Schlagwort: Oski

Oski Technology, an Expert in Formal Verification, Joins NVIDIA

We are exci­ted to announ­ce that Oski Tech­no­lo­gy, a com­pa­ny spe­cia­li­zing in for­mal veri­fi­ca­ti­on methods, will be joi­ning NVIDIA.

Modern pro­ces­sors pack tens of bil­li­ons of tran­sis­tors, tiny on/off swit­ches con­nec­ted by bil­li­ons of micro­sco­pic pathways. A bug in a sin­gle tran­sis­tor can pre­vent a chip from ope­ra­ting cor­rect­ly, requi­ring cos­t­ly revi­si­ons to fix.

Today, veri­fi­ca­ti­on engi­neers rely on two very dif­fe­rent methods to make sure bugs don’t make it into sili­con — simu­la­ti­on and for­mal verification.

The first approach reli­es on mil­li­ons of simu­la­ti­ons that search for bugs, exer­cis­ing cor­ner cases in careful­ly desi­gned tests.

For­mal veri­fi­ca­ti­on, Oski’s spe­cial­ty, is a powerful alter­na­ti­ve that uses mathe­ma­ti­cal ana­ly­sis of a design ins­tead of simu­la­ti­ons to pro­ve that a par­ti­cu­lar fea­ture beha­ves cor­rect­ly for all pos­si­ble inputs.

Whe­re­as simu­la­ti­on injects 1’s and 0’s into a design to test whe­ther num­bers are added pro­per­ly, Oski’s approach for­mal­ly veri­fies that “c = a + b.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »