Schlagwort: Nutanix

The AMD EPYC™ Server Ecosystem Grows with New HCI Solutions From Nutanix and Other Partners Supporting “Work from Anywhere” Environment

AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor powered solu­ti­ons pro­vi­de lea­ding vir­tua­liza­ti­on per­for­mance and secu­ri­ty fea­tures for the modern data center

AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors with Nuta­nix Hybrid Cloud Infra­struc­tu­re deli­ver excep­tio­nal per­for­mance for the Mulit­cloud Era


AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced the con­tin­ued expan­si­on of the AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor eco­sys­tem for vir­tua­li­zed envi­ron­ments and hyper­con­ver­ged infra­struc­tu­re (HCI) with Leno­vo announ­cing the Thin­kA­gi­le HX, the latest solu­ti­on based on AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors and Nutanix’s hybrid cloud infra­struc­tu­re solu­ti­on. This new solu­ti­on expands the eco­sys­tem of AMD EPYC based cloud and vir­tua­li­zed solu­ti­ons. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »