AMD rudert zurück: Zen 3 doch auch auf älteren Mainboards

Bei der Ankün­di­gung des kom­men­den B550-Chip­sat­zes hat­te AMD ver­lau­ten las­sen, Zen-3-Pro­zes­so­ren nur noch mit Chip­sät­zen ab Serie 500 zu unter­stüt­zen. Dies hat wohl zu eini­ger Auf­re­gung geführt, da AMD ja beim Sockel AM4 blei­ben wird und damit zumin­dest phy­sisch nichts dage­gen spre­chen soll­te, Zen 3 zu nutzen.

Nun hat AMD wohl auf den öffent­li­chen Druck reagiert und ein State­ment ver­öf­fent­licht. Man wer­de Main­board-Her­stel­ler auch für die Seri­en B450 und X470 mit Zen 3 BIOS-Code ver­sor­gen. Dafür müss­te aller­dings der Sup­port für bestehen­de Ryzen-Seri­en ent­fernt wer­den, da der BIOS-Chip nicht genü­gend Kapa­zi­tät hat, um alle Zen-Gene­ra­tio­nen zu unter­stüt­zen. Daher soll ein ent­spre­chen­des BIOS nicht frei ver­füg­bar sein, son­dern nur an Kun­den her­aus­ge­ge­ben wer­den, die nach­wei­sen kön­nen, dass sie einen Zen 3 auf einem B450/X470 ein­set­zen wol­len, damit sich Anwen­der nicht ver­se­hent­lich der Unter­stüt­zung ihres alten Zen-Pro­zes­sors berauben.

As we head into our upco­ming “Zen 3” archi­tec­tu­re, the­re are con­sidera­ble tech­ni­cal chal­lenges that face a CPU socket as long-lived as AMD Socket AM4. For exam­p­le, we recent­ly announ­ced that we would not sup­port “Zen 3” on AMD 400 Series mother­boards due to serious cons­traints in SPI ROM capa­ci­ties in most of the AMD 400 Series mother­boards. This is not the first time a tech­ni­cal hurd­le has come up with Socket AM4 given the lon­ge­vi­ty of this socket, but it is the first time our enthu­si­asts have faced such a hurdle.

Over the past week, we clo­se­ly review­ed your feed­back on that news: we wat­ched every video, read every com­ment and saw every Tweet. We hear that many of you hoped a lon­ger upgrade path. We hear your hope that AMD B450 and X470 chip­sets would car­ry you into the “Zen 3” era.

Our expe­ri­ence has been that lar­ge-sca­le BIOS upgrades can be dif­fi­cult and con­fu­sing espe­ci­al­ly as pro­ces­sors come on and off the sup­port lists. As the com­mu­ni­ty of Socket AM4 cus­to­mers has grown over the past three years, our inten­ti­on was to take a path for­ward that pro­vi­des the safest upgrade expe­ri­ence for the lar­gest num­ber of users. Howe­ver, we hear you loud and clear when you tell us you would like to see B450 or X470 boards exten­ded to the next gene­ra­ti­on “Zen 3” products.

As the team weig­hed your feed­back against the tech­ni­cal chal­lenges we face, we deci­ded to chan­ge cour­se. As a result, we will enable an upgrade path for B450 and X470 cus­to­mers that adds sup­port for next-gen AMD Ryzen™ Pro­ces­sors with the “Zen 3” archi­tec­tu­re. This decis­i­on is very fresh, but here is a first look at how the upgrade path is expec­ted to work for cus­to­mers of the­se motherboards.

We will deve­lop and enable our mother­board part­ners with the code to sup­port “Zen 3”-based pro­ces­sors in sel­ect beta BIO­Ses for AMD B450 and X470 motherboards.
The­se optio­nal BIOS updates will disable sup­port for many exis­ting AMD Ryzen™ Desk­top Pro­ces­sor models to make the neces­sa­ry ROM space available.

The sel­ect beta BIO­Ses will enable a one-way upgrade path for AMD Ryzen Pro­ces­sors with “Zen 3,” coming later this year. Flas­hing back to an older BIOS ver­si­on will not be supported.

To redu­ce the poten­ti­al for con­fu­si­on, our intent is to offer BIOS down­load only to veri­fied cus­to­mers of 400 Series mother­boards who have purcha­sed a new desk­top pro­ces­sor with “Zen 3” insi­de. This will help us ensu­re that cus­to­mers have a boota­ble pro­ces­sor on-hand after the BIOS flash, mini­mi­zing the risk a user could get caught in a no-boot situation.
Timing and avai­la­bi­li­ty of the BIOS updates will vary and may not imme­dia­te­ly coin­ci­de with the avai­la­bi­li­ty of the first “Zen 3”-based processors.

This is the final pathway AMD can enable for 400 Series mother­boards to add new CPU sup­port. CPU releases bey­ond “Zen 3” will requi­re a newer motherboard.
AMD con­ti­nues to recom­mend that cus­to­mers choo­se an AMD 500 Series mother­board for the best per­for­mance and fea­tures with our new CPUs.

The­re are still many details to iron out, but we’ve alre­a­dy star­ted the neces­sa­ry plan­ning. As we get clo­ser to the launch of this upgrade path, you should expect ano­ther blog just like this to pro­vi­de the remai­ning details and a walk­th­rough of the spe­ci­fic process.

At CES 2017, AMD made a com­mit­ment: we would sup­port AMD Socket AM4 until 2020. We’ve spent the next three years working very hard to ful­fill that pro­mi­se across four archi­tec­tures, plus pio­nee­ring use of new tech­no­lo­gies like chip­lets and PCIe® Gen 4. Thanks to your feed­back, we are now set to bring “Zen 3” to the AMD 400 Series chip­sets. We’re gra­teful for your pas­si­on and sup­port of AMD’s pro­ducts and technologies.

Zu hören ist das voll­stän­di­ge State­ment bei Der 8auer:

Nur von X370, B350 und A320 ist mit kei­nem Wort die Rede.