Schlagwort: Advantest

Advantest Installs 3,000th V93000 Smart Scale Tester for Use by Long-Time Customer AMD

Ver­sa­ti­le Sys­tem Being Appli­ed in Test­ing Cur­rent AMD CPUs and Will be Used to Eva­lua­te Upco­ming Gene­ra­ti­on of Ser­ver Pro­ces­sors TOKYO, Oct. 03, 2018 — Lea­ding semi­con­duc­tor test equip­ment sup­pli­er Advan­test Cor­po­ra­ti­on (TSE: 6857) has instal­led its 3,000th V93000 Smart Sca­le test sys­tem for use by its long-term cus­to­mer AMD, in eva­lua­ting AMD  Ryzen™, AMD Rade­on™ and (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »