Schlagwort: Nora Denzel

AMD Announces Retirement of John Caldwell from Board of Directors and Appointment of Nora Denzel as Lead Independent Director

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 16, 2022 — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced that John Cald­well is reti­ring from the AMD board of direc­tors after 16 years of ser­vice. Nora Den­zel will suc­ceed Cald­well as lead inde­pen­dent direc­tor, effec­ti­ve immediately.

Cald­well joi­n­ed the AMD board of direc­tors in 2006. He ser­ved as chair­man from 2016 to 2022 and was named lead inde­pen­dent direc­tor ear­lier this year. He held a varie­ty of com­mit­tee posi­ti­ons throug­hout his ten­ure, inclu­ding chair of the com­pen­sa­ti­on and lea­der­ship resour­ces com­mit­tee and ser­ving on the nomi­na­ting and cor­po­ra­te gover­nan­ce com­mit­tee. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »