AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta 7 für Windows

AMD hat den Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta 7 für Win­dows ver­öf­fent­licht, der die Cross­Fi­re-Ska­lie­rung in Batt­le­field 4 ver­bes­sern soll. Mit dem aktu­el­len Trei­ber­zweig 13.2xx will AMD unter Win­dows 8.1 gegen­über Win­dows 8 und 7 eine höhe­re Per­for­mance für sei­ne aktu­el­len “Richland”-APUs erzielt haben. Im Trei­ber­pa­ket ist dar­über hin­aus die AMD Gam­ing Evol­ved App ent­hal­ten, mit der sich unter ande­rem die Trei­ber-Ein­stel­lun­gen voll­au­to­ma­tisch für die ver­wen­de­ten Spie­le opti­mie­ren las­sen. Aller­dings ist im Trei­ber­pa­ket offen­bar nicht der eigent­li­che Instal­ler die­ser App ent­hal­ten, wes­halb die Daten wäh­rend des Instal­la­ti­ons­pro­zes­ses nach­ge­la­den wer­den. Wer die Gam­ing Evol­ved App nicht instal­lie­ren möch­te, soll­te die benut­zer­de­fi­nier­te Instal­la­ti­on nut­zen und die App abwählen.

AMD Gam­ing Evol­ved App

Eine voll­stän­di­ge Lis­te der vom Trei­ber unter­stütz­ten Hard­ware sowie sämt­li­cher beho­be­ner und bekann­ter Pro­ble­me kann den offi­zi­el­len Release Notes für Win­dows bzw. Linux ent­nom­men wer­den. Soll­tet Ihr von Pro­ble­men betrof­fen sein, die dar­in nicht auf­ge­führt wer­den, dann könnt Ihr das offi­zi­el­le Cata­lyst Crew Feed­back Form ver­wen­den, um das Trei­ber-Team dar­auf auf­merk­sam zu machen. Eine Hil­fe­stel­lung für das For­mu­lar könnt Ihr hier fin­den.

Die Trei­ber ste­hen für Win­dows 8.1, 8, 7 (min­des­tens SP1) und Linux zum Down­load bereit, wobei jeweils sowohl die 32-Bit- als auch die 64-Bit-Ver­si­on im jewei­li­gen Instal­ler ent­hal­ten sind. Vis­ta-Nut­zer kön­nen den Trei­ber eben­falls instal­lie­ren, aller­dings hat uns AMD zu ver­ste­hen gege­ben, dass Micro­softs unge­lieb­ter Spross in der Qua­li­täts­si­che­rung und Ent­wick­lung nur noch eine unter­ge­ord­ne­te Rol­le spielt.

AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta 7 - CCC-Softwareinfo
Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta 7 — CCC-Softwareinfo

Das hier zum Down­load ange­bo­te­ne Trei­ber­pa­ket AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta ent­hält bereits eine aktua­li­sier­te Lauf­zeit­um­ge­bung des AMD Acce­le­ra­ted Par­al­lel Pro­ces­sing (APP) SDK 2.8.1, was AMDs Lösung zur Ent­wick­lung par­al­le­li­sier­ter Soft­ware auf Basis der Open­CL-Pro­gram­mier­platt­form ist. Eine instal­lier­te Open­CL-Lauf­zeit­um­ge­bung ist Grund­vor­aus­set­zung, wenn auf der Gra­fik­kar­te oder APU Open­CL-Ker­nel bzw. per Open­CL-beschleu­nig­te Pro­gram­me aus­ge­führt wer­den sollen.

Was ist neu?

Fea­ture High­lights of The AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta 7 Dri­ver for Windows

  • ​Includes all Fea­ture High­lights of the AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta 6
  • Increa­ses AMD CrossFire​ sca­ling up to an addi­tio­nal 20 % for Batt­le­field 4


Fea­ture High­lights of The AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta 6 Dri­ver for Windows

  • Includes all Fea­ture High­lights of AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta
  • Includes sup­port for the new products: 
    • AMD Radeon​ R9 290X
    • AMD Rade­on R9 290
  • ​Per­for­mance improvements 
    • ​Bat­man: Ark­ham Ori­g­ins — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 35 % with MSAA 8x enabled
    • Total War: Rome 2 — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 10 %
    • Batt­le­field 3 — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 10 %
    • GRID 2 — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 8,5 %
    • DiRT Show­down — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 10 %
    • For­mu­la 1 2013 — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 8 %
    • DiRT 3 — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 7 %
    • Slee­ping Dogs — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 5 %
  • Per­for­mance impro­ve­ments for the AMD APU Series (com­pa­ring AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta 6 to AMD Cata­lyst 13.9)
    • Lux­mark (Open­CL) — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 10 %
    • Win­zip 17.5 (Open­CL) — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 20 %
    • GRID 2 — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 4 %
    • Batt­le­field 4 — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 5 %
    • Lef4Dead — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 10 %
  • ​Auto­ma­tic AMD Eye­fi­ni­ty Configuration
  • Auto­ma­tic “plug and play” con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of sup­port­ed Ultra HD/4K tiled displays


Fea­ture High­lights of The AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta 1 Dri­ver for Windows

  • Includes sup­port for the new products: 
    • AMD Rade­on R9 280X
    • AMD Rade­on R9 270X
    • AMD Rade­on R7 260X
    • AMD Rade­on R7 250
    • AMD Rade­on R7 240
  • Per­for­mance impro­ve­ments for the AMD Rade­on HD 7000 Series in the fol­lo­wing games: 
    • Total War: Rome 2 — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 10 %
    • Splin­ter Cell Black­list — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 7 % on sin­gle GPU and AMD Cross­Fi­re configurations
    • The Elder Scrolls V: Sky­rim — impro­ves per­for­mance up to 9 %


Fea­ture High­lights of the AMD Cata­lyst 13.10 Beta 2 Dri­ver for Windows

  • AMD Cata­lyst 13.10 Beta 2 includes all of the features/fixes found in AMD Cata­lyst 13.10 Beta
  • Includes a sin­gle GPU, and AMD Cross­fi­re game pro­fi­le for Batt­le­field 4
  • Total War: Rome 2 AMD Cross­Fi­re pro­fi­le update
  • AMD Cross­Fi­re frame pacing impro­ve­ments for CPU-bound applications
  • Resol­ves image cor­rup­ti­on seen in Auto­desk Inven­tor 2014
  • Resol­ves inter­mit­tent black screen when resum­ing from a S3/S4 sleep-sta­te if the dis­play is unplug­ged during the sleep-sta­te on sys­tems sup­port­ing AMD Endu­ro technology
  • Updated AMD Endu­ro tech­no­lo­gy appli­ca­ti­on pro­files for AMD Rade­on HD note­book users 
    • Pro­fi­le Highlights: 
      • Total War: Rome 2
      • Batt­le­field 4
      • Saints Row 4
      • Splin­ter Cell Blacklist
      • FIFA 14


Fea­ture High­lights of The AMD Cata­lyst 13.10 Beta 1 Dri­ver for Windows:

  • AMD Cata­lyst 13.10 Beta includes all of the features/fixes found in AMD Cata­lyst 13.8 Beta2
  • PCI‑E bus speed is no lon­ger set to x1 on the secon­da­ry GPU when run­ning in Cross­Fi­re configurations
  • Rome Total War 2: Updated AMD Cross­Fi­re profile 
    • impro­ves Cross­Fi­re sca­ling up to 20% (at 2560x1600 with extre­me settings)
    • resol­ves cor­rup­ti­on issues seen while play­ing the game
  • Saints Row 4: Updated AMD Cross­Fi­re profile 
    • impro­ves Cross­Fi­re sca­ling up to 20% (at 2560x1600 with ultra settings)
  • Metro Last Light: Updated AMD Cross­Fi­re profile 
    • impro­ves Cross­Fi­re sca­ling up to 10% (at 2560x1600 with ultra settings)
  • Includes a num­ber of frame pacing impro­ve­ments for the fol­lo­wing titles: 
    • Tomb Rai­der
    • Metro Last Light
    • Sni­per Elite
    • World of Warcraft
    • Max Pay­ne 3
    • Hit­man Absolution


High­lights of the AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta V6 Dri­ver for Linux:
This release of AMD Cata­lyst Linux intro­du­ces sup­port for the fol­lo­wing new features:


  • AMD Rade­on R9 290 Series

Resol­ved Issues:

  • [387659] Fixes X crash when kill X ser­ver with Xser­ver 1.13 and above
  • [386508] Fixes fd leak with Appli­ca­ti­on Pro­fi­le feature
  • [386511] Fixes ker­nel modu­le build fail­ure with ker­nel 3.9.1

Open Issues:

  • Not Appli­ca­ble


High­lights of the AMD Cata­lyst 13.11 Beta V1 Dri­ver for Linux:
This release of AMD Cata­lyst™ Linux intro­du­ces sup­port for the fol­lo­wing new features:

  • Pro­ducts:
    • AMD Rade­on R9 280X
    • AMD Rade­on R9 270X
    • AMD Rade­on R7 260X
    • AMD Rade­on R7 250
    • AMD Rade­on R7 240

Resol­ved Issues:

  • [383176] Sys­tem hang up when startx after set­ting up an Eye­fi­ni­ty desktop
  • [384193] Per­mis­si­on issue with pro­cfs on ker­nel 3.10
  • [373812] Sys­tem hang obser­ved while run­ning dis­as­ter stress test on Ubun­tu 12.10
  • [383109] Hang is obser­ved when run­ning Uni­gi­ne on Linux
  • [383573] AC/DC swit­ching is not auto­ma­ti­cal­ly detected
  • [383075] Lap­top back­light adjus­t­ment is broken
  • [383430] Glx­test fail­ures obser­ved in log file with for­cing on Anti-Aliasing
  • [383372] Cai­ro-dock is broken
  • [378333] Seve­re desk­top cor­rup­ti­on is obser­ved when enab­led com­piz in cer­tain cases
  • [384509] glCli­ent­Wa­it­Sync is wai­ting even when time­out is 0
  • [382494] C4Engine get cor­rup­ti­on with GL_ARB_texture_array enabled

Open Issues:

  • Not Appli­ca­ble

High­lights of the AMD Cata­lyst 13.10 Beta 2 Dri­ver for Linux:
This release of AMD Cata­lyst Linux intro­du­ces sup­port for the fol­lo­wing new features:

  • Not Appli­ca­ble

Resol­ved Issues:

  • [383176] Sys­tem hang up when startx after set­ting up an Eye­fi­ni­ty desktop
  • [384193] Per­mis­si­on issue with pro­cfs on ker­nel 3.10
  • [373812] Sys­tem hang obser­ved while run­ning dis­as­ter stress test on Ubun­tu 12.10
  • [383109] Hang is obser­ved when run­ning Uni­gi­ne on Linux
  • [383573] AC/DC swit­ching is not auto­ma­ti­cal­ly detected
  • [383075] Lap­top back­light adjus­t­ment is broken
  • [383430] Glx­test fail­ures obser­ved in log file with for­cing on Anti-Aliasing
  • [383372] Cai­ro-dock is broken
  • [378333] Seve­re desk­top cor­rup­ti­on is obser­ved when enab­led com­piz in cer­tain cases
  • [384509] glCli­ent­Wa­it­Sync is wai­ting even when time­out is 0
  • [382494] C4Engine get cor­rup­ti­on with GL_ARB_texture_array enabled

Open Issues:

  • Not Appli­ca­ble

Fea­ture High­lights of the AMD Cata­lyst 13.8 Beta Dri­ver for Linux

New Fea­tures
This release of AMD Cata­lyst Linux intro­du­ces sup­port for the fol­lo­wing new:

  • OpenGL 4.3 support
  • Dyna­mic pri­ma­ry sur­face resizing
  • Ker­nel 3.10 support
  • SLED 11 SP3 support

Resol­ved Issues

  • [380355] Source Engi­ne games hang when run­ning on the High Per­for­mance ASIC
  • [330287] Maya 2012 Paint brush fails to lea­ve trails in real time while pain­ting at some are­as when desk­top effects enabled
  • [345211] Incor­rect object picking in Auto­desk Maya using UAV sel­ec­tion solver
  • [376838] Auto­desk Maya fluids dis­play visual­ly very pixel­a­ted even at hig­her reso­lu­ti­ons of the flu­id voxels
  • [376823] Mesh/polygons sel­ec­tion take too long to sel­ect and desel­ect com­pared to Nvi­dia in Maya 2011–2013
  • [372767] Uni­gi­ne Hea­ven 4.0 crash in high per­for­mance GPU
  • [376891] Enable Opti­miza­ti­on on SGPU for 11% Per­for­mance gain (uni­gi­ne heaven)
  • [377640] Uni­gi­ne Hea­ven OGL stops respon­ding at high reso­lu­ti­ons with VSync enabled
  • [376842] Left4Dead2 Cor­rup­ti­on is observed
  • [378135] Left4Dead2 Yel­low Screen Bug
  • [379940] Left4Dead2 Gam­ma Cor­rec­tion Corruption
  • [381765] Visu­al arti­facts for XvBA play­back with CABAC=No
  • [380590] The menus are unbe­lie­v­a­b­ly slow with vsync dis­ab­led for XBMC
  • [381120] Ker­nel 3.10 support
  • [379176] “Test­ing use only” water­mark removed
  • [356014] AA does not func­tion with desk­top effects enabled

Resol­ved Issues

  • [370421] Quake4 fails to ren­der in game sky pro­per­ly at cer­tain points with High Per­for­mance GPU
  • [377432] Uni­gi­ne Hea­ven at high reso­lu­ti­on and set­tings will show inter­mit­tent cor­rup­ti­ons in crossfire
  • [380998] Sys­tem hang when run­ning Coun­ter Strike: Source at low set­tings on Linux
  • [382494] C4Engine show cor­rup­ti­ons with GL_ARB_texture_array enabled

Ach­tung! Wie bei allen Beta‑, Release-Can­di­da­te‑, Pre­view- und Hot­fix-Trei­bern sei auch hier der Hin­weis ange­bracht, dass es sich nicht um eine voll umfäng­lich getes­te­te Soft­ware han­delt, in der auch schwe­re­re Feh­ler noch ent­hal­ten sein kön­nen. Der ange­bo­te­ne Beta-Trei­ber rich­tet sich in ers­ter Linie an Enthu­si­as­ten, die stets die aktu­ells­ten Fea­tures und Opti­mie­run­gen nut­zen wol­len. Er soll­te jedoch nicht auf Pro­duk­tiv­sys­te­men instal­liert werden!


Ach­tung! Das CCC/VECC setzt ein instal­lier­tes .NET 4.0 oder 4.5 vor­aus. Anwen­der, die .NET 4.0 bzw. 4.5 noch nicht auf ihrem Sys­tem instal­liert haben, soll­ten daher zuvor die aktu­ells­te Ver­si­on 4.5 vom .NET Frame­work installieren.


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