Schlagwort: Arc A-Series

Intel’s Discrete Mobile Graphics Family Arrives

For deca­des, Intel has been a cham­pi­on for PC plat­form inno­va­ti­on. We have deli­ver­ed gene­ra­ti­ons of CPUs that pro­vi­de the com­pu­ting hor­se­power for bil­li­ons of peo­p­le. We advan­ced con­nec­ti­vi­ty through fea­tures like USB, Thun­der­bolt™ and Wi-Fi. And in part­ner­ship with the PC eco­sys­tem, we deve­lo­ped the ground-brea­king PCI archi­tec­tu­re and the Intel® Evo™ plat­form, pushing the boun­da­ry for what mobi­le pro­ducts can do. 

Intel is uni­que­ly posi­tio­ned to deli­ver PC plat­form inno­va­tions that meet the ever-incre­asing com­pu­ting demands of pro­fes­sio­nals, con­su­mers, gamers and crea­tors around the world. Now, we take the next big step. 


Today, we are offi­ci­al­ly laun­ching our Intel® Arc™ gra­phics fami­ly for lap­tops, com­ple­ting the Intel plat­form. The­se are the first dis­crete GPUs from our Intel Arc A‑Series gra­phics port­fo­lio for lap­tops, with our desk­top and work­sta­tion pro­ducts coming later this year. You can visit our News­room for our launch video, pro­duct details and tech­ni­cal demos, but I will sum­ma­ri­ze the high­lights of how our Intel Arc plat­form and A‑Series mobi­le GPU fami­ly will deli­ver hard­ware, soft­ware, ser­vices and – ulti­m­ate­ly – high-per­for­mance gra­phics expe­ri­en­ces. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »