Schlagwort: MIT

MIT to name Building 12, home of MIT.nano, in honor of Lisa Su

Su is the first MIT alum­na to make a gift for a buil­ding that will bear her own name.

MIT Resour­ce Deve­lo­p­ment — April 7, 2022

Buil­ding 12, the home of MIT.nano, will soon be named in honor of Lisa T. Su ’90, SM ’91, PhD ’94, chief exe­cu­ti­ve offi­cer and chair of the Board of Direc­tors of AMD. Su is the first MIT alum­na to make a gift for a buil­ding that will bear her own name. 

Lisa Su led AMD to its stron­gest per­for­mance in the company’s more than 50-year histo­ry in 2021, brin­ging to mar­ket seve­ral lea­ding-edge tech­no­lo­gies. She pre­vious­ly ser­ved in mul­ti­ple roles at Frees­ca­le Semi­con­duc­tor Inc., IBM, and Texas Instruments.

Su ear­ned bachelor’s, master’s, and doc­to­ral degrees from MIT in elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring. She has recei­ved many honors inclu­ding two named for MIT alum­ni who were pio­neers in her indus­try: the Glo­bal Semi­con­duc­tor Association’s Dr. Mor­ris Chang Exem­pla­ry Lea­der­ship Award and the Robert N. Noy­ce Medal, the hig­hest honor award­ed by the Insti­tu­te of Elec­tri­cal and Elec­tro­nics Engi­neers. Su was the first woman ever to recei­ve the Noy­ce medal. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »