Schlagwort: Kreditrating
Moody’s announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
New York, September 21, 2020 — Moody’s Investors Service (“Moody’s”) has completed a periodic review of the ratings of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit. The review was conducted through a portfolio review in which Moody’s reassessed the appropriateness of the ratings in the context of the relevant principal methodology(ies), recent developments, and a comparison of the financial and operating profile to similarly rated peers. The review did not involve a rating committee. Since 1 January 2019, Moody’s practice has been to issue a press release following each periodic review to announce its completion. (…) Weiterlesen »
Schuldentilgung verhilft AMD zu verbessertem Kreditrating
Nachdem AMD im vergangenen Jahr Schulden in Höhe von 965 Millionen US-Dollar abgebaut hat, wurde das Kreditrating von der S&P Global Rating (Standard and Poor’s) von BB- auf BB aufgewertet. Allerdings befindet man sich damit immer noch im Bereich der spekulativen Anlagen. (…) Weiterlesen »