AMD beseitigte zahlreiche Sicherheitslücken im Grafiktreiber für Windows 10

In einem in die­ser Woche erschie­ne­nen Secu­ri­ty Bul­le­tin hat AMD ins­ge­samt 27 Sicher­heits­lü­cken im Gra­fik­trei­ber für Win­dows 10 auf­ge­führt, von denen man die meis­ten bereits im Jahr 2020 besei­tigt hat. Zwei davon wur­den aller­dings erst mit der Ver­si­on 21.4.1 ange­gan­gen und besit­zen jeweils die Ein­stu­fung “Hoch”.

Es emp­fiehlt sich also nicht nur wegen der bei­den letzt­ge­nann­ten Sicher­heits­lü­cken, CVE-2020–12960 und CVE-2020–12981, oder zum Bei­spiel wegen der Per­for­mance­ver­bes­se­run­gen im gestern erschie­ne­nen Trei­ber 21.11.2 die­sen aktu­ell zu halten.

In a com­pre­hen­si­ve ana­ly­sis of the AMD Escape calls, a poten­ti­al set of weak­ne­s­ses in seve­ral APIs was dis­co­ver­ed, which could result in escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge, deni­al of ser­vice, infor­ma­ti­on dis­clo­sure, KASLR bypass, or arbi­tra­ry wri­te to ker­nel memory.”

Quel­le: AMD Secu­ri­ty Bul­le­tin: AMD-SB-1000

Nach­fol­gend noch die Lis­te mit allen 27 Sicherheitslücken:

CVE Seve­ri­ty Descrip­ti­on
CVE-2020–12902 High Arbi­tra­ry Decre­ment Pri­vi­le­ge Escala­ti­on in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12891 High AMD Rade­on Soft­ware  may be vul­nerable to DLL Hijack­ing through path varia­ble. An  unpri­vi­le­ged user may be able to drop its mali­cious DLL file in any loca­ti­on which is in path envi­ron­ment variable. 
CVE-2020–12892 High An untrus­ted search path in AMD Rade­on set­tings Instal­ler may lead to a pri­vi­le­ge escala­ti­on or unaut­ho­ri­zed code execution.
CVE-2020–12893 High Stack Buf­fer Over­flow in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 in Escape 0x15002a may lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12894 High Arbi­tra­ry Wri­te in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 in Escape 0x40010d may lead to arbi­tra­ry wri­te to ker­nel memo­ry or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12895 High Pool/Heap Over­flow in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 in Escape 0x110037 may lead to   escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge, infor­ma­ti­on dis­clo­sure or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12898 High Stack Buf­fer Over­flow in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12901 High Arbi­tra­ry Free After Use in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to KASLR bypass or infor­ma­ti­on disclosure.
CVE-2020–12903 High Out of Bounds Wri­te and Read in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 in Escape 0x6002d03 may lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12900 High An arbi­tra­ry wri­te vul­nerabi­li­ty in the AMD Rade­on Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 poten­ti­al­ly allows unpri­vi­le­ged users to gain Escala­ti­on of Pri­vi­le­ges and cau­se Deni­al of Service.
CVE-2020–12929 High Impro­per para­me­ters vali­da­ti­on in some trus­ted appli­ca­ti­ons of the PSP con­tai­ned in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver may allow a local atta­cker to bypass secu­ri­ty rest­ric­tions and achie­ve arbi­tra­ry code execution.
CVE-2020–12960 High AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10, amdfender.sys may impro­per­ly hand­le input vali­da­ti­on on Input­Buf­fer which may result in a deni­al of ser­vice (DoS).
CVE-2020–12980 High An out of bounds wri­te and read vul­nerabi­li­ty in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12981 High An insuf­fi­ci­ent input vali­da­ti­on in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may allow unpri­vi­le­ged users to unload the dri­ver, poten­ti­al­ly caus­ing memo­ry cor­rup­ti­ons in high pri­vi­le­ged pro­ces­ses, which can lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ges or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12982 High An inva­lid object poin­ter free vul­nerabi­li­ty in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12983 High An out of bounds wri­te vul­nerabi­li­ty in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ges or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12985 High An insuf­fi­ci­ent poin­ter vali­da­ti­on vul­nerabi­li­ty in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12986 High An insuf­fi­ci­ent poin­ter vali­da­ti­on vul­nerabi­li­ty in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may cau­se arbi­tra­ry code exe­cu­ti­on in the ker­nel, lea­ding to escala­ti­on of pri­vi­le­ge or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12962 Medi­um Escape call inter­face in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows may cau­se pri­vi­le­ge escalation.
CVE-2020–12904 Medi­um Out of Bounds Read in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 in Escape 0x3004203 may lead to arbi­tra­ry infor­ma­ti­on disclosure.
CVE-2020–12905 Medi­um Out of Bounds Read in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 in Escape 0x3004403 may lead to arbi­tra­ry infor­ma­ti­on disclosure.
CVE-2020–12964 Medi­um A poten­ti­al pri­vi­le­ge escalation/denial of ser­vice issue exists in the AMD Rade­on Ker­nel Mode dri­ver Escape 0x2000c00 Call hand­ler. An atta­cker with low pri­vi­le­ge could poten­ti­al­ly indu­ce a Win­dows Bug­Check or wri­te to leak information.
CVE-2020–12987 Medi­um A heap infor­ma­ti­on leak/kernel pool address dis­clo­sure vul­nerabi­li­ty in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to KASLR bypass.
CVE-2020–12920 Medi­um A poten­ti­al deni­al of ser­vice issue exists in the AMD Dis­play dri­ver Escape 0x130007 Call hand­ler. An atta­cker with low pri­vi­le­ge could poten­ti­al­ly indu­ce a Win­dows BugCheck
CVE-2020–12899 Medi­um Arbi­tra­ry Read in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to KASLR bypass or deni­al of service.
CVE-2020–12897 Medi­um Ker­nel Pool Address dis­clo­sure in AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows 10 may lead to KASLR bypass.
CVE-2020–12963 Medi­um An insuf­fi­ci­ent poin­ter vali­da­ti­on vul­nerabi­li­ty in the AMD Gra­phics Dri­ver for Win­dows may allow unpri­vi­le­ged users to com­pro­mi­se the system.