Schlagwort: NXP

NXP Selects TSMC 5nm Process for Next Generation High Performance Automotive Platform

Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on com­bi­nes NXP’s auto­mo­ti­ve qua­li­ty and func­tion­al safe­ty with TSMC’s indus­­try-lea­­ding 5nm tech­no­lo­gy to fur­ther dri­ve the trans­for­ma­ti­on of auto­mo­bi­les into powerful com­pu­ting sys­tems for the road   NXP’s breakth­rough SoC plat­form, devo­ted to auto­mo­ti­ve, aims to sim­pli­fy and acce­le­ra­te rapid inno­va­ti­on in vehic­le archi­tec­tures with a focus on safe­ty, secu­ri­ty and data inte­gri­ty   TSMC’s (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »