Schlagwort: Kreditrating

Moody’s announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

New York, Sep­tem­ber 21, 2020 — Moody’s Inves­tors Ser­vice (“Moody’s”) has com­ple­ted a peri­odic review of the ratings of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. and other ratings that are asso­cia­ted with the same ana­ly­ti­cal unit. The review was con­duc­ted through a port­fo­lio review in which Moody’s reas­ses­sed the appro­pria­ten­ess of the ratings in the con­text of the rele­vant prin­ci­pal methodology(ies), recent deve­lo­p­ments, and a com­pa­ri­son of the finan­cial and ope­ra­ting pro­fi­le to simi­lar­ly rated peers. The review did not invol­ve a rating com­mit­tee. Sin­ce 1 Janu­ary 2019, Moody’s prac­ti­ce has been to issue a press release fol­lo­wing each peri­odic review to announ­ce its com­ple­ti­on. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Schuldentilgung verhilft AMD zu verbessertem Kreditrating

Nach­dem AMD im ver­gan­ge­nen Jahr Schul­den in Höhe von 965 Mil­lio­nen US-Dol­lar abge­baut hat, wur­de das Kre­dit­ra­ting von der S&P Glo­bal Rating (Stan­dard and Poor’s) von BB- auf BB auf­ge­wer­tet. Aller­dings befin­det man sich damit immer noch im Bereich der spe­ku­la­ti­ven Anla­gen. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »