Schlagwort: Top 10

World’s Top Ten IC Design Company Revenue Reached US$39.43 billion in 1Q22, Marvell Growth Rate Tops List, Says TrendForce

Accor­ding to the latest Trend­Force sta­tis­tics, the top ten IC desi­gners world­wi­de pos­ted a com­bi­ned reve­nue of US$39.43 bil­li­on in 1Q22, or 44% growth YoY. Qual­comm, NVIDIA, Broad­com ran­ked in the top three. After the acqui­si­ti­on of Xilinx, AMD sur­pas­sed Media­Tek in the fourth posi­ti­on. In addi­ti­on, accor­ding to Trend­Force track­ing of IC design indus­try trends, reve­nue gene­ra­ted by Will Semi­con­duc­tor and Cir­rus Logic was enough to be included in the top ten for the first time.

Bene­fiting from growth per­for­mance in hand­sets and RF front-end divi­si­ons in addi­ti­on to its IoT and auto­mo­ti­ve divi­si­ons in 1Q22, Qualcomm’s quar­ter­ly reve­nue rea­ched US$9.55 bil­li­on, or 52% growth YoY, ran­king num­ber one in the world. The expan­ded appli­ca­ti­on of GPUs in data cen­ters boos­ted this por­ti­on of NVIDIA’s reve­nue to 45.4%, sur­pas­sing the 45% accoun­ted for by its gam­ing busi­ness, com­bi­ning for a total reve­nue of US$7.9 bil­li­on, or 53% growth YoY. Broadcom’s reve­nue from semi­con­duc­tor solu­ti­ons is sub­stan­ti­al, inclu­ding net­work chips, broad­band com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on chips, and sto­rage and bridging chips. Its busi­ness has main­tai­ned sta­ble sales per­for­mance, with reve­nue rea­ching US$6.11 bil­li­on, or 26% growth YoY. After the addi­ti­on of Xilinx, AMD’s reve­nue rea­ched US$5.89 bil­li­on, or 71% growth YoY. Howe­ver, even exclu­ding Xilinx, due to strong sales in its enter­pri­se, embedded and semi-cus­to­mi­zed divi­si­ons, AMD’s own busi­ness reve­nue still hit an all-time high of US$5.33 billion.
(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »