Schlagwort: NTT Data

NTT DATA Deploys AMD EPYC Processors, Boosts Performance for its Financial Systems

AMD EPYCTM pro­ces­sors deli­ver pri­ce-per­­for­­mance advan­ta­ge and high core den­si­ty for NTT DATA cus­to­mers and finan­cial ser­vices – SANTA CLARA, Calif. — March 26, 2019 —AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) and NTT DATA, a reco­gni­zed lea­der in glo­bal tech­no­lo­gy ser­vices, today announ­ced the deploy­ment of AMD EPYCTM pro­ces­sors in NTT DATA’s dat­a­cen­ter. NTT DATA is boos­ting its (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »