Schlagwort: Simply NUC

Simply NUC® Announces a New Product Line of AMD Ryzen™ Embedded-Based Long-Life Mini Computers

First to launch is the Sequoia fami­ly fea­turing AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 pro­ces­sor opti­ons tar­ge­ting high per­for­mance embedded usa­ges AUSTIN, Texas and BELFAST, United King­dom, Nov. 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Sim­ply NUC, Inc, a lea­ding mini com­pu­ter inte­gra­ti­on com­pa­ny, today announ­ced a new pro­duct line of long-life mini com­pu­ters which will be based on AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 pro­ces­sors. Sim­ply (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »