Schlagwort: Combov2 PI

BIOSTAR 500 series motherboards with AGESA Combov2 PI BIOS update

Sep­tem­ber 11th, 2020, Tai­pei, Tai­wan – BIOSTAR, a lea­ding brand of mother­boards, gra­phics cards, and sto­rage devices, today announ­ces that their mother­boards are rea­dy to sup­port future Ryzen with AGESA Combov2 PI BIOS update.

With a wide list of sup­port­ing models, BIOSTAR con­su­mers can rest assu­red that their dreams of upgrading to the future Ryzen are ful­ly achie­va­ble. With a few easy steps to update the BIOS ver­si­on, users can enjoy the full bene­fits of the future Ryzen from their exis­ting BIOSTAR 500 series AM4 mother­boards. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »