Schlagwort: R2000

Ryzen Embedded R2000 Series with Optimized Performance and Power Efficiency for Industrial, Machine Vision, IoT and Thin-Client Solutions

New Ryzen Embedded R‑Series system-on-chips provide up to 2X more cores, enhanced Radeon graphics, Windows 11 support, and versatile, multi-display configurability

NUREMBURG, Ger­ma­ny, June 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  (Embedded World 2022) AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced the Ryzen™ Embedded R2000 Series, second-gene­ra­ti­on mid-ran­ge sys­tem-on-chip (SoC) pro­ces­sors opti­mi­zed for a wide ran­ge of indus­tri­al and robo­tics sys­tems, machi­ne visi­on, IoT and thin-cli­ent equip­ment. Ryzen Embedded R2000 Series dou­bles the core count1 and deli­vers a signi­fi­cant per­for­mance uplift com­pared to the pri­or gene­ra­ti­on, with the new R2515 model exhi­bi­ting up to 81 per­cent hig­her CPU2 and gra­phics3 per­for­mance than the com­pa­ra­ble R1000 series pro­ces­sor. Per­for­mance-per-watt effi­ci­en­cy is also opti­mi­zed using “Zen+” core archi­tec­tu­re with AMD Rade­on™ gra­phics for rich and ver­sa­ti­le mul­ti­me­dia capa­bi­li­ties. Ryzen Embedded R2000 pro­ces­sors can power up to four inde­pen­dent dis­plays in bril­li­ant 4K resolution.

Embedded R2000 Series pro­ces­sors are sca­lable up to four “Zen+” CPU cores with eight threads, 2MB of L2 cache and 4MB of shared L3 cache. This gives embedded sys­tem desi­gners gre­at fle­xi­bi­li­ty to sca­le per­for­mance and power effi­ci­en­ci­es with a sin­gle pro­ces­sing plat­form. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »