Schlagwort: Embedded World 2019

AMD Drives High-Performance Computing for the Embedded Industry with New Customers, Growing Momentum and Broad Ecosystem Support

New cus­to­mer wins in net­wor­king, sto­rage and edge com­pu­ting con­ti­nue the momen­tum for AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 and AMD EPYC™ Embedded 3000 plat­form NUREMBURG, Ger­ma­ny.   02/26/2019 AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) arri­ves at Embedded World 2019 riding a wave of suc­cess fol­lo­wing the launch of its flag­ship AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 and AMD EPYC™ Embedded 3000 pro­ces­sors (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »