AMD Catalyst 15.3 Beta — Erster Treiber mit Unterstützung für FreeSync

AMD hat mit einem Tag Ver­spä­tung den Cata­lyst 15.3 Beta ver­öf­fent­licht, mit dem erst­mals für End­kun­den Free­Sync unter­stützt wird. In die März-Aus­ga­be des Trei­ber­pa­ke­tes sind zudem eini­ge neue oder über­ar­bei­te­te Cross­Fi­re-Pro­fi­le inte­griert wor­den sowie Opti­mie­run­gen zur Ver­bes­se­rung der Sta­bi­li­tät und Kom­pa­ti­bi­li­tät mit diver­sen Anwen­dun­gen ein­ge­flos­sen. Eine voll­stän­di­ge Lis­te der vom Trei­ber unter­stütz­ten Hard­ware sowie sämt­li­cher beho­be­ner und bekann­ter Pro­ble­me kann den offi­zi­el­len Release Notes ent­nom­men wer­den. Soll­tet Ihr von Pro­ble­men betrof­fen sein, die dar­in nicht auf­ge­führt wer­den, dann könnt Ihr das offi­zi­el­le Cata­lyst Crew Feed­back Form ver­wen­den, um das Trei­ber-Team dar­auf auf­merk­sam zu machen. Eine Hil­fe­stel­lung für das For­mu­lar könnt Ihr hier fin­den.

AMD Cata­lyst 15.3 Beta — CCC-Softwareinformation

Die Trei­ber ste­hen für Win­dows 8.1 und 7 zum Down­load bereit. Win­dows 8 wur­de letzt­mals mit dem Cata­lyst 14.4 WHQL offi­zi­ell unter­stützt. Vis­ta-Nut­zer kön­nen den Trei­ber eben­falls instal­lie­ren, aller­dings hat uns AMD zu ver­ste­hen gege­ben, dass Micro­softs unge­lieb­ter Spross in der Qua­li­täts­si­che­rung und Ent­wick­lung nur noch eine unter­ge­ord­ne­te Rol­le spielt.

Was ist neu?

Highlights of AMD Catalyst 15.3 Windows Beta Driver 

AMD Free­sync Sup­port for sin­gle GPU pro­duct configurations

  • AMD Free­sync tech­no­lo­gy sup­port is now available for sin­gle GPU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. For more infor­ma­ti­on on how Free­sync works, FAQ’s and what pro­ducts are curr­ent­ly sup­port­ed, plea­se visit the  Free­sync Tech­no­lo­gy Page

Mixed Rota­ti­on Eye­fi­ni­ty now available on Rade­on™ R9 285 series

  • AMD Rade­on R9 285 now sup­ports Mixed Rota­ti­on Eye­fi­ni­ty for “0” and “90” degrees rotations
  • More infor­ma­ti­on on set­up, con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and sup­port for this fea­ture is available at the fol­lo­wing link:

New Cross­fi­re Pro­files for:

  • Batt­le­field Hardline
  • Evol­ve
  • Far Cry 4
  • Lords of the Fallen
  • Pro­ject Cars
  • Total War: Attila

Cross­fi­re Pro­fi­le Updates for :

  • Ali­en Isolation
  • Assassin’s Creed Unity
  • Civi­liza­ti­on — Bey­ond Earth
  • FIFA 2015
  • Grid Auto­sport
  • Ryse: Son of Rome
  • Talos Prin­ci­ple
  • The Crew

Important Note:

The AMD Cross­Fi­re pro­fi­le for Dying Light is curr­ent­ly dis­ab­led in this dri­ver while AMD works with Tech­land to inves­ti­ga­te an issue whe­re AMD Cross­Fi­re con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons are not per­forming as inten­ded. An update is expec­ted on this issue in the near future through an updated game patch or an AMD dri­ver posting.

Resol­ved Issues:

