Schlagwort: Outlook

Intel Provides Financial Update and Full-year Business Outlook

Expects Full-year 2021 Non-GAAP Reve­nue of $72 bil­li­on and Non-GAAP EPS of $4.55

SANTA CLARA, Calif., March 23, 2021 — Intel Cor­po­ra­ti­on today pro­vi­ded a finan­cial update and full-year 2021 busi­ness outlook.

The com­pa­ny expects to exceed its pre­vious­ly com­mu­ni­ca­ted first-quar­ter 2021 non-GAAP reve­nue and ear­nings-per-share (EPS) gui­dance, dri­ven by con­tin­ued strong note­book demand.

For the full year, Intel expects con­tin­ued strong PC demand with dou­ble-digit PC TAM per­cen­ta­ge growth. Intel cli­ent CPU sup­p­ly is also expec­ted to be up dou­ble-digits year-over-year. Howe­ver, PC reve­nue will be tem­pe­red by the indus­try-wide shorta­ge of cri­ti­cal third-par­ty com­pon­ents, such as sub­stra­tes, which the com­pa­ny is working with its sup­p­ly chain part­ners to miti­ga­te. Intel’s full-year busi­ness out­look also reflects enti­ty list uncer­tain­ty. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »