Schlagwort: Google Cloud

AMD EPYC CPUs Now Power SAP Applications Hosted on Google Cloud

Cri­ti­cal SAP Busi­ness Suite workloads now run on AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor-powered Goog­le Cloud N2D offe­ring, deli­ve­ring impres­si­ve per­for­mance and ener­gy efficiency

SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced that SAP has cho­sen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor-powered Goog­le Cloud N2D vir­tu­al machi­nes (VMs) to run its cloud ERP deli­very ope­ra­ti­ons for RISE with SAP; fur­ther incre­asing adop­ti­on of AMD EPYC for cloud-based workloads. As enter­pri­ses look toward digi­tal moder­niza­ti­on, many are adop­ting cloud-first archi­tec­tures to com­ple­ment their on-pre­mi­ses data cen­ters. AMD, Goog­le Cloud and SAP can help cus­to­mers achie­ve their most strin­gent per­for­mance goals while deli­ve­ring on ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, sca­la­bi­li­ty and resour­ce uti­liza­ti­on needs.

AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors offer excep­tio­nal per­for­mance as well as robust secu­ri­ty fea­tures, and ener­gy effi­ci­ent solu­ti­ons for enter­pri­se workloads in the cloud. RISE with SAP helps maxi­mi­ze cus­to­mer invest­ments in cloud infra­struc­tu­re and, pai­red with AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors and Goog­le Cloud N2D VMs, aims to moder­ni­ze cus­to­mer data cen­ters and trans­form data into actionable insights, faster.

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Expands Confidential Computing Presence on Google Cloud

3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ processors enable enhanced security offerings for Google Cloud N2D and C2D VMs

SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced new Con­fi­den­ti­al vir­tu­al machi­nes (VMs) on the exis­ting the N2D and C2D VMs on Goog­le Cloud, all powered by AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors. The­se VMs extend the AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor port­fo­lio of Con­fi­den­ti­al Com­pu­ting on Goog­le Cloud with the per­for­mance of 3rd Gen EPYC pro­ces­sors in com­pu­te-opti­mi­zed VMs.

A key Con­fi­den­ti­al Com­pu­ting com­po­nent pro­vi­ded by AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors is AMD Secu­re Encrypt­ed Vir­tua­liza­ti­on (SEV), part of AMD Infi­ni­ty Guard. This advan­ced hard­ware-based secu­ri­ty fea­ture encrypts full sys­tem memo­ry and indi­vi­du­al vir­tu­al machi­ne memo­ry as well as iso­la­ting the VM memo­ry from the hyper­vi­sor, wit­hout dra­ma­ti­cal­ly impac­ting per­for­mance. With the expan­si­on of Con­fi­den­ti­al Com­pu­ting in N2D and C2D VMs, Goog­le Cloud cus­to­mers now have access to advan­ced hard­ware enab­led secu­ri­ty fea­tures powered by 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors that will help pro­tect sen­si­ti­ve, wide-varie­ty workloads.

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Google Cloud Chooses 3rd Gen AMD EPYC Processors to Power New Compute Focused Instance

SANTA CLARA, Calif. , Feb. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced that AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors will power the new C2D vir­tu­al machi­ne offe­ring from Goog­le Cloud, brin­ging cus­to­mers strong per­for­mance and com­pu­te power for high-per­for­mance (HPC) memo­ry-bound workloads in are­as like elec­tro­nic design auto­ma­ti­on (EDA) and com­pu­ta­tio­nal flu­id dyna­mics (CFD). This announce­ment con­ti­nues the momen­tum for AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors, mar­king the third fami­ly of ins­tances powered by 3rd Gen EPYC pro­ces­sors at Goog­le Cloud, joi­ning the T2D and N2D ins­tances. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

NVIDIA Ampere GPUs Come to Google Cloud at Speed of Light

Just weeks after launch, NVIDIA A100 GPUs land on Goog­le Com­pu­te Engi­ne. The NVIDIA A100 Ten­sor Core GPU has lan­ded on Goog­le Cloud. Available in alpha on Goog­le Com­pu­te Engi­ne just over a month after its intro­duc­tion, A100 has come to the cloud fas­ter than any NVIDIA GPU in histo­ry. Today’s intro­duc­tion of the Acce­­le­ra­­tor-Opti­­mi­­zed VM (A2) ins­tance (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD EPYC Cloud Adoption Grows with Google Cloud

New Goog­le Com­pu­te Engi­ne N2D vir­tu­al machi­nes (VMs) based on 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors pro­vi­de dou­ble digit savings and per­for­mance impro­ve­ments over exis­ting N‑series ins­tances SANTA CLARA, Calif., Feb. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) and Goog­le Cloud today announ­ced the beta avai­la­bi­li­ty of N2D VMs on Goog­le Com­pu­te Engi­ne powered by 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors. The N2D (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD EPYC processors come to Google—and to Google Cloud

Today we are plea­sed to announ­ce that we are using AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors for our inter­nal workloads and that they will soon be available to Goog­le Cloud cus­to­mers.  AMD and Goog­le have a long histo­ry of col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. Our “Mil­lionth Ser­ver,” built in 2008, was based on an AMD chip, and we are proud to be (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »