Schlagwort: Personal

AMD Strengthens Senior Leadership Team

SANTA CLARA, Calif. 01/25/2019   AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced mul­ti­ple orga­niza­tio­nal chan­ges focu­sed on streng­thening the company’s seni­or lea­der­ship team and acce­le­ra­ting growth.  AMD will uni­fy all sales ope­ra­ti­ons under Dar­ren Gras­by, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and chief sales offi­cer. Gras­by will now lead the glo­bal sales and go-to-mar­ket acti­vi­ties across all pro­duct lines, chan­nels and regi­ons. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »