results and an updated out­look for the full year on the second-quar­ter ear­nings call on July 26.