Schlagwort: Bosch

GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX RF Solution Provides the Basis for Next-Gen mmWave Automotive Radar

Next-gene­ra­ti­on auto radar tech­no­lo­gy, based on GF’s 22FDX RF solu­ti­on, will help make vehic­les smar­ter and roads even safer than today

San­ta Cla­ra, Calif., March 9, 2021 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES® (GF®), the glo­bal lea­der in spe­cial­ty semi­con­duc­tor manu­fac­tu­ring, and Bosch will part­ner to deve­lop and manu­fac­tu­re next-gene­ra­ti­on auto­mo­ti­ve radar technology.

Bosch cho­se GF as its part­ner to deve­lop a mmWa­ve auto­mo­ti­ve radar sys­tem-on-chip (SoC) for Advan­ced Dri­ver Assis­tance Sys­tems (ADAS) appli­ca­ti­ons, manu­fac­tu­red using GF’s 22FDXRF solu­ti­on. ADAS appli­ca­ti­ons help dri­vers stay safe by kee­ping a vehic­le in the cor­rect lane, war­ning of col­li­si­ons, initia­ting emer­gen­cy bra­king, assis­ting with par­king, and more. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »