AMD Catalyst 14.12 Omega WHQL Desktop- und Notebook-Grafiktreiber

AMD hat die WHQL-zer­ti­fi­zier­te Spe­zia­ledi­ti­on Cata­lyst 14.12 Ome­ga ver­öf­fent­licht, der vie­le Bug­fi­xes, neue Funk­tio­nen und Per­for­mance­op­ti­mie­run­gen mit sich bringt. Weil die­se so umfang­reich aus­fal­len, möch­ten wir auf den sepa­ra­ten Arti­kel hier­zu ver­wei­sen. In die Dezem­ber-Aus­ga­be des Trei­ber­pa­ke­tes sind zudem erneut Opti­mie­run­gen zur Ver­bes­se­rung der Sta­bi­li­tät und Kom­pa­ti­bi­li­tät mit diver­sen Anwen­dun­gen ein­ge­flos­sen. Eine voll­stän­di­ge Lis­te der vom Trei­ber unter­stütz­ten Hard­ware sowie sämt­li­cher beho­be­ner und bekann­ter Pro­ble­me kann den offi­zi­el­len Release Notes ent­nom­men wer­den. Soll­tet Ihr von Pro­ble­men betrof­fen sein, die dar­in nicht auf­ge­führt wer­den, dann könnt Ihr das offi­zi­el­le Cata­lyst Crew Feed­back Form ver­wen­den, um das Trei­ber-Team dar­auf auf­merk­sam zu machen. Eine Hil­fe­stel­lung für das For­mu­lar könnt Ihr hier fin­den.

AMD Cata­lyst 14.12 WHQL Ome­ga — Softwareinformation

Das hier zum Down­load ange­bo­te­ne Trei­ber­pa­ket AMD Cata­lyst 14.12 WHQL ent­hält bereits eine aktua­li­sier­te Lauf­zeit­um­ge­bung des AMD Acce­le­ra­ted Par­al­lel Pro­ces­sing (APP) SDK 3.0, was AMDs Lösung zur Ent­wick­lung par­al­le­li­sier­ter Soft­ware auf Basis der Open­CL-Pro­gram­mier­platt­form ist. Eine instal­lier­te Open­CL-Lauf­zeit­um­ge­bung ist Grund­vor­aus­set­zung, wenn auf der Gra­fik­kar­te oder APU Open­CL-Ker­nel oder per Open­CL-beschleu­nig­te Pro­gram­me aus­ge­führt wer­den sol­len. Mit dem Cata­lyst 12.1 WHQL hat AMD die Wei­ter­ent­wick­lung von CAL und Open­CL unter Win­dows XP ein­ge­stellt. In den Trei­ber­pa­ke­ten für Win­dows XP sind daher seit dem Cata­lyst 12.2 WHQL weder CAL noch die Open­CL-Lauf­zeit­um­ge­bung enthalten.

Was ist neu?

High­lights of the AMD Cata­lyst 14.12 Win­dows Driver

Intro­du­cing the AMD Cata­lyst Ome­ga dri­ver for Win­dows, a “Spe­cial Edi­ti­on” dri­ver deli­ver­ed to enhan­ce the AMD GPU and APU expe­ri­ence.  The AMD Cata­lyst Ome­ga dri­ver con­ta­ins over 20 new fea­tures, per­for­mance impro­ve­ments, and signi­fi­cant num­ber of bug fixes and impro­ve­ments.  All impro­ve­ments will be car­ri­ed for­ward in sub­se­quent dri­ver releases.

Vir­tu­al Super Reso­lu­ti­on (VSR):

Ren­der games at hig­her reso­lu­ti­on and dis­play them at lower reso­lu­ti­on.  Up to 4k qua­li­ty gam­ing on 1080p HD displays

  • Smoot­her tex­tures and edges
  • Game and Engi­ne agno­stic solution
  • Simu­la­tes Super Sam­pling Anti-Ali­a­sing (SSAA) for games that don’t sup­port it
  • Enab­led through AMD Cata­lyst™ Con­trol Center
  • Sel­ect hig­her reso­lu­ti­on in-game settings
  • Available on AMD Rade­on R9 290 series, and AMD Rade­on R9 285 GPUs

5K Moni­tor Support:

Unpar­al­le­led dis­play per­for­mance for pro­fes­sio­nals and gamers who requi­re the hig­hest reso­lu­ti­on available and sil­ky-smooth, fati­gue-free graphics

  • 5120x2880 at 60Hz
  • 14.7 mil­li­on pixels, 218 pixels-per-inch
  • Dual Dis­play­Po­rt 1.2 input
  • Available on AMD Fire­Pro and AMD Rade­on R series GPUs

Ali­en­wa­re Gra­phics Amplifier:

Sup­port for AMD Rade­on Gra­phics in Ali­en­wa­re Gra­phics Amplifier

  • Expand the capa­bi­li­ty of the Ali­en­wa­re 13 note­book with a high-per­for­mance AMD Rade­on gra­phics card
  • Dri­ve reso­lu­ti­ons up to 4K
  • Per­for­mance that far exceeds the built-in graphics.
  • Sup­port­ed on sel­ect AMD Rade­on HD 5000 series GPUs and newer

Per­fect Pic­tu­re Enhancements:

  • AMD Flu­id Moti­on Video – Smooth Blu-ray play­back with lower power APUs 
    • High qua­li­ty frame rate conversion
    • Inter­po­la­tes frames using GPU compute
    • Remo­ves video judder
    • Available on AMD 7000 Series APUs and AMD Rade­on R7 & R9 series GPUs
  • Con­tour Rem­oval – Impro­ved algo­rithm for com­pres­sed videos 
    • Remo­ves comp­ressi­on arti­facts wit­hout dis­tur­bing video details
    • Available on AMD Ath­lon APUs, AMD 7000 series APUs, and AMD Rade­on R series GPUs

Per­fect Pic­tu­re Additions:

  • 1080p Detail Enhance­ment now for APUs 
    • Pro­vi­des look-and-feel of 1080p video to lower-reso­lu­ti­on content
    • Impro­ves fre­quen­cy respon­se and con­troll­a­bi­li­ty of over­shoot and noi­se immunity
    • Available on AMD 7000 series APUs and AMD Rade­on R series GPUs
  • Ultra HD-Like Expe­ri­ence — Makes 1080P vide­os 4K-like 
    • Com­bi­na­ti­on of:
      • Flu­id Moti­on Video
      • Detail Enhance­ment
      • Adap­ti­ve upscaling
  • Available on AMD Rade­on R7 260 and higher

Frame Pacing Enhance­ments for AMD Dual Graphics:

  • Includes enhance­ments for 
    • Metro 2033
    • World of Warcraft
    • 3DMark 11
    • Sni­per Eli­te V2
    • Tomb Rai­der
    • Hit­man: Absolution
    • GRID 2
    • Ali­en: Isolation
    • Bat­man: Ark­ham Origins
    • Bio­S­hock: Infinite
    • Uni­gi­ne Val­ley Benchmark
    • Plants vs Zom­bies Gar­den Warfare
    • Dra­gon Age: Inquisition
    • Metro 2033 Redux
    • Sni­per Eli­te 3
    • Assassin’s Creed Unity
    • Metro: Last Light

AMD Cross­Fi­re Frame Pacing improvements:

  • Desi­gned to redu­ce stut­te­ring from gra­phics memo­ry inten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­ons: Tomb Rai­der, Hit­man Abso­lu­ti­on, Watch Dogs, Far Cry 3

Open­CL 2.0 Support:

New fea­tures give GPUs more free­dom to do the work they are desi­gned to do

  • Shared vir­tu­al memory 
    • Enables host and device ker­nels to direct­ly share com­plex poin­ter based data struc­tures, eli­mi­na­ting expli­cit trans­fers bet­ween the host and devices while incre­asing pro­gramming flexibility.
  • Device-side Enqueue
    • Updated for impro­ved pro­gramma­bi­li­ty and increased appli­ca­ti­on efficiency
  • Gene­ric address space 
    • Enables func­tions to be writ­ten wit­hout named address spaces which increa­ses fle­xi­bi­li­ty and saves time by eli­mi­na­ting the need for mul­ti­ple func­tions to be written.

Per­for­mance Opti­miza­ti­ons ver­sus AMD Cata­lyst 14.9 WHQL

  • Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth per­for­mance optimizations 
    • Man­t­le API acti­va­ted for ulti­ma­te per­for­mance in Sid Meier’s Civi­liza­ti­on: Bey­ond Earth
  • Call of Duty: Advan­ced War­fa­re per­for­mance optimizations 
    • Up to 30% per­for­mance increa­ses with FXAA and lower game resolutions
    • Opti­mi­zed AMD Cross­Fi­re Pro­fi­le update for impro­ved performance
  • Assassin’s Creed Unity per­for­mance optimizations 
    • Sin­gle GPU per­for­mance improvements
    • Opti­mi­zed AMD Cross­Fi­re Pro­fi­le update for impro­ved performance
  • Dra­gon Age: Inqui­si­ti­on per­for­mance optimizations 
    • Up to 15% per­for­mance increase in sin­gle GPU sce­na­ri­os with Anti-Ali­a­sing enabled.
    • Opti­mi­zed AMD Cross­Fi­re Pro­fi­le update for impro­ved performance
  • Far Cry 4 per­for­mance optimizations 
    • Up to 50% per­for­mance increase in sin­gle GPU sce­na­ri­os with Anti-Ali­a­sing enabled.

Year over Year Per­for­mance Opti­miza­ti­ons ver­sus AMD Cata­lyst 13.12 WHQL*

  • Up to 19% more per­for­mance sin­ce launch in some games on AMD Rade­on R Series GPUs
  • Up to 29% more per­for­mance sin­ce launch in some games on various AMD APUs

*Mea­su­red across various AMD Rade­on R Series GPU and AMD APU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons in over 30 game titles

Dri­ver Effi­ci­en­cy Improvement:

  • Dri­ver opti­miza­ti­on for mul­ti core CPUs allows up to 15% more per­for­mance for some AMD platforms

Resol­ved Issues:

  • 14.9 Install issues for inter­mit­tent crash or black screen after install
  • 14.9 Cata­lyst Con­trol Cen­ter issues have occa­sio­nal AMDMantle64.dll error popups during install
  • [406244] Online video can some­ti­mes crash when wat­ching You­Tube vide­os with hard­ware acce­le­ra­ti­on enabled
  • [406590] Wat­ching online flash vide­os in Goog­le Chro­me some­ti­mes cau­ses the brow­ser to hang when hard­ware acce­le­ra­ti­on is enabled
  • [406493] Dis­plays that go in to sleep mode inter­mit­tent­ly cau­ses the dis­play to not wake up
  • [404081] AHCI Chip­set Dri­vers can some­ti­mes cau­se the sys­tem to crash on boot-up
  • [405807] 144Hz dis­plays in AMD Cross­Fi­re con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons can cau­se inter­mit­tent cras­hing when laun­ching D3D Applications
  • [403996] Game stut­te­ring or screen tearing in Quad CrossFire
  • [402133] Sta­te of Decay tex­tures can inter­mit­tent­ly extru­de bey­ond their boun­da­ries or be corrupted
  • [405738] HDMI audio stays dis­ab­led when a con­nec­ted TV is dis­ab­led and then re-enabled

Known Issues:

  • [410367]  Sys­tem black hangs/BSOD upon resum­ing from S3/S4 sleep on AMD Rade­on R9 285 con­fi­gu­red in AMD Cross­Fi­re mode
  • [410293]  With AMD Cross­Fi­re enab­led, Time­out Detec­tion Reco­very (TDR) occurs during actu­al game­play when You­Tube Mix moves to the next song in Firefox
  • [408368] Some arti­fac­ting will be seen in cer­tain sce­na­ri­os with AMD Flu­id Moti­on Enabled
  • [407622] Screen tearing on enab­ling VSync with Ali­en: Iso­la­ti­on game
  • [407934] Frame drops may occa­sio­nal­ly be obser­ved play­ing back pro­gres­si­ve Blu Ray con­tent on some AMD Kaveri APU configurations
  • [407095]  3D movies can­not be view­ed using Power DVD on some AMD Kaveri APU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons with only 2GB of sin­gle chan­nel memory
  • [407175] Cata­lyst Con­trol Cen­ter Video Qua­li­ty set­tings may not be available or retai­ned if the “Enforce Smooth Video Play­back” opti­on is not sel­ec­ted on some AMD HD series GPU’s.
  • [406495]  Pull down detec­tion fails to lock in Metro Video play­back applications
  • [410255] A sys­tem restart or hang may be obser­ved on sleep/resume while trans­co­ding video with Media Espresso
  • [410398] A black screen may be expe­ri­en­ced when attemp­ting to enable Eye­fi­ni­ty after chan­ging the dis­play mode (Por­trait, Landscape)
  • [410391] Pri­ma­ry dis­play may not be retai­ned after dis­ab­ling Cross­fi­re while in Eye­fi­ni­ty mode
  • [409705] Enab­ling or dis­ab­ling Cross­fi­re may lead to one side of the 4K MST dis­play being shown as black
  • [410393] Minor stut­te­ring may be seen in Dra­gon Age Inqui­si­ti­on on Sin­gle and Mul­ti GPU configurations


Der AMD Cata­lyst Mobi­li­ty für alle ATI Mobi­li­ty Rade­on HD 5000, AMD Rade­on HD 6000M, HD 7000M sowie HD 8000M wur­de eben­falls aktua­li­siert und bie­tet offi­zi­ell auch Unter­stüt­zung für die Endu­ro-Tech­no­lo­gie. Fol­gen­de Note­books wer­den aller­dings offi­zi­ell von dem Trei­ber­pa­ket nicht unterstützt:

  • Any note­book laun­ched after this dri­ver release.
  • Toshi­ba note­books (plea­se check with your note­book OEM for dri­ver sup­port for the­se notebooks)
  • Sony VAIO note­books (plea­se check with your note­book OEM for dri­ver sup­port for the­se notebooks)
  • Pana­so­nic note­books (plea­se check with your note­book OEM for dri­ver sup­port for the­se notebooks)


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