  • [412702] Screens may blank out when enab­ling a 3x1 SLS with 3 HDMI monitors
  • [411847] Lead­werks : Pro­ject Mana­ger cra­s­hes with a “Pure Vir­tu­al Func­tion Call” error
  • [413076] Second Life : Rig­ged mesh objects are not ren­de­red cor­rect­ly when hard­ware skin­ning is enab­led in the in game settings
  • [413392] Star Trek Online : Block cor­rup­ti­on is expe­ri­en­ced when MSAA is enab­led in the in game settings
  • [410367] Sys­tem hangs/BSOD upon resum­ing from S3/S4 sleep on AMD Rade­on™ R9 285 con­fi­gu­red in AMD Cross­Fi­re mode
  • [410293] With AMD Cross­Fi­re™ enab­led, Time­out Detec­tion Reco­very (TDR) occurs during actu­al game­play when You­Tube Mix moves to the next song in Firefox
  • [407622] Screen tearing on enab­ling VSync with Ali­en: Iso­la­ti­on game
  • [407175] Cata­lyst Con­trol Cen­ter Video Qua­li­ty set­tings may not be available or retai­ned if the “Enforce Smooth Video Play­back” opti­on is not sel­ec­ted on some AMD HD series GPU’s.
  • [410391] Pri­ma­ry dis­play may not be retai­ned after dis­ab­ling Cross­fi­re while in Eye­fi­ni­ty mode
  • [409705] Enab­ling or dis­ab­ling Cross­fi­re may lead to one side of the 4K MST dis­play being shown as black
  • [410393] Minor stut­te­ring may be seen in Dra­gon Age Inqui­si­ti­on on Sin­gle and Mul­ti GPU configurations
  • [414660] Total War : Attil­la — The game may hang during in game cine­ma­tics on cer­tain Kaveri plat­forms with a sepa­ra­te dis­crete GPU
  • [414120] The Elder Scrolls V — Sky­rim : Fog / Clouds may fli­cker on Rade­on HD 5800 series products

Known Issues:

  • [414653] Lord of Fal­len : Fli­cke­ring may be obser­ved during game­play on some 3D monitors
  • [414771] FIFA 2015 : On a limi­t­ed num­ber of AMD APU + AMD GPU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons a crash may be expe­ri­en­ced if the “No Limit on FPS” game opti­on is enabled
  • [414752] Dra­gon Age inqui­si­ti­on : Ran­dom game cra­s­hes may be expe­ri­en­ced in Man­t­le mode
  • [414583] The Cata­lyst Con­trol Cen­ter may hang when using the ‘Check for Updates” option
  • [414468] Batt­le­field 4 : Screen tearing / Stut­ter may be expe­ri­en­ced in Three way Cross­fi­re set­up in Eye­fi­ni­ty mode
  • [410398] A black screen may be expe­ri­en­ced when attemp­ting to enable Eye­fi­ni­ty after chan­ging the dis­play mode (Por­trait, Landscape)
  • [406495] Pull down detec­tion fails to lock in Metro Video play­back applications
  • [410255] A sys­tem restart or hang may be obser­ved on sleep/resume while trans­co­ding video with Media Espresso
  • [416109] Batt­le­field Hard­li­ne : Chan­ging reso­lu­ti­on from low to high and enab­ling Vsync may result in inter­mit­tent cor­rup­ti­on and stut­ter. Restart­ing the game is a tem­po­ra­ry solu­ti­on to the problem
  • [414713] Some 5K dis­plays may expe­ri­ence fli­cke­ring on some AMD E‑Series APU’s
  • [414620] Frame drops may be expe­ri­en­ced with Blu-Ray play­back on cer­tain AMD Kaveri APU’s when con­nec­ted to 5K displays
  • [415920] Total War: Atti­la — The game may ran­dom­ly restart when first launched
  • [410336] The Elder Scrolls V: Sky­rim — Inter­mit­tent fli­cke­ring may be obser­ved when acces­sing the in game menu
  • [416363] Batt­le­field Hard­li­ne: The game may crash when laun­ched on R9 285 series pro­ducts with Cross­fi­re and Man­t­le enabled
  • [416302] Batt­le­field Hard­li­ne: The game may crash on first launch when in High Per­for­mance mode
  • [416442] Free­sync does not work after hot­plug­ging the dis­play with Win­dows Aero (DWM) off 
    • A tem­po­ra­ry work­around is to togg­le Win­dows Aero on/off or by restart­ing Windows
  • [416441] Free­sync is not enab­led in Dia­blo III unless Vsync is enab­led in the game 
    • A tem­po­ra­ry work­around is to enable Vsync in the game

Ach­tung! Wie bei allen Beta‑, Release-Can­di­da­te‑, Pre­view- und Hot­fix-Trei­bern sei auch hier der Hin­weis ange­bracht, dass es sich nicht um eine voll­um­fäng­lich getes­te­te Soft­ware han­delt, in der auch schwe­re­re Feh­ler noch ent­hal­ten sein kön­nen. Der ange­bo­te­ne Beta-Trei­ber rich­tet sich in ers­ter Linie an Enthu­si­as­ten, die stets die aktu­el­len Fea­tures und Opti­mie­run­gen nut­zen wol­len. Er soll­te jedoch nicht auf Pro­duk­tiv­sys­te­men instal­liert werden!


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