Schlagwort: Alveo MA35D

AMD Launches First 5nm ASIC-based Media Accelerator Card to Power New Era of Interactive Media Services at Scale

Purpose-built video processing architecture featuring an AV1 accelerated pipeline delivers 32x 1080p streams per card with AI-enabled video quality optimization

SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced the AMD Alveo™ MA35D media acce­le­ra­tor fea­turing two 5nm, ASIC-based video pro­ces­sing units (VPUs) sup­port­ing the AV1 com­pres­si­on stan­dard and pur­po­se-built to power a new era of live inter­ac­ti­ve strea­ming ser­vices at sca­le. With over 70% of the glo­bal video mar­ket being domi­na­ted by live con­tent1, a new class of low-laten­cy, high-volu­me inter­ac­ti­ve strea­ming appli­ca­ti­ons are emer­ging such as watch par­ties, live shop­ping, online auc­tions, and social streaming.

The Alveo MA35D media acce­le­ra­tor deli­vers the high chan­nel den­si­ty, with up to 32x 1080p60 streams per card, power effi­ci­en­cy and ultra-low-laten­cy per­for­mance cri­ti­cal to redu­cing the sky­ro­cke­ting infra­struc­tu­re cos­ts now requi­red for sca­ling such com­pu­te inten­si­ve con­tent deli­very. Com­pared to the pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on Alveo U30 media acce­le­ra­tor, the Alveo MA35D deli­vers up to 4x hig­her chan­nel den­si­ty2, 4x max lower laten­cy in 4K3 and 1.8x grea­ter com­pres­si­on effi­ci­en­cy4 to achie­ve the same VMAF score – a com­mon video qua­li­ty metric.  (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »